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“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers)

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The reality is that it is impossible to live ‘perfectly’ (whatever that might mean). All of us mess up. No matter who we are and how talented we might be, sooner or later we all do something we regret. In fact, you could even argue that life is all about making mistakes and then learning from them. It’s a core part of learning and growth.

However, if we obsess about our imperfections and past mistakes, this can eat away at us, affecting our health, relationships, and careers. The healthy and mature thing is to embrace what’s happened and then make better decisions in the future.  

Being too shy.

To anyone younger reading this, TAKE RISKS! Ask that person out. Go to that local event you’ve been eyeing. Strike up a conversation with a cool-looking stranger. Get up on stage at a karaoke night. Volunteer. Join a club.

Life is not a movie and there is no magical special person that will notice you and come pull you into the light. You have to do that yourself.

SapphireEcho , Pragyan Bezbaruah / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) I spent the entirety gripped by an eating disorder.

Obsessed with food, weight – in and out of hospital, harming organs, teeth, mental health.

Such a waste of a prime decade. Wish I could turn back time.

Pale_Net8318 , Alena Darmel / Pexels Report

What feels like ‘wasting’ your 20s is a very subjective thing. Some folks might regret getting married ‘too young,’ while others absolutely love having started a family. Some young professionals wish that they’d have spent more time with family instead of overtime at the office. Meanwhile, others are proud that they had the discipline to become skilled in a path that they see as their calling.

What’s a regret for one individual might be a badge of honor for someone else. But the grass is greener on the other side. We tend to envy what others have, thinking that life would be easier if we had this or that. The fact of the matter is there’s no such thing as a problem-free life. Making one decision means that you let go of others. If you could relive your 20s, you might have very different regrets after the second time around.

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Your 20s are about finding out who you are. Nothing is wasted.

I used to think time playing videogames was wasted…. But when I quit for a while I missed my friends, and I missed my instant stress outlet.

I used to think I wasted money…. But I had a hell of a good time.

I used to think I got a late start on my career from fumbling around…. But I got a new career at 35 that owed in part to my varied background, and I’ve been progressing through for over a decade.

In short, none is wasted. Live every day like it is an opportunity.

bad_robot_monkey , Bayu jefri / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Fighting endless wars, Somalia, Afganistan, Iraq, Syria, and everywhere else around the world. Wasted my 20s, all my 30s and half my 40’s fighting. For what you ask? I have no idea now.

mario9577 , Specna Arms / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Thing about your twenties is, no matter how you spent it, you’ll wonder about the other path.

Party, get wasted, spend everything you earn travelling the world, you’ll wish you’d been more studious and built better foundations.

Study hard, work diligently, build good foundations, you’ll wish you’d partied and had more fun like the others did.

randomusername_815 , Wendy Wei / Pexels Report

There’s no definitive magical formula for living a good life. However, there are a few key things we can do. First of all, you want to make sure that you have strong relationships with the people you care about. This can be your family, friends, coworkers, or anyone else who has a positive impact on how you feel. 

Secondly, you want to ensure that you’re doing whatever you can to take care of your physical and mental health. That means staying away from harmful habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating processed food, etc.) and embracing positive ones (exercise, healthy eating, socializing, engaging in pastimes you love, meditating, etc.). 

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Depression is a b***h. I have vague memories of my childhood. I have good memories of the past couple of years.

I don’t remember a thing of the years between 18-25. I just sat at home, played some games, eat, sleep and just.. existed without anything significant happening at all.

EDIT: Since alot of you are asking how I came out of it, I’d like to shamelessly copy + paste a comment I wrote earlier. So here’s my advice:

Pick something you want to do, and go do it.

You’re probably already at one of your lowest point in your life, it’s not like it’ll get much worse.

Want to learn the piano? Why not, atleast it’ll be good distraction for a while.
Want to do sports? Sure! At worst, your physical condition will improve.
Want to travel? Grab a backpack and go somewhere.
Want to punch a shark in the face? Where the nearest ocean at?

Who knows, maybe by the end of your lil bucketlist, you’ll learn to love life again. Or maybe not, but atleast you can tell people you’ve punched a shark, which is kinda cool ngl.

For me personally, I always wanted to learn cooking. Taught myself how to cook, then did some volunteering work cooking for elderly people. Opportunities came, and stuff happened, and right now I’m working full time as a chef, about to start school again to get my diplomas, and I’m doing great.

You never know what might happen along the way, but nothing will start if you don’t do something, no matter how small it might be.

EDIT 2: It has come to my attention that punching sharks is a big no-no, and I profusely apologize. Dolphins, Barracuda’s and Triggerfish are a-okay appearantly, so punch away!.

Xeavor , MART PRODUCTION / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Far too much time spent on my career and not nearly enough on friends and family. Can’t say it wasn’t financially rewarding, but I’d give that all up for more time with friends and family who have since died.

anon , Ron Lach / Pexels Report

With that foundation in mind, think about what you truly want out of life. Then, try to find the courage to take one small step toward your goals every single day. You can’t imagine how quickly you can make progress this way.

All that said, your 20s aren’t your entire life. It is perfectly possible to have an amazing life even if your youth didn’t turn out exactly as you wished it would. 

What regrets do you have about your lives, dear Pandas? What advice would you give anyone who’s just entering their 20s? Would you want to relive your youth and do things differently if you stumbled across a time machine? Let us know in the comments.

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) For me, it was too much ambition early on in life, and then by the time my 20s came around, I became very disillusioned. I felt like life was mundane, and nothing brought joy to me anymore, so I hardly did anything. Literally wasted a bunch of time doing nothing.

FrederickDerGrossen , nappy / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Drinking heavily. Heeeavily. Will never get those years back.

Thankfully, I realized while I couldn’t go back and change the start, I could decide to change the ending. Ten years sober this month.

To anyone else struggling or in recovery. There is help. There are people who will help. The thing that dawned on me is that I was despairing for the future because I thought it would always suck. But my drinking was also making it suck. I decided I had no right blaming the world for a terrible future if I also contributed to make the future terrible. So I decided to do everything I could to make it good. And then when it still was terrible, THEN I could hate the world. Funnily enough… The future got better, and I didn’t need to hate/blame the world OR myself.

StAliaTheAbomination , Isabella Mendes / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Being scared of people and letting people take advantage of me. People would borrow what little money I had, with and without permission and never pay me back.

anon , Karolina Grabowska / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) By getting fat and then getting so depressed by that that i effectively cut myself out of everyone’s lives cause i was too embarrassed to be seen by old flames, friends, or people who knew me a certain way.

do not recommend.

spoonplaysgames , Towfiqu barbhuiya / Pexels Report

I think a lot of people need to see this:

Between 20-29 I did the following:

Met a girl, married said girl. Got the job I wanted my whole life. Bought a house. Got 3 cats and two dogs. Had 2 kids. Bought a new car then a new truxk. Moved with my job and bought a bigger house. and specialized in the area I wanted to. Went to the arctic. Traveled to parts of the world I wanted to. Climbed some mountains. Started learning a new language. Made friends, lost friends, seen friends get married.

And I still feel like I wasted my 20s. So don’t have any regrets. The fact that you’re alive at the age you are is awesome. Living life and experiencing joy is the point of life. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re great.

angryrubberduck Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Im 28 and I’ve done nothing. no trips, haven’t seen any music live, mever go out. all i do is work and sleep. like today for example, all i did was work and now im going to sleep soon so i can do the same thing tomorrow. honestly i hate life. I’ve had a total of 6 days vacation since i turned 20. i got a zoo pass 2 years ago and that’s the high light of my 20s so far.

Shoddy_example5020 , Matheus Natan / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Didn’t really have a game plan for making a living, and waited too long to figure one out. Also was too caught up in my feelings to act on a lot of good dating options I didn’t realize I had, which would have been fun.

Things worked out great anyways, but still.

Purples_A_Fruit , Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) College.

I applied for tons of internships but never got my foot in the door anywhere. I had good grades but there’s always someone better. It seriously feels as if no human has ever seen any of my applications because I never heard anything back. It’s as if I don’t exist.

I spent just about everything on the courses and textbooks and software… I never got to use any of what I learned.

Now, years later, nearly everything I learned is obsolete. Every job application remains unread. I have nothing to show for my hard work except a lot of pain.

uwillnotgotospace , Gül Işık / Pexels Report

Wasted it having an eating disorder and worrying too much about my body and what other people thought. Tons of therapy later and things are way better. I don’t give two f***s about wearing my robe into the gas station to get my coffee.

Longjumping-Canary22 Report

Kids and marriage. Had my first at 19, second at 21, married at 20. I get to enjoy my 40s without kids, im only 5 years away from my first being 18, but 40s vs 20s.

Aware_Statement_205 Report

I was in a cult from the time I was 16 – 28. I grieve for that time I missed when I should have been doing dumb s**t with friends and traveling. Thankfully I was able to maintain a fair amount of my relationships outside the cult because that was a non negotiable for me. I’ve renewed those friendships and made them stronger. Enjoy my 30s being free.

KingSam89 Report

I was in the closet until I was 28 because I grew up in a conservative environment and it took me until my mid 20s to accept my gayness and start to get over my internalized homophobia that came from growing up in a conservative environment. And the fear, from growing up in a conservative environment, of being rejected by friends and family kept me in the closet.

Wadsworth1954 Report

Religion. Horrible way to waste a life, and one of my deepest regrets. Life is a billion times better now that I’m out.

Loose_Voice_215 Report

Seeing myself thru the unhealed pain of others instead of being proud of the bad**s girl I was.

blissfullyaware82 Report

Treating the love of my life all wrong because I thought I was all right.

fslashd Report

Multiple disabilities.

Most of them went away when I found out at age 32 that I was iron deficient.

314159265358979326 Report

Not quite out of my 20s yet but…. I decided it would be better to get experience with “real people” doing “real jobs” than go to college. Realized I am in no way above a hard days work or menial labor but I am ffing bad at it. Now I realize how dumb I was, and college wasn’t just ‘something to do’ it was my way out of being unskilled replaceable ‘meat’ until Im old and broken.

Eight216 Report

Spent too much time watching tv/movies and hanging out with myself alone. Spent too much time and money on alcohol in my late 20s. Oh and watching way too much p**n.

sn1per50MT Report

Being too poor.

On top of that, being too depressed to be able to climb out of the monumental hole to be able to change anything.

Thankfully, I did eventually make that climb. But now I’m in my 30s, wishing I could do the stupid things that I would have done in my 20s with this kind of money, but knowing better, so I can’t :P.

ElementField Report

Suffering from severe clinical depression, I barely left my bedroom. The years feel intangible to me. I might as well have been in a coma.

march_rogue Report

Stayed home, smoked weed, became lazy and fat, developed social anxiety.

Age 24, I had enough and went cold turkey. Got a factory job, breaking my back. Decided to lose weight. Ate healthy for 3 years. Left that factory job, went to college.

Today, I am in IT doing the best job in the world and getting paid for it. I’m more fit, no more anxiety and I can’t stand the smell of weed. Life is what you make it. If you put in some effort and make changes, it will pay off. Just do it, don’t say it. Don’t think it.
Stay humble while doing so. Good things will flow your way.

anon Report

Mental Illness. Never wanted to go to the Dr due to past trauma and spent too much time unmedicated.

TesseractAnn Report

Was in a long term relationship from 23-28. Wasted some of the best years of my life.

YinzaJagoff Report

Got involved with a guy 10yrs older than me who was an abusive drunk who constantly cheated on me.

Didn’t pull my head out of my a*s until late 20’s and went to college.

Drank too much.

ChaoticGoodPanda Report

Married an addict who was 10 years older. Kept me from going to school and had to work constantly to make rent. Believed too many promises.

krasavetsa Report

I’m actually really lucky that the only thing I can think of is not investing more into my retirement.

My 20’s brought me independence from a toxic family, my wife, a job I absolutely love and a heap of confidence I didn’t have.

I dealt with a spate of horrific depression and decision making but my wife walked with me through therapy and it was absolutely life changing.

Travice0 Report

I made, what seemed to me at the time, a big pile of money in my mid twenties. It wasn’t a large amount of money at all, but felt like it at the time. I just lived off it for a few years and played World of Warcraft full time! No regrets, I wish I could go back to that time in my life in some ways. However, I fully appreciate this probably wasn’t the healthiest way to exist, but I was doing exactly what I wanted to at that time.

Was it a waste? Most people would probably say so. I had a blast though and really miss not being able to just no-life games to my hearts content now. Life has changed.

I am a little bit further behind in my career compared to some others, and sometimes that feels a bit odd, but I was never going to be the guy to go school – uni – job – kids – rip. It’s just not me and that’s ok.

loobricated Report

Being a pick-me mentally ill dumpster fire of a person.

Oh and working the same s****y job for too long.

mahhhhhh Report

Working too damned hard and trying to finish my degree at the same time. I wish I’d goofed off more.

virtualadept Report

Procrastinating. Anything that involved making some sort of appointment or phone call I always put off. Would generally try to devote time to doing errands all at once and putting things off instead of taking tasks on as they come. Keeping a calendar and making a check list is something I adopted in my 30’s and I wish I started earlier.

SaberTruth2 Report


Way too much insecurity about being single whenever I wasn’t dating someone.

Papancasudani Report

Didn’t do any introspection and soul searching. I distracted myself with a lot of s**t. It took a few of the right kind of people to guide me to where I am now.

By the way, the introspection and soul searching should be a constant thing. We shouldn’t stop learning and thinking about ourselves and why we act the way we do.

originalnutta Report

Turning 30 next month. I’ve advanced far from where I started ten years ago but I can’t help but feel like I haven’t lived up to my potential. I started a masters but never finished it, have been in the same medium-paying job (but low for the area) for the last four years, don’t own any property, and have made some really terrible financial decisions that if I hadn’t I would be in a much better spot right now. It hurts.

buffalo8 Report

No ambition, expected great things to just happen to me. Put almost no effort into college or finding a job after that. Finally landed a job at 27 working for a newspaper making low wages for second shifts that stole my weekends and afternoons.

Never looked at the bigger picture of how much of my life I was wasting because I didn’t take the time to realize it could have been better. Finally shifted careers into IT and at least I have my weekends now in my 30s and I’m making more but still a long way to go.

LOLdragon89 Report

I joined the army at 18 and spent the rest of my life up until now trying to claw myself out of the grave they dug me in. For years I’ve been sitting in this hole in absolute limbo. PTSD, anxiety and depression is a f*****g b***h.

RareWolf34 Report

Got pressured and all but forced into a marriage to the worst human being I ever met.

anon Report

Drugs, sex and working in places that didn’t respect my time. Now, I’m in my 30s,sober, brain damage from the drugs. Terrible depression and sleep disorder. No sex and I just got fired from my job.

Don’t be like me.

_TheYellowKing_ Report

Partying and altogether f*****g off, dating the wrong people, hanging out with the wrong people. Getting hurt numerous times and ultimately ending up with a major painkiller addiction. 8 years clean and trying to play catchup while being a good mom.

Lysetterae Report

Damn, clubbing, pubbing, I won’t be home 99% of the time. Didn’t do anything of value other than work and give my mom cash.

RaidHelios Report


The reality is that it is impossible to live ‘perfectly’ (whatever that might mean). All of us mess up. No matter who we are and how talented we might be, sooner or later we all do something we regret. In fact, you could even argue that life is all about making mistakes and then learning from them. It’s a core part of learning and growth.

However, if we obsess about our imperfections and past mistakes, this can eat away at us, affecting our health, relationships, and careers. The healthy and mature thing is to embrace what’s happened and then make better decisions in the future.  

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Being too shy.

To anyone younger reading this, TAKE RISKS! Ask that person out. Go to that local event you’ve been eyeing. Strike up a conversation with a cool-looking stranger. Get up on stage at a karaoke night. Volunteer. Join a club.

Life is not a movie and there is no magical special person that will notice you and come pull you into the light. You have to do that yourself.

SapphireEcho , Pragyan Bezbaruah / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) I spent the entirety gripped by an eating disorder.

Obsessed with food, weight - in and out of hospital, harming organs, teeth, mental health.

Such a waste of a prime decade. Wish I could turn back time.

Pale_Net8318 , Alena Darmel / Pexels Report

What feels like ‘wasting’ your 20s is a very subjective thing. Some folks might regret getting married ‘too young,’ while others absolutely love having started a family. Some young professionals wish that they’d have spent more time with family instead of overtime at the office. Meanwhile, others are proud that they had the discipline to become skilled in a path that they see as their calling.

What’s a regret for one individual might be a badge of honor for someone else. But the grass is greener on the other side. We tend to envy what others have, thinking that life would be easier if we had this or that. The fact of the matter is there’s no such thing as a problem-free life. Making one decision means that you let go of others. If you could relive your 20s, you might have very different regrets after the second time around.

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Your 20s are about finding out who you are. Nothing is wasted.

I used to think time playing videogames was wasted…. But when I quit for a while I missed my friends, and I missed my instant stress outlet.

I used to think I wasted money…. But I had a hell of a good time.

I used to think I got a late start on my career from fumbling around…. But I got a new career at 35 that owed in part to my varied background, and I’ve been progressing through for over a decade.

In short, none is wasted. Live every day like it is an opportunity.

bad_robot_monkey , Bayu jefri / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Fighting endless wars, Somalia, Afganistan, Iraq, Syria, and everywhere else around the world. Wasted my 20s, all my 30s and half my 40's fighting. For what you ask? I have no idea now.

mario9577 , Specna Arms / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Thing about your twenties is, no matter how you spent it, you'll wonder about the other path.

Party, get wasted, spend everything you earn travelling the world, you'll wish you'd been more studious and built better foundations.

Study hard, work diligently, build good foundations, you'll wish you'd partied and had more fun like the others did.

randomusername_815 , Wendy Wei / Pexels Report

There’s no definitive magical formula for living a good life. However, there are a few key things we can do. First of all, you want to make sure that you have strong relationships with the people you care about. This can be your family, friends, coworkers, or anyone else who has a positive impact on how you feel. 

Secondly, you want to ensure that you’re doing whatever you can to take care of your physical and mental health. That means staying away from harmful habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating processed food, etc.) and embracing positive ones (exercise, healthy eating, socializing, engaging in pastimes you love, meditating, etc.). 

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Depression is a b***h. I have vague memories of my childhood. I have good memories of the past couple of years.

I don't remember a thing of the years between 18-25. I just sat at home, played some games, eat, sleep and just.. existed without anything significant happening at all.

EDIT: Since alot of you are asking how I came out of it, I'd like to shamelessly copy + paste a comment I wrote earlier. So here's my advice:

Pick something you want to do, and go do it.

You're probably already at one of your lowest point in your life, it's not like it'll get much worse.

Want to learn the piano? Why not, atleast it'll be good distraction for a while.
Want to do sports? Sure! At worst, your physical condition will improve.
Want to travel? Grab a backpack and go somewhere.
Want to punch a shark in the face? Where the nearest ocean at?

Who knows, maybe by the end of your lil bucketlist, you'll learn to love life again. Or maybe not, but atleast you can tell people you've punched a shark, which is kinda cool ngl.

For me personally, I always wanted to learn cooking. Taught myself how to cook, then did some volunteering work cooking for elderly people. Opportunities came, and stuff happened, and right now I'm working full time as a chef, about to start school again to get my diplomas, and I'm doing great.

You never know what might happen along the way, but nothing will start if you don't do something, no matter how small it might be.

EDIT 2: It has come to my attention that punching sharks is a big no-no, and I profusely apologize. Dolphins, Barracuda's and Triggerfish are a-okay appearantly, so punch away!.

Xeavor , MART PRODUCTION / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Far too much time spent on my career and not nearly enough on friends and family. Can't say it wasn't financially rewarding, but I'd give that all up for more time with friends and family who have since died.

anon , Ron Lach / Pexels Report

With that foundation in mind, think about what you truly want out of life. Then, try to find the courage to take one small step toward your goals every single day. You can’t imagine how quickly you can make progress this way.

All that said, your 20s aren’t your entire life. It is perfectly possible to have an amazing life even if your youth didn’t turn out exactly as you wished it would. 

What regrets do you have about your lives, dear Pandas? What advice would you give anyone who’s just entering their 20s? Would you want to relive your youth and do things differently if you stumbled across a time machine? Let us know in the comments.

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) For me, it was too much ambition early on in life, and then by the time my 20s came around, I became very disillusioned. I felt like life was mundane, and nothing brought joy to me anymore, so I hardly did anything. Literally wasted a bunch of time doing nothing.

FrederickDerGrossen , nappy / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Drinking heavily. Heeeavily. Will never get those years back.

Thankfully, I realized while I couldn't go back and change the start, I could decide to change the ending. Ten years sober this month.

To anyone else struggling or in recovery. There is help. There are people who will help. The thing that dawned on me is that I was despairing for the future because I thought it would always suck. But my drinking was also making it suck. I decided I had no right blaming the world for a terrible future if I also contributed to make the future terrible. So I decided to do everything I could to make it good. And then when it still was terrible, THEN I could hate the world. Funnily enough... The future got better, and I didn't need to hate/blame the world OR myself.

StAliaTheAbomination , Isabella Mendes / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Being scared of people and letting people take advantage of me. People would borrow what little money I had, with and without permission and never pay me back.

anon , Karolina Grabowska / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) By getting fat and then getting so depressed by that that i effectively cut myself out of everyone’s lives cause i was too embarrassed to be seen by old flames, friends, or people who knew me a certain way.

do not recommend.

spoonplaysgames , Towfiqu barbhuiya / Pexels Report

I think a lot of people need to see this:

Between 20-29 I did the following:

Met a girl, married said girl. Got the job I wanted my whole life. Bought a house. Got 3 cats and two dogs. Had 2 kids. Bought a new car then a new truxk. Moved with my job and bought a bigger house. and specialized in the area I wanted to. Went to the arctic. Traveled to parts of the world I wanted to. Climbed some mountains. Started learning a new language. Made friends, lost friends, seen friends get married.

And I still feel like I wasted my 20s. So don't have any regrets. The fact that you're alive at the age you are is awesome. Living life and experiencing joy is the point of life. Keep doing what you're doing. You're great.

angryrubberduck Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Im 28 and I've done nothing. no trips, haven't seen any music live, mever go out. all i do is work and sleep. like today for example, all i did was work and now im going to sleep soon so i can do the same thing tomorrow. honestly i hate life. I've had a total of 6 days vacation since i turned 20. i got a zoo pass 2 years ago and that's the high light of my 20s so far.

Shoddy_example5020 , Matheus Natan / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) Didn't really have a game plan for making a living, and waited too long to figure one out. Also was too caught up in my feelings to act on a lot of good dating options I didn't realize I had, which would have been fun.

Things worked out great anyways, but still.

Purples_A_Fruit , Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas / Pexels Report

“How Did You Waste Your 20s?” (60 Answers) College.

I applied for tons of internships but never got my foot in the door anywhere. I had good grades but there's always someone better. It seriously feels as if no human has ever seen any of my applications because I never heard anything back. It's as if I don't exist.

I spent just about everything on the courses and textbooks and software... I never got to use any of what I learned.

Now, years later, nearly everything I learned is obsolete. Every job application remains unread. I have nothing to show for my hard work except a lot of pain.

uwillnotgotospace , Gül Işık / Pexels Report

Wasted it having an eating disorder and worrying too much about my body and what other people thought. Tons of therapy later and things are way better. I don’t give two f***s about wearing my robe into the gas station to get my coffee.

Longjumping-Canary22 Report

Kids and marriage. Had my first at 19, second at 21, married at 20. I get to enjoy my 40s without kids, im only 5 years away from my first being 18, but 40s vs 20s.

Aware_Statement_205 Report

I was in a cult from the time I was 16 - 28. I grieve for that time I missed when I should have been doing dumb s**t with friends and traveling. Thankfully I was able to maintain a fair amount of my relationships outside the cult because that was a non negotiable for me. I've renewed those friendships and made them stronger. Enjoy my 30s being free.

KingSam89 Report

I was in the closet until I was 28 because I grew up in a conservative environment and it took me until my mid 20s to accept my gayness and start to get over my internalized homophobia that came from growing up in a conservative environment. And the fear, from growing up in a conservative environment, of being rejected by friends and family kept me in the closet.

Wadsworth1954 Report

Religion. Horrible way to waste a life, and one of my deepest regrets. Life is a billion times better now that I'm out.

Loose_Voice_215 Report

Seeing myself thru the unhealed pain of others instead of being proud of the bad**s girl I was.

blissfullyaware82 Report

Treating the love of my life all wrong because I thought I was all right.

fslashd Report

Multiple disabilities.

Most of them went away when I found out at age 32 that I was iron deficient.

314159265358979326 Report

Not quite out of my 20s yet but.... I decided it would be better to get experience with "real people" doing "real jobs" than go to college. Realized I am in no way above a hard days work or menial labor but I am ffing bad at it. Now I realize how dumb I was, and college wasn't just 'something to do' it was my way out of being unskilled replaceable 'meat' until Im old and broken.

Eight216 Report

Spent too much time watching tv/movies and hanging out with myself alone. Spent too much time and money on alcohol in my late 20s. Oh and watching way too much p**n.

sn1per50MT Report

Being too poor.

On top of that, being too depressed to be able to climb out of the monumental hole to be able to change anything.

Thankfully, I did eventually make that climb. But now I’m in my 30s, wishing I could do the stupid things that I would have done in my 20s with this kind of money, but knowing better, so I can’t :P.

ElementField Report

Suffering from severe clinical depression, I barely left my bedroom. The years feel intangible to me. I might as well have been in a coma.

march_rogue Report

Stayed home, smoked weed, became lazy and fat, developed social anxiety.

Age 24, I had enough and went cold turkey. Got a factory job, breaking my back. Decided to lose weight. Ate healthy for 3 years. Left that factory job, went to college.

Today, I am in IT doing the best job in the world and getting paid for it. I'm more fit, no more anxiety and I can't stand the smell of weed. Life is what you make it. If you put in some effort and make changes, it will pay off. Just do it, don't say it. Don't think it.
Stay humble while doing so. Good things will flow your way.

anon Report

Mental Illness. Never wanted to go to the Dr due to past trauma and spent too much time unmedicated.

TesseractAnn Report

Was in a long term relationship from 23-28. Wasted some of the best years of my life.

YinzaJagoff Report

Got involved with a guy 10yrs older than me who was an abusive drunk who constantly cheated on me.

Didn’t pull my head out of my a*s until late 20’s and went to college.

Drank too much.

ChaoticGoodPanda Report

Married an addict who was 10 years older. Kept me from going to school and had to work constantly to make rent. Believed too many promises.

krasavetsa Report

I'm actually really lucky that the only thing I can think of is not investing more into my retirement.

My 20's brought me independence from a toxic family, my wife, a job I absolutely love and a heap of confidence I didn't have.

I dealt with a spate of horrific depression and decision making but my wife walked with me through therapy and it was absolutely life changing.

Travice0 Report

I made, what seemed to me at the time, a big pile of money in my mid twenties. It wasn’t a large amount of money at all, but felt like it at the time. I just lived off it for a few years and played World of Warcraft full time! No regrets, I wish I could go back to that time in my life in some ways. However, I fully appreciate this probably wasn’t the healthiest way to exist, but I was doing exactly what I wanted to at that time.

Was it a waste? Most people would probably say so. I had a blast though and really miss not being able to just no-life games to my hearts content now. Life has changed.

I am a little bit further behind in my career compared to some others, and sometimes that feels a bit odd, but I was never going to be the guy to go school - uni - job - kids - rip. It’s just not me and that’s ok.

loobricated Report

Being a pick-me mentally ill dumpster fire of a person.

Oh and working the same s****y job for too long.

mahhhhhh Report

Working too damned hard and trying to finish my degree at the same time. I wish I'd goofed off more.

virtualadept Report

Procrastinating. Anything that involved making some sort of appointment or phone call I always put off. Would generally try to devote time to doing errands all at once and putting things off instead of taking tasks on as they come. Keeping a calendar and making a check list is something I adopted in my 30’s and I wish I started earlier.

SaberTruth2 Report


Way too much insecurity about being single whenever I wasn't dating someone.

Papancasudani Report

Didn't do any introspection and soul searching. I distracted myself with a lot of s**t. It took a few of the right kind of people to guide me to where I am now.

By the way, the introspection and soul searching should be a constant thing. We shouldn't stop learning and thinking about ourselves and why we act the way we do.

originalnutta Report

Turning 30 next month. I’ve advanced far from where I started ten years ago but I can’t help but feel like I haven’t lived up to my potential. I started a masters but never finished it, have been in the same medium-paying job (but low for the area) for the last four years, don’t own any property, and have made some really terrible financial decisions that if I hadn’t I would be in a much better spot right now. It hurts.

buffalo8 Report

No ambition, expected great things to just happen to me. Put almost no effort into college or finding a job after that. Finally landed a job at 27 working for a newspaper making low wages for second shifts that stole my weekends and afternoons.

Never looked at the bigger picture of how much of my life I was wasting because I didn’t take the time to realize it could have been better. Finally shifted careers into IT and at least I have my weekends now in my 30s and I’m making more but still a long way to go.

LOLdragon89 Report

I joined the army at 18 and spent the rest of my life up until now trying to claw myself out of the grave they dug me in. For years I’ve been sitting in this hole in absolute limbo. PTSD, anxiety and depression is a f*****g b***h.

RareWolf34 Report

Got pressured and all but forced into a marriage to the worst human being I ever met.

anon Report

Drugs, sex and working in places that didn't respect my time. Now, I'm in my 30s,sober, brain damage from the drugs. Terrible depression and sleep disorder. No sex and I just got fired from my job.

Don't be like me.

_TheYellowKing_ Report

Partying and altogether f*****g off, dating the wrong people, hanging out with the wrong people. Getting hurt numerous times and ultimately ending up with a major painkiller addiction. 8 years clean and trying to play catchup while being a good mom.

Lysetterae Report

Damn, clubbing, pubbing, I won't be home 99% of the time. Didn't do anything of value other than work and give my mom cash.

RaidHelios Report


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