Books to change the world: Dua Lipa, Sadiq Khan, Sebastian Barry and more share their picks | Books

Alastair Campbell

Author and strategist
The book that has had the biggest impact on me recently is The Revenge of Power, by the former Venezuelan minister Moisés Naím. It crystallised so well a lot of the things that had been keeping me awake at night about the state of our politics, and the state of the world more generally. In particular it focuses on the three Ps that have done so much damage – populism, polarisation and post-truth. You can only begin to address problems as big as those we face if you are clear in your thinking about what those problems are, and where they come from. Read his book and you see the world more clearly. Then it is up to all of us what we do with that.
But What Can I Do?: Why Politics Has Gone So Wrong, and How You Can Help Fix It by Alastair Campbell is published by Hutchinson Heinemann.

Prue Leith

Chef and author

Photograph: Freddie Claire/Channel 4

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that Henry Dimbleby’s book Ravenous could change the world, or at any rate the UK. It is an analysis of, and solution to, our enormous food problems: food security, sustainability, farming and education. All these areas, all troubled, are very much linked. Dimbleby’s initial report for the government could, and should, have been the start of a revolution that would have had us all buying, cooking, eating, farming and trading differently, with real hope for the future. My hope is that his book will now kickstart the revolution from the bottom up, with the public showing the way to better food education, more sustainable farming, and a generally more enlightened and hopeful food system. And, by the way, it’s an unputdownable, fast-paced, cracking good read. Even if you are not interested in food, three pages in, you will be.
Prue Leith is a judge on The Great British Bake Off. Her one-woman show, Nothing in Moderation, is on tour now.

Sadiq Khan

Mayor of London
My response to reading Sathnam Sanghera’s bestselling Empireland was, “I only wish this book had been around when I was at school.” So I’m delighted to see that he has written the soon to be published Stolen History: an introduction to the British empire for younger readers. Understanding our history is crucial to making sense of the world around us, and this warm and informative book sets out an engaging and accessible account of how our past has shaped our present – from the language we use, to the food we eat. A must-read for every young person – and their parents, too.
Breathe: Tackling the Climate Emergency by Sadiq Khan is published by Hutchinson Heinemann.

Dua Lipa

Singer and podcaster

Lawyer Bryan Stevenson has saved more than 135 people from death row, the majority of them Black men, who are disproportionately found at every stage of the US criminal justice system. In Just Mercy, he paints a picture of a system riddled with racial inequality that sentences children to die in prison and, he says, provides a better outcome if you are rich and guilty than if you are poor and innocent. The message of this astonishing memoir is that mercy is most powerful when it is freely given.
Dua Lipa is a singer-songwriter and host of the At Your Service podcast.

Rob Delaney

Comedian and writer
I suppose if you really want to change the world, you have to start small. I’m small, compared with the world, and the book that’s changed me the most in recent memory is Dear Life by Alice Munro. Munro won the Nobel prize in literature a few years ago, which makes sense since her average short story creates a world so vivid you could wander around in it for years. I think what gets me the most is her preternatural ability to make a conversation in a hospital hallway or a woman boarding a train more riveting than the climactic shootout in someone else’s book. Read Alice Munro and you’ll love people more, and then maybe you can change the world, a bit.
A Heart That Works by Rob Delaney is published by Hodder.

Sathnam Sanghera

Journalist and author
The Trader, the Owner, the Slave by James Walvin is not the longest book on the transatlantic slave trade – it’s not even the most well known. However, by skilfully relating the tales of three men – John Newton, a slave ship captain who later became a preacher; Thomas Thistlewood, a slave owner who amassed a modest fortune from a plantation in Jamaica; and Olaudah Equiano, an enslaved man who was freed, published an autobiography and rose to prominence as a leading Black figure in the fight against the slave trade – Walvin skilfully demonstrates how slavery, like so many other parts of empire, has been wiped from the British psyche and conscience.
Stolen History: The Truth About the British Empire and How It Shaped Us by Sathnam Sanghera is published by Puffin.

Laura Bates

Founder of the Everyday Sexism project
When we talk about world-changing books, we often focus on adult nonfiction, but in many ways the stories we tell the younger generations can be the most impactful in changing minds, capturing hearts and galvanising readers to believe they can create real change. When Our Worlds Collided by Danielle Jawando is just such a book: a coming-of-age story that takes a searing and honest look at racial discrimination in the education and justice systems. It will leave young readers heartbroken and angry, but full of the fiery belief that something needs to change, and that together they can be part of creating that change.
Laura Bates’s Fix the System, Not the Women is published by Simon & Schuster.

Max Porter


Photograph: David Levene/The Guardian

My Fourth Time, We Drowned by Sally Hayden is a journalistic masterpiece, dealing in the specifics of the staggering abuse committed against the most vulnerable people on the planet. I wish it could change EU policy, change public opinion, change the ideological structures of western thought about migration. It is nothing less than an antidote (in stories, in facts) to the weaponised inhumanity of European border policy, but also to tabloid racism, everyday geopolitical ignorance, bigotry or sheer unfeeling denial. The human stories in the book amount to a colossal and urgent corrective.
Shy by Max Porter is published by Faber.

Dr Hannah Critchlow

It’s easy to feel swamped or pessimistic about our future when faced with a number of existential challenges, from climate change, growing inequality and increasingly polarised politics to the threat of disruptive technologies. In Glimpses of Utopia, Jess Scully (a former deputy mayor for Sydney, Australia) takes a pragmatic and optimistic look at what we can all do to help. It’s an uplifting compendium, bursting with successful examples of humans making positive change, and highlighting projects, policies and strategies that put individuals back into the civic equation, reimagining work and care, finance and government, urban planning and communication, to make them better and fairer for all. An invigorating and pragmatically inspiring book.
Joined-Up Thinking: The Science of Collective Intelligence and Its Power to Change Our Lives by Hannah Critchlow is published by Hodder.

Sebastian Barry

Claire-Louise Bennett’s second book after the ultra-mysterious Pond felt revelatory to me. Checkout 19 is so concerned with words and other books that it moves beyond both to offer a hallucinatory experience to the reader. It is less a book itself than a machine for miniature visions and becoming another heart and soul, in this case the highly allusive narrator – an experience only complicated by the fact that the narrator doesn’t want to be known. Fiction here suffers a sea change, a radiant turning point; a turntable in particular for the stubborn locomotive of the Irish tradition.
Old God’s Time by Sebastian Barry is published by Faber.

Joseph Coelho

Poet, playwright and children’s author
The Crown by Emily Kapff is simple, beautiful and heart-wrenching: a dispatch from the future that takes the form of a picture book. A little girl, a princess, stands atop a landfill mound and has a message for us. This is a contemplative text with thoughtful and detailed illustrations that roll out from the possible grey of the future to the vibrant colours of life and nature that could be reclaimed. This is a book that begs us to change the world.
Joseph Coelho is the Waterstones children’s laureate 2022-24.

Andrea Wulf

Historian and author

Photograph: Murdo Macleod/The Guardian

Maybe a single book can’t change the world, but what about a genre? In 2016, Amitav Ghosh asked in his nonfiction polemic The Great Derangement why so few novelists had tackled the most pressing subject of our time: climate change. Since then there has been a flurry of cli-fi publications, from Ghosh’s own Gun Island to Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future. My absolute favourite is Richard Powers’ enthralling The Overstory – a book that has all the important issues at its heart but is never didactic. It’s a masterpiece of storytelling. Powers weaves together science, poetry, nature and humanity so beautifully that it makes my heart ache and my mind fly.
Magnificent Rebels: The First Romantics and the Invention of the Self by Andrea Wulf is published by John Murray.

Tom Bullough

Writer and environmental campaigner
As a culture we have barely begun to understand the scale of the climate and ecological emergency, far less the necessary scale of our response. Even the most progressive mainstream politicians rarely look past the concept of “green growth” – that is, fundamentally, business as usual. “Degrowth” is an idea easy to vilify – it appears to equate to recession – but, as Jason Hickel explains in his superb Less Is More, in fact it provides a plausible model for a thriving but sustainable economy. This is the scale of thinking we require if, as a species, we intend to survive.
Sarn Helen: A Journey Through Wales, Past, Present and Future by Tom Bullough is published by Granta.

Don Paterson

I don’t doubt that books can change the world; it’s just that the ones that do tend not to change it for the better. If you want to read something that might leave you feeling that we’re not completely doomed, try James Lovelock’s final word on his Gaia hypothesis, Novacene, which looks forward to a world we’ll share with non-human hyperintelligences. The fact that we need a temperate planet to sustain life may actually be a motivating concern for them. It clearly isn’t for us. Many of us dread AI becoming conscious; this book might leave you praying that it does so as quickly as possible.
Toy Fights: A Boyhood by Don Paterson is published by Faber.

Kapka Kassabova

Poet and author
“We need a revolution. It begins with falling in love with the Earth again,” writes the Vietnamese peace activist and Buddhist master Thích Nhát Hanh in Love Letter to the Earth, a slim, powerful book that should be a new Bible. In a series of beautifully written letters toMother Earth, suggested practices for the appreciation of all living things including oneself, and other “healing steps”, Hanh has given us a practical, spiritual, poetic and life-saving guide to how to fall in love again. He explains “there is no difference between healing ourselves and healing the planet” and why “caring for the environment is not an obligation, but a matter of personal and collective happiness and survival”.
Elixir: In the Valley at the End of Time by Kapka Kassabova is published by Jonathan Cape.

Vanessa Chan

One of the most underwritten parts of history is the colonisation of Asia, and its legacy. Lust, Caution, the 1979 novella by Eileen Chang, about a group of Chinese students who plot to assassinate a wartime collaborator of the invading Japanese during the second world war, shows us this moment in history, and the terrible grey areas that emerge in these times. Understanding this history is important – it’s the only way we learn how not to repeat it. But the book is also a masterclass in writing the duality of human beings. To me, changing the world starts with knowing the world. Lust, Caution taught me a little bit more about the world, and about people.
The Storm We Made by Vanessa Chan will be published by Hodder in January 2024.

Fflur Dafydd

Novelist, singer-songwriter and script writer
There is no better way of attempting to change your own world than seeking works in translation – and you’d be hard-pressed to find a more inventive, mind-altering author than Norwegian poet, essayist and novelist Gunnhild Øyehaug, whose latest short story collection, Evil Flowers, translated by Kari Dickson, is a playful take on Baudelaire’s The Flowers of Evil which left me reeling. It almost rebels against the short story form itself, and makes literature seem full of possibility again – to read her is to feel you have entered a whole new universe of fictional possibilities, where language seems entirely malleable and arbitrary, and can be made and remade like clay. It also features one of the best opening lines of anything ever: “As I sat on the toilet menstruating, a fairly large part of my brain fell down into the toilet bowl.”
The Library Suicides by Fflur Dafydd is published by Hodder.

Connor Allen

Actor, artist and children’s laureate of Wales for 2021-23
In a world of confusion, comparison and hate, The Comfort Book by Matt Haig is that crucial read that you can come back to time and time again to uplift you and help you find purpose. Like a manual on life and the beauty of being human and unique it’s a big cwtch in a book for all those who find the world an overwhelming place. This book can save someone’s life because it evokes empathy and understanding in an authentic way that no other book I’ve come across does.
Connor Allen’s Miracles is published by Lucent Dreaming.

Irene Vallejo

Philologist, historian and writer
In the fifth century BC, Euripides released his tragedy The Trojan Women in a crowded theatre. The work recreated the end of the Trojan war – the Greeks’ great patriotic victory. What the proud Athenians heard on that tumultuous afternoon was the rage and despair of the mothers and wives of the enemy, accusing their heroes of cruelty. They came face to face with their own barbarity.

The classics were sometimes profoundly critical of their world and ours. I admire the clarity with which Euripides discards the glitter of legend to denounce the widespread brutality. During wartime, he dared to take the side of the women instead of the men, the enemy instead of his compatriots, and the losers instead of the winners. Over time, Hecuba has spoken anew in the name of the victims, before we could begin to forget.
Papyrus: The Invention of Books in the Ancient World by Irene Vallejo, translated by Charlotte Whittle, is published by Hodder.

Anna Llenas

On 23 April, a day in which Sant Jordi is celebrated in Catalonia (the day of the book and the rose), I recommended the following book to a person during a conversation: The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book by Miguel Ruiz. It is a book that I read more than 15 years ago. It helped me a lot because it made me aware of things that were not working quite well in my life and allowed me to change and my perspective. For me, it was and still is a very powerful book. It is easy to understand, although not easy to apply. The good thing is that it has no age and that it goes directly to its essence with clarity. We know that there are no miracle recipes, but at least for me, trying to put some of these agreements into practice helped me transform things at an individual level. In some way, each of us is seeking our own path, and I believe that it is through the sum of individual changes and shared efforts that we can achieve a more global collective change.
The Colour Monster and The Colour Monster Goes to School are published by Templar.

Katherine May

Author and podcaster
Ece Temelkuran, author of Together: 10 Choices for a Better Now, has pointed out that the west has been used to thinking they’re more advanced than the rest of the world. But the recent slide towards populism shows that we’re actually behind countries like her native Turkey, and are being offered a glimpse of our near-future. In Together, she shows how resisting this rise of polarisation and hatred means adopting a new mindset – reacquainting ourselves with community, finding better strategies than anger, and learning to have faith rather than easily undermined hope. Temelkuran’s work cuts through easy reactions like cynicism and rage, and shows us how to engage again.
Enchantment: Reawakening Wonder in an Exhausted Age by Katherine May is published by Faber.

Cressida Cowell

Author and illustrator
The Lorax by Dr Seuss. “I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.” Written in 1971, it’s still relevant and revolutionary, and is one of the best books about the environment ever written. I remember feeling spellbound by it as a child: the lyricism and rhythm flow magnificently, carrying you inexorably through the story. It’s almost like an incantation. It achieves meaning and message with humour, heart and genius simplicity: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, / Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” It’s made me cry, but it’s also joyful. The Lorax is a call to action I heard as a child that’s echoed into adulthood.
Which Way to Anywhere by Cressida Cowell is published by Hachette.

Alastair Campbell

Author and strategist
The book that has had the biggest impact on me recently is The Revenge of Power, by the former Venezuelan minister Moisés Naím. It crystallised so well a lot of the things that had been keeping me awake at night about the state of our politics, and the state of the world more generally. In particular it focuses on the three Ps that have done so much damage – populism, polarisation and post-truth. You can only begin to address problems as big as those we face if you are clear in your thinking about what those problems are, and where they come from. Read his book and you see the world more clearly. Then it is up to all of us what we do with that.
But What Can I Do?: Why Politics Has Gone So Wrong, and How You Can Help Fix It by Alastair Campbell is published by Hutchinson Heinemann.

Prue Leith

Chef and author

Photograph: Freddie Claire/Channel 4

There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that Henry Dimbleby’s book Ravenous could change the world, or at any rate the UK. It is an analysis of, and solution to, our enormous food problems: food security, sustainability, farming and education. All these areas, all troubled, are very much linked. Dimbleby’s initial report for the government could, and should, have been the start of a revolution that would have had us all buying, cooking, eating, farming and trading differently, with real hope for the future. My hope is that his book will now kickstart the revolution from the bottom up, with the public showing the way to better food education, more sustainable farming, and a generally more enlightened and hopeful food system. And, by the way, it’s an unputdownable, fast-paced, cracking good read. Even if you are not interested in food, three pages in, you will be.
Prue Leith is a judge on The Great British Bake Off. Her one-woman show, Nothing in Moderation, is on tour now.

Sadiq Khan

Mayor of London
My response to reading Sathnam Sanghera’s bestselling Empireland was, “I only wish this book had been around when I was at school.” So I’m delighted to see that he has written the soon to be published Stolen History: an introduction to the British empire for younger readers. Understanding our history is crucial to making sense of the world around us, and this warm and informative book sets out an engaging and accessible account of how our past has shaped our present – from the language we use, to the food we eat. A must-read for every young person – and their parents, too.
Breathe: Tackling the Climate Emergency by Sadiq Khan is published by Hutchinson Heinemann.

Dua Lipa

Singer and podcaster

Lawyer Bryan Stevenson has saved more than 135 people from death row, the majority of them Black men, who are disproportionately found at every stage of the US criminal justice system. In Just Mercy, he paints a picture of a system riddled with racial inequality that sentences children to die in prison and, he says, provides a better outcome if you are rich and guilty than if you are poor and innocent. The message of this astonishing memoir is that mercy is most powerful when it is freely given.
Dua Lipa is a singer-songwriter and host of the At Your Service podcast.

Rob Delaney

Comedian and writer
I suppose if you really want to change the world, you have to start small. I’m small, compared with the world, and the book that’s changed me the most in recent memory is Dear Life by Alice Munro. Munro won the Nobel prize in literature a few years ago, which makes sense since her average short story creates a world so vivid you could wander around in it for years. I think what gets me the most is her preternatural ability to make a conversation in a hospital hallway or a woman boarding a train more riveting than the climactic shootout in someone else’s book. Read Alice Munro and you’ll love people more, and then maybe you can change the world, a bit.
A Heart That Works by Rob Delaney is published by Hodder.

Sathnam Sanghera

Journalist and author
The Trader, the Owner, the Slave by James Walvin is not the longest book on the transatlantic slave trade – it’s not even the most well known. However, by skilfully relating the tales of three men – John Newton, a slave ship captain who later became a preacher; Thomas Thistlewood, a slave owner who amassed a modest fortune from a plantation in Jamaica; and Olaudah Equiano, an enslaved man who was freed, published an autobiography and rose to prominence as a leading Black figure in the fight against the slave trade – Walvin skilfully demonstrates how slavery, like so many other parts of empire, has been wiped from the British psyche and conscience.
Stolen History: The Truth About the British Empire and How It Shaped Us by Sathnam Sanghera is published by Puffin.

Laura Bates

Founder of the Everyday Sexism project
When we talk about world-changing books, we often focus on adult nonfiction, but in many ways the stories we tell the younger generations can be the most impactful in changing minds, capturing hearts and galvanising readers to believe they can create real change. When Our Worlds Collided by Danielle Jawando is just such a book: a coming-of-age story that takes a searing and honest look at racial discrimination in the education and justice systems. It will leave young readers heartbroken and angry, but full of the fiery belief that something needs to change, and that together they can be part of creating that change.
Laura Bates’s Fix the System, Not the Women is published by Simon & Schuster.

Max Porter


Photograph: David Levene/The Guardian

My Fourth Time, We Drowned by Sally Hayden is a journalistic masterpiece, dealing in the specifics of the staggering abuse committed against the most vulnerable people on the planet. I wish it could change EU policy, change public opinion, change the ideological structures of western thought about migration. It is nothing less than an antidote (in stories, in facts) to the weaponised inhumanity of European border policy, but also to tabloid racism, everyday geopolitical ignorance, bigotry or sheer unfeeling denial. The human stories in the book amount to a colossal and urgent corrective.
Shy by Max Porter is published by Faber.

Dr Hannah Critchlow

It’s easy to feel swamped or pessimistic about our future when faced with a number of existential challenges, from climate change, growing inequality and increasingly polarised politics to the threat of disruptive technologies. In Glimpses of Utopia, Jess Scully (a former deputy mayor for Sydney, Australia) takes a pragmatic and optimistic look at what we can all do to help. It’s an uplifting compendium, bursting with successful examples of humans making positive change, and highlighting projects, policies and strategies that put individuals back into the civic equation, reimagining work and care, finance and government, urban planning and communication, to make them better and fairer for all. An invigorating and pragmatically inspiring book.
Joined-Up Thinking: The Science of Collective Intelligence and Its Power to Change Our Lives by Hannah Critchlow is published by Hodder.

Sebastian Barry

Claire-Louise Bennett’s second book after the ultra-mysterious Pond felt revelatory to me. Checkout 19 is so concerned with words and other books that it moves beyond both to offer a hallucinatory experience to the reader. It is less a book itself than a machine for miniature visions and becoming another heart and soul, in this case the highly allusive narrator – an experience only complicated by the fact that the narrator doesn’t want to be known. Fiction here suffers a sea change, a radiant turning point; a turntable in particular for the stubborn locomotive of the Irish tradition.
Old God’s Time by Sebastian Barry is published by Faber.

Joseph Coelho

Poet, playwright and children’s author
The Crown by Emily Kapff is simple, beautiful and heart-wrenching: a dispatch from the future that takes the form of a picture book. A little girl, a princess, stands atop a landfill mound and has a message for us. This is a contemplative text with thoughtful and detailed illustrations that roll out from the possible grey of the future to the vibrant colours of life and nature that could be reclaimed. This is a book that begs us to change the world.
Joseph Coelho is the Waterstones children’s laureate 2022-24.

Andrea Wulf

Historian and author

Photograph: Murdo Macleod/The Guardian

Maybe a single book can’t change the world, but what about a genre? In 2016, Amitav Ghosh asked in his nonfiction polemic The Great Derangement why so few novelists had tackled the most pressing subject of our time: climate change. Since then there has been a flurry of cli-fi publications, from Ghosh’s own Gun Island to Kim Stanley Robinson’s The Ministry for the Future. My absolute favourite is Richard Powers’ enthralling The Overstory – a book that has all the important issues at its heart but is never didactic. It’s a masterpiece of storytelling. Powers weaves together science, poetry, nature and humanity so beautifully that it makes my heart ache and my mind fly.
Magnificent Rebels: The First Romantics and the Invention of the Self by Andrea Wulf is published by John Murray.

Tom Bullough

Writer and environmental campaigner
As a culture we have barely begun to understand the scale of the climate and ecological emergency, far less the necessary scale of our response. Even the most progressive mainstream politicians rarely look past the concept of “green growth” – that is, fundamentally, business as usual. “Degrowth” is an idea easy to vilify – it appears to equate to recession – but, as Jason Hickel explains in his superb Less Is More, in fact it provides a plausible model for a thriving but sustainable economy. This is the scale of thinking we require if, as a species, we intend to survive.
Sarn Helen: A Journey Through Wales, Past, Present and Future by Tom Bullough is published by Granta.

Don Paterson

I don’t doubt that books can change the world; it’s just that the ones that do tend not to change it for the better. If you want to read something that might leave you feeling that we’re not completely doomed, try James Lovelock’s final word on his Gaia hypothesis, Novacene, which looks forward to a world we’ll share with non-human hyperintelligences. The fact that we need a temperate planet to sustain life may actually be a motivating concern for them. It clearly isn’t for us. Many of us dread AI becoming conscious; this book might leave you praying that it does so as quickly as possible.
Toy Fights: A Boyhood by Don Paterson is published by Faber.

Kapka Kassabova

Poet and author
“We need a revolution. It begins with falling in love with the Earth again,” writes the Vietnamese peace activist and Buddhist master Thích Nhát Hanh in Love Letter to the Earth, a slim, powerful book that should be a new Bible. In a series of beautifully written letters toMother Earth, suggested practices for the appreciation of all living things including oneself, and other “healing steps”, Hanh has given us a practical, spiritual, poetic and life-saving guide to how to fall in love again. He explains “there is no difference between healing ourselves and healing the planet” and why “caring for the environment is not an obligation, but a matter of personal and collective happiness and survival”.
Elixir: In the Valley at the End of Time by Kapka Kassabova is published by Jonathan Cape.

Vanessa Chan

One of the most underwritten parts of history is the colonisation of Asia, and its legacy. Lust, Caution, the 1979 novella by Eileen Chang, about a group of Chinese students who plot to assassinate a wartime collaborator of the invading Japanese during the second world war, shows us this moment in history, and the terrible grey areas that emerge in these times. Understanding this history is important – it’s the only way we learn how not to repeat it. But the book is also a masterclass in writing the duality of human beings. To me, changing the world starts with knowing the world. Lust, Caution taught me a little bit more about the world, and about people.
The Storm We Made by Vanessa Chan will be published by Hodder in January 2024.

Fflur Dafydd

Novelist, singer-songwriter and script writer
There is no better way of attempting to change your own world than seeking works in translation – and you’d be hard-pressed to find a more inventive, mind-altering author than Norwegian poet, essayist and novelist Gunnhild Øyehaug, whose latest short story collection, Evil Flowers, translated by Kari Dickson, is a playful take on Baudelaire’s The Flowers of Evil which left me reeling. It almost rebels against the short story form itself, and makes literature seem full of possibility again – to read her is to feel you have entered a whole new universe of fictional possibilities, where language seems entirely malleable and arbitrary, and can be made and remade like clay. It also features one of the best opening lines of anything ever: “As I sat on the toilet menstruating, a fairly large part of my brain fell down into the toilet bowl.”
The Library Suicides by Fflur Dafydd is published by Hodder.

Connor Allen

Actor, artist and children’s laureate of Wales for 2021-23
In a world of confusion, comparison and hate, The Comfort Book by Matt Haig is that crucial read that you can come back to time and time again to uplift you and help you find purpose. Like a manual on life and the beauty of being human and unique it’s a big cwtch in a book for all those who find the world an overwhelming place. This book can save someone’s life because it evokes empathy and understanding in an authentic way that no other book I’ve come across does.
Connor Allen’s Miracles is published by Lucent Dreaming.

Irene Vallejo

Philologist, historian and writer
In the fifth century BC, Euripides released his tragedy The Trojan Women in a crowded theatre. The work recreated the end of the Trojan war – the Greeks’ great patriotic victory. What the proud Athenians heard on that tumultuous afternoon was the rage and despair of the mothers and wives of the enemy, accusing their heroes of cruelty. They came face to face with their own barbarity.

The classics were sometimes profoundly critical of their world and ours. I admire the clarity with which Euripides discards the glitter of legend to denounce the widespread brutality. During wartime, he dared to take the side of the women instead of the men, the enemy instead of his compatriots, and the losers instead of the winners. Over time, Hecuba has spoken anew in the name of the victims, before we could begin to forget.
Papyrus: The Invention of Books in the Ancient World by Irene Vallejo, translated by Charlotte Whittle, is published by Hodder.

Anna Llenas

On 23 April, a day in which Sant Jordi is celebrated in Catalonia (the day of the book and the rose), I recommended the following book to a person during a conversation: The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book by Miguel Ruiz. It is a book that I read more than 15 years ago. It helped me a lot because it made me aware of things that were not working quite well in my life and allowed me to change and my perspective. For me, it was and still is a very powerful book. It is easy to understand, although not easy to apply. The good thing is that it has no age and that it goes directly to its essence with clarity. We know that there are no miracle recipes, but at least for me, trying to put some of these agreements into practice helped me transform things at an individual level. In some way, each of us is seeking our own path, and I believe that it is through the sum of individual changes and shared efforts that we can achieve a more global collective change.
The Colour Monster and The Colour Monster Goes to School are published by Templar.

Katherine May

Author and podcaster
Ece Temelkuran, author of Together: 10 Choices for a Better Now, has pointed out that the west has been used to thinking they’re more advanced than the rest of the world. But the recent slide towards populism shows that we’re actually behind countries like her native Turkey, and are being offered a glimpse of our near-future. In Together, she shows how resisting this rise of polarisation and hatred means adopting a new mindset – reacquainting ourselves with community, finding better strategies than anger, and learning to have faith rather than easily undermined hope. Temelkuran’s work cuts through easy reactions like cynicism and rage, and shows us how to engage again.
Enchantment: Reawakening Wonder in an Exhausted Age by Katherine May is published by Faber.

Cressida Cowell

Author and illustrator
The Lorax by Dr Seuss. “I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.” Written in 1971, it’s still relevant and revolutionary, and is one of the best books about the environment ever written. I remember feeling spellbound by it as a child: the lyricism and rhythm flow magnificently, carrying you inexorably through the story. It’s almost like an incantation. It achieves meaning and message with humour, heart and genius simplicity: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, / Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” It’s made me cry, but it’s also joyful. The Lorax is a call to action I heard as a child that’s echoed into adulthood.
Which Way to Anywhere by Cressida Cowell is published by Hachette.


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