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Glenda Jackson answers your questions: ‘I think that’s a gross insult about politicians and actors, frankly’ | Film

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With a career like yours, people assume success must have come quickly. Were there times when you struggled to find work as an actor? galactichero

Oh, absolutely. I had left school and was working for Boots, and joined an amateur group in my home town. Someone suggested I go to drama school and, as I’d got bored with working in a shop, I thought: “Oh right, I’ll have a go.” And I got a place. With the help of one of the managers from Boots, I got funding to go to Rada [the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art] from Cheshire county council. After I left drama school, I got a job immediately, doing two or three plays in rep at Worthing and then Crewe.

Then I had almost three years with no job at all. Mind you, I did a wide variety of other jobs. By that time I was married and we were living in Swiss Cottage [London], so I did anything I could get that earned me a bit of money. I worked in shops. I had an office job – I got fired from that, can’t think why. I’ve been very lucky in the parts I’ve had the opportunity to do, and the people I’ve worked with. When the job is over, I have always firmly believed that I would never work again and that sensation doesn’t go away.

All the world’s a stage and political actors are some of the most untalented thespians out there. How does an accomplished, intelligent, worldly-wise woman such as you cope with them? acwinterburn

I think that’s a gross insult about politicians and actors, frankly.

You cavorted naked in a railway carriage in 1971’s The Music Lovers, and were shadow transport secretary under Tony Blair. Did the first role help prepare for the second? cavecanem

No. Not at all. I remember filming that scene distinctly. The railway carriage set was rocked backwards and forwards, and luggage fell out of the racks on top of me. I can still hear [director] Ken [Russell] saying: “Oh, she’s fine. She’s not bruised. Come on, get her up.” There were about three separate minor accidents, all of which were treated not as doing harm to me, but a delay to the actual making of the film.

Glenda, which is most fake – Tinseltown or parliament? Micktrick

Neither of them are games. They are both for real. In a way, that’s a compliment to actors and politicians as well as being an insult.

‘I have huge admiration for her’ … Jackson (left) and Vanessa Redgrave in Mary, Queen of Scots Photograph: Everett Collection/Alamy

How was your relationship with Vanessa Redgrave during the making of Mary, Queen of Scots? Was there an element of professional rivalry and does it enhance a performance when you play antagonists like Mary and Elizabeth? Wallace85

We actually had very few scenes together, which was a big disappointment because I had – and still do have – huge admiration for her. But her political view was entirely different to mine. So when she made various suggestions, I found all that somewhat … well, I wouldn’t say difficult, but of course it was a privilege to work with her.

Your breakthrough in 1969’s Women in Love dramatised a society where traditional gender roles and expectations were breaking down. Now, it feels like we are going backwards, if anything … Are women still chopping themselves down to fit the world? wifinomad

I don’t think in essence, when you’re talking to a woman in this profession, that is true. And the age cutoff for women still tends to be somewhat young. As it has been my experience my entire life, I won’t say that I’ve become inured to it. It’s something that one expects and unfortunately our expectations are usually met.

Jackson when she was MP for Hampstead and Highgate with Labour leader Tony Blair in 1997, a few months before he was elected prime minister.
Jackson when she was MP for Hampstead and Highgate with Labour leader Tony Blair in 1997, a few months before he was elected prime minister. Photograph: Sean Dempsey/PA

What made you want to get into politics? mrblancmange

I’d been doing a fair bit, while still acting, for the Labour party. There had been a couple of requests asking me to stand. We’d had Thatcher, so I said yes, never thinking I would actually be elected. I honestly don’t know if I would have done anything differently because it’s something you learn while you’re having to do it. I think it’s marvellous that there are more female faces these days. They are all much younger now than when I was first elected in 1992. But don’t get me started on what I think about the present government, please.

Considering how Brexit has changed politics in the UK, how does the current culture in parliament compare to when you were an MP? IscoBusquet

Oh, it has changed dramatically, because the electorate itself has changed dramatically. The view of what is acceptable as far as politics is concerned has become much more individually realised. Experiences on an individual level have engaged far more people than when I first had the right to vote. I think there is a genuine realisation of what it is to be a human being in political terms. And that’s a great advance.

Do you send Tony Blair a Christmas card? FowerCloud

I wouldn’t send him anything!

Jackson dressed in Cleopatra outfit with thigh-high slit, holding a bunch of grapes for Eric Morecambe
‘What a treat to work with those two!’ Jackson with Eric Morecambe (seated) and Ernie Wise. Photograph: Phillip Jackson/ANL/Shutterstock

It’s never Christmas until I’ve seen the Morecambe and Wise Cleopatra sketch. Was it as much fun to do as it still is to watch? Do you prefer playing straight/classical drama or comedy? Mattyjj and JFBridge

I mean, what a treat to work with those two because they were so professional; they worked so hard and expected you to do the same. It was just a privilege. Do I have any particular memories? My own difficulty not laughing during the takes. Comedy is much harder. Making people laugh is very hard to do well.

What is the most disgraceful thing you can now own up to? BustaBates

The most disgraceful thing? I’m a bit spoilt for choice there!

Eileen Atkins lost out to you in an audition for [theatre director] Peter Brook. She tells the story in her 2021 autobiography Will She Do? of Brook asking you both to take your clothes off, your doing so immediately and Atkins thinking she’d misheard, and Brook then saying: “That is why I’m taking Glenda instead of you. You tend to question things and I want obedience.” Should student actors today be trained for obedience? thesighman

I have no recollection of that happening. But I was always obedient to instructions. I accept that totally. If it was a director you trusted or you really needed the job, you’d do whatever was asked of you – up to a limit.

Are there any directors you’d like to have worked with, but didn’t? Hooplehead1967

I’m pretty sure there were. But my memory of films goes back a long way – way before I began to work myself. So don’t ask me to name them because I can’t think of them.

Do you support a football team? Davidhuse

No. Well, I suppose I do really. I was born in Birkenhead. Whenever I’m asked if I support a football team, I always say … what’s the team out of Birkenhead? Tranmere Rovers. When did I last go to a Tranmere Rovers game? I’ve never seen them play. Where are they in the league? No idea whatsoever. Do I know what colour they play in? No.

Oliver Reed chases after Glenda Jackson in Women in Love
Jackson and Oliver Reed in Women in Love. Photograph: Pictorial Press Ltd/Alamy

What was it like working with Oliver Reed? navvee

I don’t think it was a great meeting of minds. Even though he was sometimes difficult, that never intervened in the work. You were never quite sure how he would be, physically. But even when he’d have too much to drink, he was always very professional when it came to actually doing the takes.

In which career do you think you did the most lasting good: politics or acting? davidabsalom

How could you define that? I was re-elected – 23 years in parliament? Looking back at my films, some did really surprisingly well, and some that I thought were really remarkable didn’t do so well. So perhaps that’s just my lack of taste.

Would you describe yourself as happy and purpose-driven, and if so, what is the secret to your happiness and vitality? IgnacioJReilly

You tell me!

During your time in Westminster, did you ever see a play or a movie and think: “That’s such a great part, I wish I could play it?” CraigR

You know, I don’t think I ever went to the theatre or the cinema during the whole time I was a member of parliament. I’m sure I must have seen films on the telly, but I have no memory of going to a cinema and certainly not a theatre, because you worked such long hours. Do I go to the theatre and cinema now? No. There’s a difference between going to the theatre to be entertained and actually working in it. What do I think about the upcoming Glenda Jackson series at the BFI? I’m amazed there are so many films! What happens if I’m watching telly and one of my old films comes on? Well, they tend to do shows my old films rather late in the evening. So I’m probably in bed and hopefully asleep.

Glenda Jackson: The Art of Conviction is at BFI Southbank, London, from 2-31 July. Mary, Queen of Scots is released on BFI Blu-ray 11 July.

With a career like yours, people assume success must have come quickly. Were there times when you struggled to find work as an actor? galactichero

Oh, absolutely. I had left school and was working for Boots, and joined an amateur group in my home town. Someone suggested I go to drama school and, as I’d got bored with working in a shop, I thought: “Oh right, I’ll have a go.” And I got a place. With the help of one of the managers from Boots, I got funding to go to Rada [the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art] from Cheshire county council. After I left drama school, I got a job immediately, doing two or three plays in rep at Worthing and then Crewe.

Then I had almost three years with no job at all. Mind you, I did a wide variety of other jobs. By that time I was married and we were living in Swiss Cottage [London], so I did anything I could get that earned me a bit of money. I worked in shops. I had an office job – I got fired from that, can’t think why. I’ve been very lucky in the parts I’ve had the opportunity to do, and the people I’ve worked with. When the job is over, I have always firmly believed that I would never work again and that sensation doesn’t go away.

All the world’s a stage and political actors are some of the most untalented thespians out there. How does an accomplished, intelligent, worldly-wise woman such as you cope with them? acwinterburn

I think that’s a gross insult about politicians and actors, frankly.

You cavorted naked in a railway carriage in 1971’s The Music Lovers, and were shadow transport secretary under Tony Blair. Did the first role help prepare for the second? cavecanem

No. Not at all. I remember filming that scene distinctly. The railway carriage set was rocked backwards and forwards, and luggage fell out of the racks on top of me. I can still hear [director] Ken [Russell] saying: “Oh, she’s fine. She’s not bruised. Come on, get her up.” There were about three separate minor accidents, all of which were treated not as doing harm to me, but a delay to the actual making of the film.

Glenda, which is most fake – Tinseltown or parliament? Micktrick

Neither of them are games. They are both for real. In a way, that’s a compliment to actors and politicians as well as being an insult.

Glenda Jackson (left) and Vanessa Redgrave ride horses in Mary, Queen of Scots
‘I have huge admiration for her’ … Jackson (left) and Vanessa Redgrave in Mary, Queen of Scots Photograph: Everett Collection/Alamy

How was your relationship with Vanessa Redgrave during the making of Mary, Queen of Scots? Was there an element of professional rivalry and does it enhance a performance when you play antagonists like Mary and Elizabeth? Wallace85

We actually had very few scenes together, which was a big disappointment because I had – and still do have – huge admiration for her. But her political view was entirely different to mine. So when she made various suggestions, I found all that somewhat … well, I wouldn’t say difficult, but of course it was a privilege to work with her.

Your breakthrough in 1969’s Women in Love dramatised a society where traditional gender roles and expectations were breaking down. Now, it feels like we are going backwards, if anything … Are women still chopping themselves down to fit the world? wifinomad

I don’t think in essence, when you’re talking to a woman in this profession, that is true. And the age cutoff for women still tends to be somewhat young. As it has been my experience my entire life, I won’t say that I’ve become inured to it. It’s something that one expects and unfortunately our expectations are usually met.

Jackson when she was MP for Hampstead and Highgate with Labour leader Tony Blair in 1997, a few months before he was elected prime minister.
Jackson when she was MP for Hampstead and Highgate with Labour leader Tony Blair in 1997, a few months before he was elected prime minister. Photograph: Sean Dempsey/PA

What made you want to get into politics? mrblancmange

I’d been doing a fair bit, while still acting, for the Labour party. There had been a couple of requests asking me to stand. We’d had Thatcher, so I said yes, never thinking I would actually be elected. I honestly don’t know if I would have done anything differently because it’s something you learn while you’re having to do it. I think it’s marvellous that there are more female faces these days. They are all much younger now than when I was first elected in 1992. But don’t get me started on what I think about the present government, please.

Considering how Brexit has changed politics in the UK, how does the current culture in parliament compare to when you were an MP? IscoBusquet

Oh, it has changed dramatically, because the electorate itself has changed dramatically. The view of what is acceptable as far as politics is concerned has become much more individually realised. Experiences on an individual level have engaged far more people than when I first had the right to vote. I think there is a genuine realisation of what it is to be a human being in political terms. And that’s a great advance.

Do you send Tony Blair a Christmas card? FowerCloud

I wouldn’t send him anything!

Jackson dressed in Cleopatra outfit with thigh-high slit, holding a bunch of grapes for Eric Morecambe
‘What a treat to work with those two!’ Jackson with Eric Morecambe (seated) and Ernie Wise. Photograph: Phillip Jackson/ANL/Shutterstock

It’s never Christmas until I’ve seen the Morecambe and Wise Cleopatra sketch. Was it as much fun to do as it still is to watch? Do you prefer playing straight/classical drama or comedy? Mattyjj and JFBridge

I mean, what a treat to work with those two because they were so professional; they worked so hard and expected you to do the same. It was just a privilege. Do I have any particular memories? My own difficulty not laughing during the takes. Comedy is much harder. Making people laugh is very hard to do well.

What is the most disgraceful thing you can now own up to? BustaBates

The most disgraceful thing? I’m a bit spoilt for choice there!

Eileen Atkins lost out to you in an audition for [theatre director] Peter Brook. She tells the story in her 2021 autobiography Will She Do? of Brook asking you both to take your clothes off, your doing so immediately and Atkins thinking she’d misheard, and Brook then saying: “That is why I’m taking Glenda instead of you. You tend to question things and I want obedience.” Should student actors today be trained for obedience? thesighman

I have no recollection of that happening. But I was always obedient to instructions. I accept that totally. If it was a director you trusted or you really needed the job, you’d do whatever was asked of you – up to a limit.

Are there any directors you’d like to have worked with, but didn’t? Hooplehead1967

I’m pretty sure there were. But my memory of films goes back a long way – way before I began to work myself. So don’t ask me to name them because I can’t think of them.

Do you support a football team? Davidhuse

No. Well, I suppose I do really. I was born in Birkenhead. Whenever I’m asked if I support a football team, I always say … what’s the team out of Birkenhead? Tranmere Rovers. When did I last go to a Tranmere Rovers game? I’ve never seen them play. Where are they in the league? No idea whatsoever. Do I know what colour they play in? No.

Oliver Reed chases after Glenda Jackson in Women in Love
Jackson and Oliver Reed in Women in Love. Photograph: Pictorial Press Ltd/Alamy

What was it like working with Oliver Reed? navvee

I don’t think it was a great meeting of minds. Even though he was sometimes difficult, that never intervened in the work. You were never quite sure how he would be, physically. But even when he’d have too much to drink, he was always very professional when it came to actually doing the takes.

In which career do you think you did the most lasting good: politics or acting? davidabsalom

How could you define that? I was re-elected – 23 years in parliament? Looking back at my films, some did really surprisingly well, and some that I thought were really remarkable didn’t do so well. So perhaps that’s just my lack of taste.

Would you describe yourself as happy and purpose-driven, and if so, what is the secret to your happiness and vitality? IgnacioJReilly

You tell me!

During your time in Westminster, did you ever see a play or a movie and think: “That’s such a great part, I wish I could play it?” CraigR

You know, I don’t think I ever went to the theatre or the cinema during the whole time I was a member of parliament. I’m sure I must have seen films on the telly, but I have no memory of going to a cinema and certainly not a theatre, because you worked such long hours. Do I go to the theatre and cinema now? No. There’s a difference between going to the theatre to be entertained and actually working in it. What do I think about the upcoming Glenda Jackson series at the BFI? I’m amazed there are so many films! What happens if I’m watching telly and one of my old films comes on? Well, they tend to do shows my old films rather late in the evening. So I’m probably in bed and hopefully asleep.

Glenda Jackson: The Art of Conviction is at BFI Southbank, London, from 2-31 July. Mary, Queen of Scots is released on BFI Blu-ray 11 July.


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