67 Times Single Moms Took Their Entitlement To New Levels And Got Shamed For It Online (New Pics)

Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. That’s why it’s crucial for moms and dads to have support systems they can rely on and friends they can share their experiences with. But there’s a big difference between finding a community of like-minded parents online to bond with and begging for handouts from others who can barely support their own families.

Below, we’ve gathered some of the most entitled posts from parents online that have been shared in the Single Mom Is Not a Coupon Code Facebook group. From asking for free furniture to fancy presents for their kiddos, enjoy reading through these delusional posts, and be sure to upvote the ones you can’t believe were shared online!


Posted In My Town’s By Nothing Page. She’s All Kinds Of Salty With Anybody Questioning Her. I’d Like A 50 In TV And A Ps4 Too Please!

Jen Grissom Report

The Facebook group Single Mom Is Not a Coupon Code has only been around since June 2022, yet it has already amassed over 105k members. It’s quite an active community as well, as there have been 15 new posts today, and 250 new members have joined in the past week. And while you might be thinking that this group is harmful to single parents, as it does shame some, it doesn’t call out anyone who didn’t already make unreasonable requests online.

The group also requires that anyone mentioned in a post must be kept anonymous, so nobody can be doxxed or harassed online. From asking for car insurance payments to demanding that others help them put food on the table, there is no end to what parents will ask for online. And while community aid can be a powerful tool for those in need, it’s important to go about asking for help the right way. If you just bought a new car, and now you’re complaining about not being able to feed your kiddos, your priorities might not be in the right order. 

According to the Pew Research Center, the United States has the highest rate of kids living in single-parent households in the world. Nearly a quarter of kids in the US live with only one parent, while globally, only about 7% of children do. After the US, the UK, São Tomé and Príncipe, Russia and Denmark have the next highest rates of single-parent households, Finances Online reports. 

And the vast majority of single parents who live with their kiddos are mothers. In the United States, there are nearly 15 million single moms taking care of their families, while there are only 6.5 million single fathers taking care of their kiddos. In fact, women between the ages of 35 to 39 have a 9% chance of being a single parent in the US, while men only have a 2% chance of being single parents. 

There’s no question that single parents face additional challenges that married or coupled moms and dads don’t have to worry about. According to Finances Online, 60% of poor children in the United States live in households with single moms. In fact, nearly a third of kids who live in families with unwed moms are in poverty, while only 15% of families with single dads are in the same boat. Single parents spend an average of 34% of their income on childcare in the US, while most families only need to spend around 10% of their income on childcare. 


“Hi. I Need You To Take Care Of My Kids All The Time Without Expecting To Be Compensated Much For Your Time, Oh, And That Time Starts At 4 Or 5 In The Morning”

Bret Woodard Report

Being a single parent can make it much more difficult to work 40 hours a week, to have time to prepare healthy meals for the family, to spend quality time with your little ones and to be able to ever relax and unwind by yourself. Growing up poor can also have a huge impact on children’s well being, and they might have experienced trauma through watching their parents divorce or losing a beloved parent from their life. Whether a parent passed away, left by choice, was arrested, etc., their absence can have a huge impact on their children.


She’s Not Begging But Seriously, How On Earth Does She Think This Makes Sense?? I’m Waiting For The Replies To Roll In. 🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡

Ashlee Nauta Report

Because single parents and children of single-parent households face so much adversity, the Annie E. Casey Foundation is dedicated to providing resources to make their lives easier. This foundation is focused on strengthening financial safety net programs and providing affordable housing for families, ensuring that education is affordable and accessible for all children, maximizing two-generation community development strategies to help kids and their future families, offering support for kids and families who have experienced trauma and supporting the needs of young parents. 


1st One I’ve Found. When I Tried To Go To Comments Or See How Many Laugh Reacts Nothing Would Come Up. The Area She Is Asking In Are Retired People And People With Very Little Money

Narys anonimas Report


Seek A Homeless Shelter Or A Women’s Shelter? 👎🏻❌ Beg On Tiktok 👍✅

anon Report

According to Marriage.com, some of the biggest hurdles single parents face are loneliness, navigating disciplining their children, dealing with low self-esteem, feeling a sense of guilt and navigating the financial burden of raising kids alone. But thankfully, there are a few solutions that can make parents’ lives slightly easier. When it comes to dealing with loneliness, Marriage.com recommends replacing negative thoughts with positive thinking. 

“Redirect your energy to more productive activities. If you are in the custody of the children, then spend time with them. Remember, they look up to you for their emotional needs,” they note. “Similarly, the partner with no children must go the extra mile to socialize and engage in community activities to pass the time rather than wallow in pity.”

When it comes to disciplining kids as a single parent, Marriage.com recommends regularly touching base with the other parent, if they’re still in the picture, to ensure that you both instill the same rules in your kids. If you’re the only parent around, it might be wise to reach out to close friends or family members who can help ensure that your rules and morals are understood by your kiddos. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, don’t be afraid to reach out to parents in similar situations or a therapist who can help you build confidence.   

If you’re struggling with guilt as a single parent, remember that this is not productive. Do not blame yourself for the situation you’re in, and remember that you have to be there for your kiddos. You’re doing the best you can, and there’s no such thing as a perfect parent, anyway. 

And when it comes to the financial burden of raising kids, don’t be afraid to explain to your little ones that money is tight. But assure them that you’re all safe and that they have nothing to worry about. Making ends meet will take some extra sacrifices as a single parent, but it will be worth it to raise happy, healthy children who always know they’re loved.


First Time Poster Saw This One This Isn’t Her First Time Posting Stuff Like This Begging For Help

Kyle Vogel Report


“Cabana For The Deck” Wtaf! This List Needs To Be Brought Back Up Again Down The Line Because I’ve Made 3 Comments Already And Still Have Sooo Many Things I Wanna Mention. 😆 The Mental Gymnastics This Brought On Is Strong. 🥴

Carissa Lynn Report

Whether you’re a single parent or not, we sincerely hope that you have everything you need to take care of your family, pandas. But if you don’t, we hope you know there are better ways to get what you need than by simply posting on Facebook. Keep upvoting the pics you find particularly entitled, and if you’d like to check out even more photos like this, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring Single Mom Is Not a Coupon Code right here!


We Ate Whatever My Mother Put In Front Of Us Or We Didn’t Eat. Young Mr Nuggie May Have To Adjust His Palate

Elaine Kazee Report


Wow, I Found One Willing To Walk To Get The Stuff! Usually They Expect It Delivered. Seriously Though, 7? It Wasn’t Hard Enough With 3,4,5?

Narys anonimas Report


Exact Same Woman From A Few Days Ago Asking For A Cheap Ride…. Last Time She Was Offering 800. How Low Can We Go?

Narys anonimas Report


Always Gotta Throw That Abusive Husband In There. She “Struggled To Make The List” But Had No Problem Adding $70-$100 Items For Strangers To Buy Her Kids

Katie Ammons Report


In A Local Group I’m In. This Lady Has Literally Made Dozens Of Posts Just Dating Back From Dec 2023 Asking For Food Handouts, Diapers, Formula, Etc. People Comment Links And Flyers For Food Drives And Church Charities That Provide What She’s Asking For For Free But She Turns Them Down Due To The Fact That “She Doesn’t Drive.” I’ve Done My Time As A Broke Mom With Little Income And If Help Is Available, You Make A Way To Get It. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Oh! And She Has Seven Kids

Narys anonimas Report


This Just Happened To Me Today. She Contacted Me On My Business Page, Inquiring About One Of My Valentines Day Treat Boxes. Why Is It That Every Begging Single Mom Always Has Every Single Form Of Payment?🤣

Jennifer Shelby Report


She Is Add It Again! She Has Conned $3100 From People And Still Asking For More. Like Go Get A Job? I’m So Confused If She Had Been Working This Whole Time She Would Have All The Money She Needs

Narys anonimas Report


You Don’t Need Coffee, You Don’t Need Chips. Why Do The Broke Ones Always Have Baby Animals. Always Got Kittens N Puppies N Shit. Stop It Also Ham Does Not Have An E At The End 🤣

Stephanie Lynn Wilhelm Report

Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. That’s why it’s crucial for moms and dads to have support systems they can rely on and friends they can share their experiences with. But there’s a big difference between finding a community of like-minded parents online to bond with and begging for handouts from others who can barely support their own families.

Below, we’ve gathered some of the most entitled posts from parents online that have been shared in the Single Mom Is Not a Coupon Code Facebook group. From asking for free furniture to fancy presents for their kiddos, enjoy reading through these delusional posts, and be sure to upvote the ones you can’t believe were shared online!


Posted In My Town's By Nothing Page. She's All Kinds Of Salty With Anybody Questioning Her. I'd Like A 50 In TV And A Ps4 Too Please!

Jen Grissom Report

The Facebook group Single Mom Is Not a Coupon Code has only been around since June 2022, yet it has already amassed over 105k members. It’s quite an active community as well, as there have been 15 new posts today, and 250 new members have joined in the past week. And while you might be thinking that this group is harmful to single parents, as it does shame some, it doesn’t call out anyone who didn’t already make unreasonable requests online.

The group also requires that anyone mentioned in a post must be kept anonymous, so nobody can be doxxed or harassed online. From asking for car insurance payments to demanding that others help them put food on the table, there is no end to what parents will ask for online. And while community aid can be a powerful tool for those in need, it’s important to go about asking for help the right way. If you just bought a new car, and now you’re complaining about not being able to feed your kiddos, your priorities might not be in the right order. 

According to the Pew Research Center, the United States has the highest rate of kids living in single-parent households in the world. Nearly a quarter of kids in the US live with only one parent, while globally, only about 7% of children do. After the US, the UK, São Tomé and Príncipe, Russia and Denmark have the next highest rates of single-parent households, Finances Online reports. 

And the vast majority of single parents who live with their kiddos are mothers. In the United States, there are nearly 15 million single moms taking care of their families, while there are only 6.5 million single fathers taking care of their kiddos. In fact, women between the ages of 35 to 39 have a 9% chance of being a single parent in the US, while men only have a 2% chance of being single parents. 

There’s no question that single parents face additional challenges that married or coupled moms and dads don’t have to worry about. According to Finances Online, 60% of poor children in the United States live in households with single moms. In fact, nearly a third of kids who live in families with unwed moms are in poverty, while only 15% of families with single dads are in the same boat. Single parents spend an average of 34% of their income on childcare in the US, while most families only need to spend around 10% of their income on childcare. 


"Hi. I Need You To Take Care Of My Kids All The Time Without Expecting To Be Compensated Much For Your Time, Oh, And That Time Starts At 4 Or 5 In The Morning"

Bret Woodard Report

Being a single parent can make it much more difficult to work 40 hours a week, to have time to prepare healthy meals for the family, to spend quality time with your little ones and to be able to ever relax and unwind by yourself. Growing up poor can also have a huge impact on children’s well being, and they might have experienced trauma through watching their parents divorce or losing a beloved parent from their life. Whether a parent passed away, left by choice, was arrested, etc., their absence can have a huge impact on their children.


She's Not Begging But Seriously, How On Earth Does She Think This Makes Sense?? I'm Waiting For The Replies To Roll In. 🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡

Ashlee Nauta Report

Because single parents and children of single-parent households face so much adversity, the Annie E. Casey Foundation is dedicated to providing resources to make their lives easier. This foundation is focused on strengthening financial safety net programs and providing affordable housing for families, ensuring that education is affordable and accessible for all children, maximizing two-generation community development strategies to help kids and their future families, offering support for kids and families who have experienced trauma and supporting the needs of young parents. 


1st One I’ve Found. When I Tried To Go To Comments Or See How Many Laugh Reacts Nothing Would Come Up. The Area She Is Asking In Are Retired People And People With Very Little Money

Narys anonimas Report


Seek A Homeless Shelter Or A Women’s Shelter? 👎🏻❌ Beg On Tiktok 👍✅

anon Report

According to Marriage.com, some of the biggest hurdles single parents face are loneliness, navigating disciplining their children, dealing with low self-esteem, feeling a sense of guilt and navigating the financial burden of raising kids alone. But thankfully, there are a few solutions that can make parents’ lives slightly easier. When it comes to dealing with loneliness, Marriage.com recommends replacing negative thoughts with positive thinking. 

“Redirect your energy to more productive activities. If you are in the custody of the children, then spend time with them. Remember, they look up to you for their emotional needs,” they note. “Similarly, the partner with no children must go the extra mile to socialize and engage in community activities to pass the time rather than wallow in pity.”

When it comes to disciplining kids as a single parent, Marriage.com recommends regularly touching base with the other parent, if they’re still in the picture, to ensure that you both instill the same rules in your kids. If you’re the only parent around, it might be wise to reach out to close friends or family members who can help ensure that your rules and morals are understood by your kiddos. If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, don’t be afraid to reach out to parents in similar situations or a therapist who can help you build confidence.   

If you’re struggling with guilt as a single parent, remember that this is not productive. Do not blame yourself for the situation you’re in, and remember that you have to be there for your kiddos. You’re doing the best you can, and there’s no such thing as a perfect parent, anyway. 

And when it comes to the financial burden of raising kids, don’t be afraid to explain to your little ones that money is tight. But assure them that you’re all safe and that they have nothing to worry about. Making ends meet will take some extra sacrifices as a single parent, but it will be worth it to raise happy, healthy children who always know they’re loved.


First Time Poster Saw This One This Isn't Her First Time Posting Stuff Like This Begging For Help

Kyle Vogel Report


"Cabana For The Deck" Wtaf! This List Needs To Be Brought Back Up Again Down The Line Because I’ve Made 3 Comments Already And Still Have Sooo Many Things I Wanna Mention. 😆 The Mental Gymnastics This Brought On Is Strong. 🥴

Carissa Lynn Report

Whether you’re a single parent or not, we sincerely hope that you have everything you need to take care of your family, pandas. But if you don’t, we hope you know there are better ways to get what you need than by simply posting on Facebook. Keep upvoting the pics you find particularly entitled, and if you’d like to check out even more photos like this, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring Single Mom Is Not a Coupon Code right here!


We Ate Whatever My Mother Put In Front Of Us Or We Didn't Eat. Young Mr Nuggie May Have To Adjust His Palate

Elaine Kazee Report


Wow, I Found One Willing To Walk To Get The Stuff! Usually They Expect It Delivered. Seriously Though, 7? It Wasn’t Hard Enough With 3,4,5?

Narys anonimas Report


Exact Same Woman From A Few Days Ago Asking For A Cheap Ride.... Last Time She Was Offering 800. How Low Can We Go?

Narys anonimas Report


Always Gotta Throw That Abusive Husband In There. She “Struggled To Make The List” But Had No Problem Adding $70-$100 Items For Strangers To Buy Her Kids

Katie Ammons Report


In A Local Group I’m In. This Lady Has Literally Made Dozens Of Posts Just Dating Back From Dec 2023 Asking For Food Handouts, Diapers, Formula, Etc. People Comment Links And Flyers For Food Drives And Church Charities That Provide What She’s Asking For For Free But She Turns Them Down Due To The Fact That “She Doesn’t Drive.” I’ve Done My Time As A Broke Mom With Little Income And If Help Is Available, You Make A Way To Get It. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Oh! And She Has Seven Kids

Narys anonimas Report


This Just Happened To Me Today. She Contacted Me On My Business Page, Inquiring About One Of My Valentines Day Treat Boxes. Why Is It That Every Begging Single Mom Always Has Every Single Form Of Payment?🤣

Jennifer Shelby Report


She Is Add It Again! She Has Conned $3100 From People And Still Asking For More. Like Go Get A Job? I’m So Confused If She Had Been Working This Whole Time She Would Have All The Money She Needs

Narys anonimas Report


You Don’t Need Coffee, You Don’t Need Chips. Why Do The Broke Ones Always Have Baby Animals. Always Got Kittens N Puppies N Shit. Stop It Also Ham Does Not Have An E At The End 🤣

Stephanie Lynn Wilhelm Report


Read original article here
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