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In the Miracle of Salt, Naomi Duguid celebrates a necessity

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The Toronto-based writer and photographer offers countless reasons to celebrate an essential ingredient we now take for granted

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Our cookbook of the week is The Miracle of Salt by Naomi Duguid. To try a recipe from the book, check out: Salt-Preserved Lemons, Warming Bean Soup with Salt-Preserved Lemon and Miso, and Slow-Cooked Lamb Shoulder with Anchovies and Rosemary.

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For 240 weeks — four and a half years — artists Andrii Dostliev and Lia Dostlieva licked a tank-shaped salt lamp until it disappeared.

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The light was a souvenir shop purchase in Bakhmut, home to the largest salt fields in Ukraine. Salt lamps have long been a staple of the city’s souvenir trade. But after a Russian mercenary group occupied Bakhmut in 2014, makers started shaping them into tanks.

As Dostliev and Dostlieva licked, taking weekly photos of the lamp’s dissolution, an object of war became an object of art. Toronto-based writer Naomi Duguid was struck by their documentation of the “slow and quite painful process” — called “Licking War Wounds” — at a museum on a recent trip to Tbilisi, Georgia.

Whether Afghan war rugs or tank-shaped salt lamps, dealing with the trauma of conflict can take everyday forms. “Because it’s life and it’s intertwined,” says Duguid.

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In the case of the salt lamp, the material itself is essential for life. In her latest book, The Miracle of Salt (Artisan, 2022), Duguid offers countless reasons to celebrate a necessity we now take for granted.

Salt can be a tool of power and enrichment, Duguid explains. Such was the case for the Venetian Republic, which profited greatly from its trade. It can also be a measure of inequality: “them that has and them that has not.” The people in the hills who need salt and the people in the valley who have it. Or Britain’s salt tax in India, which forbade Indians from producing or selling it, resulting in Gandhi’s historic Salt March in 1930.

Stories of salt, Duguid adds, are everywhere.

The Miracle of Salt by Naomi Duguid
The Miracle of Salt is Toronto writer, photographer, traveller and home cook Naomi Duguid’s latest cookbook. Photo by Artisan Books

When Duguid first started considering salt as the subject of her next book in 2017, she was struck by its infiniteness. By chance, she had visited the Salinas de Añana in the Basque Country, which is 70 km south of Bilbao.

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“It’s so unexpected in its inlandness. (People think), ‘Salt, of course, it’s by the ocean.’ No,” says Duguid, laughing. (All salt originates in the sea, she explains, but in the case of the Añana salt flats, that sea existed 200 million years ago.)

“It was like, aha. This is going to be fun because whatever I find for myself, it’s going to be a fraction of what’s out there. But I get to have the pleasure of trying to cross connect and surprise myself, and hopefully surprise other people, with the infinite resourcefulness of humans over centuries, millennia, in figuring out how to get themselves this thing that they can’t survive without.”

In The Miracle of Salt, Duguid highlights the joy of making your own salt-preserved ingredients — such as cultured butter, cured pork belly, kimchi, miso and salted lemons — and the depth of flavour you can achieve in the dishes you make with them. But she also travels through time and space, tracing salt-making history and practices in places including Gujarat, India, Maras, Peru and Sijilmasa, Morocco.

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At the end of the book, she features information on salt chemistry, geography, harvesting techniques, archaeology and — in the vein of Dostliev and Dostlieva’s long-term performance — conceptual artist Elvira Santamaría’s “Salt Cartographies.”

It’s in the harvesting, especially in places where sunshine and fuel are scarce, that “incredible human ingenuity” can be seen, Duguid highlights. In Karelia, along the White Sea coast in the Russian Arctic, for example, the Pomors mitigated this scarcity by concentrating seawater before boiling it.

Salt is typically thought of as a product of evaporation and heat, but the Pomors used frigid temperatures to their advantage by freezing barrels of seawater.

As layers of freshwater ice formed on the surface of the barrels (fresh water freezes at higher temperatures, rising above the denser salt water), the Pomors discarded them until they had a concentrated brine. They then boiled it down to produce salt more quickly using less fuel.

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  1. Clockwise from top left: Salt-Preserved Lemons, Warming Bean Soup with Salt-Preserved Lemon and Miso, Salt-Preserved Lemons, and Slow-Cooked Lamb Shoulder with Anchovies and Rosemary from The Miracle of Salt.

    Cook this: Three recipes from The Miracle of Salt, including preserved lemons

  2. Chef, writer and photographer Hannah Che.

    Chef reveals the plant-based practices at the heart of Chinese cuisine

Though Duguid hasn’t been to the White Sea coast, she felt compelled to include the salt-making practices of the Pomors. “I’m always interested in those details because they’re the things that make it alive.”

In this way, researching the book was a new experience for Duguid. As with her previous works — most recently, Taste of Persia (2016) and Burma (2012) — there was travel involved, but she also relied on written materials.

From older cookbooks such as Jane Grigson’s Charcuterie (1967) and Catharine Parr Traill’s The Female Emigrant’s Guide (1855) to salt archaeology research, papers on the salt trade in the Sahara and food historian Sally Grainger’s exploration of garum, Duguid drew on the past to illustrate the many ways salt-preserved ingredients can reinvigorate cooking today.

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“Some people like bedtime stories,” says Duguid, laughing. “But I find all that stuff really transporting.”

As she started developing recipes, Duguid soon realized that “a book about salt is inevitably also a book about fermentation.” She divided The Miracle of Salt into two parts. The first, “The Salt Larder,” features recipes for salt-preserved ingredients. The second, “From Larder to Table,” shows their versatility as they’re put to varied use.

While these preserved foods are not necessarily all salty, they are flavour-laden. “Salt is not the point of it,” says Duguid. “Salt is the tool of it.”

It’s always helpful to all of us to have a bit of a sense of wonder about things we take for granted.

Some salt-preserved ingredients, such as fish sauce (a “love affair”), have long been a line through her food. As much as she appreciates sauerkraut and salted meat, though, Duguid hadn’t made her own before writing The Miracle of Salt.

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Similar to the intimidation she felt at the prospect of making pastry before writing Home Baking (with Jeffrey Alford, 2003), she had placed certain salt-preserved foods in the “other people can make it” category. Once she tried, she realized it wasn’t an inherent gift.

“You can actually do it,” says Duguid. “So, the delight of that. And then the thing of knowing that I made it. Not in the sense of chest thumping, but I know where these ingredients came from. It isn’t just in a jar with some extra sodium benzoate or something to make it shelf stable. It’s actually my sauerkraut.”

As infinite as Duguid found the subject of salt to be, so too are the possibilities of salt-preserved foods. Filling her larder with jars of condiments has changed her cooking, and she wants the same for her readers.

Black bean sauce, for example, takes less than half an hour to make, will keep in the fridge for months and transforms all manner of dishes.

“It’s an invitation for people to play and explore. And I hope they do,” says Duguid.

“It’s always helpful to all of us to have a bit of a sense of wonder about things we take for granted,” she adds. “I love it when books do that to me. Then we expand and we start noticing. We see things that we’ve walked by a million times.”

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The Toronto-based writer and photographer offers countless reasons to celebrate an essential ingredient we now take for granted

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Our cookbook of the week is The Miracle of Salt by Naomi Duguid. To try a recipe from the book, check out: Salt-Preserved Lemons, Warming Bean Soup with Salt-Preserved Lemon and Miso, and Slow-Cooked Lamb Shoulder with Anchovies and Rosemary.

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For 240 weeks — four and a half years — artists Andrii Dostliev and Lia Dostlieva licked a tank-shaped salt lamp until it disappeared.

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The light was a souvenir shop purchase in Bakhmut, home to the largest salt fields in Ukraine. Salt lamps have long been a staple of the city’s souvenir trade. But after a Russian mercenary group occupied Bakhmut in 2014, makers started shaping them into tanks.

As Dostliev and Dostlieva licked, taking weekly photos of the lamp’s dissolution, an object of war became an object of art. Toronto-based writer Naomi Duguid was struck by their documentation of the “slow and quite painful process” — called “Licking War Wounds” — at a museum on a recent trip to Tbilisi, Georgia.

Whether Afghan war rugs or tank-shaped salt lamps, dealing with the trauma of conflict can take everyday forms. “Because it’s life and it’s intertwined,” says Duguid.

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In the case of the salt lamp, the material itself is essential for life. In her latest book, The Miracle of Salt (Artisan, 2022), Duguid offers countless reasons to celebrate a necessity we now take for granted.

Salt can be a tool of power and enrichment, Duguid explains. Such was the case for the Venetian Republic, which profited greatly from its trade. It can also be a measure of inequality: “them that has and them that has not.” The people in the hills who need salt and the people in the valley who have it. Or Britain’s salt tax in India, which forbade Indians from producing or selling it, resulting in Gandhi’s historic Salt March in 1930.

Stories of salt, Duguid adds, are everywhere.

The Miracle of Salt by Naomi Duguid
The Miracle of Salt is Toronto writer, photographer, traveller and home cook Naomi Duguid’s latest cookbook. Photo by Artisan Books

When Duguid first started considering salt as the subject of her next book in 2017, she was struck by its infiniteness. By chance, she had visited the Salinas de Añana in the Basque Country, which is 70 km south of Bilbao.

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“It’s so unexpected in its inlandness. (People think), ‘Salt, of course, it’s by the ocean.’ No,” says Duguid, laughing. (All salt originates in the sea, she explains, but in the case of the Añana salt flats, that sea existed 200 million years ago.)

“It was like, aha. This is going to be fun because whatever I find for myself, it’s going to be a fraction of what’s out there. But I get to have the pleasure of trying to cross connect and surprise myself, and hopefully surprise other people, with the infinite resourcefulness of humans over centuries, millennia, in figuring out how to get themselves this thing that they can’t survive without.”

In The Miracle of Salt, Duguid highlights the joy of making your own salt-preserved ingredients — such as cultured butter, cured pork belly, kimchi, miso and salted lemons — and the depth of flavour you can achieve in the dishes you make with them. But she also travels through time and space, tracing salt-making history and practices in places including Gujarat, India, Maras, Peru and Sijilmasa, Morocco.

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At the end of the book, she features information on salt chemistry, geography, harvesting techniques, archaeology and — in the vein of Dostliev and Dostlieva’s long-term performance — conceptual artist Elvira Santamaría’s “Salt Cartographies.”

It’s in the harvesting, especially in places where sunshine and fuel are scarce, that “incredible human ingenuity” can be seen, Duguid highlights. In Karelia, along the White Sea coast in the Russian Arctic, for example, the Pomors mitigated this scarcity by concentrating seawater before boiling it.

Salt is typically thought of as a product of evaporation and heat, but the Pomors used frigid temperatures to their advantage by freezing barrels of seawater.

As layers of freshwater ice formed on the surface of the barrels (fresh water freezes at higher temperatures, rising above the denser salt water), the Pomors discarded them until they had a concentrated brine. They then boiled it down to produce salt more quickly using less fuel.

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  1. Clockwise from top left: Salt-Preserved Lemons, Warming Bean Soup with Salt-Preserved Lemon and Miso, Salt-Preserved Lemons, and Slow-Cooked Lamb Shoulder with Anchovies and Rosemary from The Miracle of Salt.

    Cook this: Three recipes from The Miracle of Salt, including preserved lemons

  2. Chef, writer and photographer Hannah Che.

    Chef reveals the plant-based practices at the heart of Chinese cuisine

Though Duguid hasn’t been to the White Sea coast, she felt compelled to include the salt-making practices of the Pomors. “I’m always interested in those details because they’re the things that make it alive.”

In this way, researching the book was a new experience for Duguid. As with her previous works — most recently, Taste of Persia (2016) and Burma (2012) — there was travel involved, but she also relied on written materials.

From older cookbooks such as Jane Grigson’s Charcuterie (1967) and Catharine Parr Traill’s The Female Emigrant’s Guide (1855) to salt archaeology research, papers on the salt trade in the Sahara and food historian Sally Grainger’s exploration of garum, Duguid drew on the past to illustrate the many ways salt-preserved ingredients can reinvigorate cooking today.

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“Some people like bedtime stories,” says Duguid, laughing. “But I find all that stuff really transporting.”

As she started developing recipes, Duguid soon realized that “a book about salt is inevitably also a book about fermentation.” She divided The Miracle of Salt into two parts. The first, “The Salt Larder,” features recipes for salt-preserved ingredients. The second, “From Larder to Table,” shows their versatility as they’re put to varied use.

While these preserved foods are not necessarily all salty, they are flavour-laden. “Salt is not the point of it,” says Duguid. “Salt is the tool of it.”

It’s always helpful to all of us to have a bit of a sense of wonder about things we take for granted.

Some salt-preserved ingredients, such as fish sauce (a “love affair”), have long been a line through her food. As much as she appreciates sauerkraut and salted meat, though, Duguid hadn’t made her own before writing The Miracle of Salt.

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Similar to the intimidation she felt at the prospect of making pastry before writing Home Baking (with Jeffrey Alford, 2003), she had placed certain salt-preserved foods in the “other people can make it” category. Once she tried, she realized it wasn’t an inherent gift.

“You can actually do it,” says Duguid. “So, the delight of that. And then the thing of knowing that I made it. Not in the sense of chest thumping, but I know where these ingredients came from. It isn’t just in a jar with some extra sodium benzoate or something to make it shelf stable. It’s actually my sauerkraut.”

As infinite as Duguid found the subject of salt to be, so too are the possibilities of salt-preserved foods. Filling her larder with jars of condiments has changed her cooking, and she wants the same for her readers.

Black bean sauce, for example, takes less than half an hour to make, will keep in the fridge for months and transforms all manner of dishes.

“It’s an invitation for people to play and explore. And I hope they do,” says Duguid.

“It’s always helpful to all of us to have a bit of a sense of wonder about things we take for granted,” she adds. “I love it when books do that to me. Then we expand and we start noticing. We see things that we’ve walked by a million times.”

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