Distributed Systems: Consensus Algorithms – DZone

In my first engineering role in a software call center company, we wanted to add fault tolerance to the existing solution. After fruitless attempts to invent a consensus algorithm, we switched to ClusterLabs’ Pacemaker.

Several years later, at Yandex, I skipped the invention step and was the first in the company to bring in Zookeeper and use it to build a cluster configuration management system. Later, I used etcd (the backbone of Kubernetes) and contributed to the open-source, improving etcd’s update performance.

This journey underscores a larger narrative in the tech world. Distributed systems have become the unsung heroes of our technological age in the time defined by interconnectedness. The prevalence of distributed systems is indisputable, from sustaining the massive e-commerce companies that serve millions of customers each day to supporting the complex structure of cryptocurrencies. Underneath this digital veil, however, is a fundamental challenge: the need to reach a consensus among numerous components dispersed across various locations, frequently vulnerable to failures or disruptions.

The inventive field of consensus algorithms is at the core of solving this problem. The foundation for ensuring agreement and coherence in distributed systems is these complex protocols. Dependability is crucial, and they serve as the designers of reliability, the guardians of data consistency, and the insurers of fault tolerance. In this article, I invite you to take a closer look at their role in distributed system design.

The Rise of Distributed Systems

Computing, constantly evolving at an incredible speed, has been a witness to significant paradigm shifts: from the monolithic mainframes of previous years to today’s microservices — the approaches to processing data have transformed profoundly. As the centralized models of the past inevitably became increasingly inadequate, the digital realm demanded something more flexible, scalable, and resilient.

Enter the age of distributed systems. These systems spread tasks and workloads across multiple machines or nodes, working in well-coordinated cooperation. This design became indispensable in various sectors: e-commerce giants, for instance, utilized distributed systems to handle millions of concurrent users. Similarly, cryptocurrencies owe their existence and security to the principles of distributed networks. 

At the heart of these advancements is the need for autonomy. Our world is becoming more interconnected and digital, and the challenges of scale, performance, and reliability demand a system that can spread out, adapt, and respond. 

Defining Consensus in Distributed Systems

Consensus, in the context of distributed systems, is the act of getting a group of nodes to agree on a single value or outcome, even if failures and network delays occur. This agreement is vital for the proper functioning of distributed systems, for it ensures that all nodes operate cohesively and consistently, even when they are geographically dispersed.

One of the earliest challenges in the pursuit of consensus is illustrated by the Two Generals’ Problem. This problem highlights the difficulty of achieving absolute certainty in a distributed system. Even with perfect communication, there is no algorithm that can guarantee consensus when nodes may fail, or messages can be lost.

Furthermore, the CAP theorem, proposed by computer scientist Eric Brewer, formalizes the trade-offs that distributed systems must make between Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance. According to CAP, a distributed system can ensure at most two out of these three properties simultaneously. This theorem provides a foundational framework for understanding the challenges of consensus in distributed systems. 

A Closer Look Into Consensus Algorithms: The Core Concepts

We have already discussed what is a consensus in terms of distributed systems and know that if nodes don’t agree on the data’s state, it can lead to data inconsistencies, causing system malfunctions or even data loss.

At the heart of many consensus algorithms is the concept of Leader election, as it establishes a single node responsible for coordinating and making decisions on behalf of the group. In other words, this leader ensures that all nodes in the system agree on a common value or decision, promoting order and preventing conflicts in distributed environments.

Fault tolerance is a critical aspect of consensus algorithms as well, as it allows systems to continue functioning even in the presence of node failures, network partitions, or other unforeseen issues. 

Consistency, reliability, and fault tolerance are among the primary guarantees offered. They ensure that actions once agreed upon are irrevocable and uniformly recognized across the system, providing the foundation for many distributed systems, including databases, blockchains, and cloud services.

Consensus Algorithms: From Classics to the New Ones


Paxos is named after the Greek island and stands as one of the most prominent consensus algorithms. Introduced by Leslie Lamport in the late 1980s, Paxos’s primary aim was to ensure system consistency in the face of node failures.

The protocol operates in a series of rounds and involves roles such as proposers, acceptors, and learners. Key phases include proposing a value, collecting responses, and finally reaching an agreement. The formality of Paxos often leads to challenges in its implementation, but its endurance declares its foundational nature.


Raft was introduced in 2013 by Ongaro and Ousterhout. Unlike Paxos, Raft was designed for understandability without compromising efficiency and guarantees.

Raft breaks down the consensus process into a few key steps: leader election, log replication, and safety. Its modularity and clear delineation of roles and phases make it a preferred choice for many modern distributed systems.

ZAB: ZooKeeper’s Atomic Broadcast

ZooKeeper’s Atomic Broadcast (ZAB) is integral to the operation of Apache Zookeeper, a service offering distributed synchronization. ZAB makes sure that all changes (writes) to the system state get reliably disseminated to all nodes in the order they were received, ensuring system-wide consistency.

ZAB operates in two primary modes: recovery and broadcast. The recovery mode deals with leader election and syncing replicas, while the broadcast mode handles state updates.

However, besides more classical algorithms, there is the next generation called to solve the new problems and dilemmas stemming from evolving system challenges like potential malicious nodes and the unique demands of blockchain technologies.

Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT)

Moving beyond the assumption of benign failures, PBFT was introduced in the late 1990s to handle Byzantine failures where nodes might act maliciously. It focuses on system consensus even when some nodes exhibit arbitrary behaviors.

PBFT operates in a sequence of views, with each view having a primary (leader) and backups (replicas). The protocol involves three main phases: pre-prepare, prepare, and commit, which ensures that a minimum of 2/3 of the nodes agree before moving forward.


Cryptocurrencies and blockchains brought new challenges for consensus. HoneyBadgerBFT, inspired by the resilience of honey badgers, was introduced to handle the asynchronous nature of such systems. Unlike other algorithms that assume some synchrony, HoneyBadgerBFT operates under the assumption that network delays are unpredictable.

It employs cryptographic techniques like threshold encryption to batch transactions, ensuring system progress irrespective of network conditions.


Tendermint combines the strengths of PBFT-style consensus with the demands of modern blockchains. It offers a modular approach where the consensus and application layers are distinct, making it adaptable for various applications.

Tendermint’s protocol comprises rounds and heights, ensuring system liveness and safety by requiring 2/3 majority votes before finalizing decisions.

Thus, Paxos, Raft, and ZAB are classic consensus algorithms primarily designed to ensure system consistency in distributed systems with benign failures. In contrast, PBFT, HoneyBadgerBFT, and Tendermint cater to Byzantine fault tolerance.

Real-World Applications

The foundational principles of consensus algorithms find vast and varied real-world applications. At the forefront, blockchain technology leverages consensus to drive the core of cryptocurrencies. Through protocols like Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake, blockchains ensure that transactions are securely and irrevocably recorded, building trust in a decentralized manner.

Parallelly, distributed databases (such as Google Spanner and CockroachDB) employ consensus to guarantee data consistency across multiple nodes. As data is dispersed geographically to enhance accessibility and resilience, it becomes crucial to maintain a unified version of truth. Algorithms like the aforementioned Paxos and Raft become instrumental in ensuring that every data operation reflects consistently across the network.

Lastly, the expansive realm of cloud computing, which promises reliable services to millions, hinges on consensus. From managing distributed storage to orchestrating containerized applications, consensus ensures fault tolerance, making certain that even if part of the cloud infrastructure faces disruption, the overall service remains unaffected. 

However, as consensus algorithms establish many of today’s digital infrastructures, they also face evolving challenges and offer intriguing prospects for the future.

Conclusion: Challenges and Future Directions

In terms of consensus, scalability stands out as the Achilles’ heel. With increasing numbers of nodes and transactions in distributed systems, achieving consensus efficiently becomes a monumental task. 

In this landscape, tools like Google’s Chubby play a crucial role. Google Chubby, a lock service used for c for loosely-coupled distributed systems, exemplifies how some modern systems address the issue of consensus in scalable environments. With Chubby, Google can ensure coordination and reliability across its massive infrastructure, directly correlating with the broader context of striving for efficient consensus methods in distributed settings. In the retrospective paper on applying consensus in scalable environments, there are further challenges faced during the implementaton, such as handling disc corruptions, lost of the master status, database transaction issues,  and others. 

Meanwhile, concerns about energy efficiency come to the fore, especially in blockchain realms. Protocols like Proof-of-Work, integral to Bitcoin, demand significant computational power, leading to unsustainable energy consumption. This environmental footprint prompts researchers and industries alike to seek more sustainable consensus mechanisms.

Quantum computing emerges as well, presenting both threats and opportunities. Its unparalleled computational capabilities could disrupt many current consensus algorithms, especially cryptographic methods, rendering them vulnerable.

Finally, as we navigate these challenges, the road ahead is paved with emerging consensus algorithms. Innovations aim to address present-day limitations, reconciling efficiency with security. From sharding techniques that divide networks for improved scalability to hybrid consensus methods that combine the best of existing algorithms, the future of consensus opens up lots of ramifications.

In my first engineering role in a software call center company, we wanted to add fault tolerance to the existing solution. After fruitless attempts to invent a consensus algorithm, we switched to ClusterLabs’ Pacemaker.

Several years later, at Yandex, I skipped the invention step and was the first in the company to bring in Zookeeper and use it to build a cluster configuration management system. Later, I used etcd (the backbone of Kubernetes) and contributed to the open-source, improving etcd’s update performance.

This journey underscores a larger narrative in the tech world. Distributed systems have become the unsung heroes of our technological age in the time defined by interconnectedness. The prevalence of distributed systems is indisputable, from sustaining the massive e-commerce companies that serve millions of customers each day to supporting the complex structure of cryptocurrencies. Underneath this digital veil, however, is a fundamental challenge: the need to reach a consensus among numerous components dispersed across various locations, frequently vulnerable to failures or disruptions.

The inventive field of consensus algorithms is at the core of solving this problem. The foundation for ensuring agreement and coherence in distributed systems is these complex protocols. Dependability is crucial, and they serve as the designers of reliability, the guardians of data consistency, and the insurers of fault tolerance. In this article, I invite you to take a closer look at their role in distributed system design.

The Rise of Distributed Systems

Computing, constantly evolving at an incredible speed, has been a witness to significant paradigm shifts: from the monolithic mainframes of previous years to today’s microservices — the approaches to processing data have transformed profoundly. As the centralized models of the past inevitably became increasingly inadequate, the digital realm demanded something more flexible, scalable, and resilient.

Enter the age of distributed systems. These systems spread tasks and workloads across multiple machines or nodes, working in well-coordinated cooperation. This design became indispensable in various sectors: e-commerce giants, for instance, utilized distributed systems to handle millions of concurrent users. Similarly, cryptocurrencies owe their existence and security to the principles of distributed networks. 

At the heart of these advancements is the need for autonomy. Our world is becoming more interconnected and digital, and the challenges of scale, performance, and reliability demand a system that can spread out, adapt, and respond. 

Defining Consensus in Distributed Systems

Consensus, in the context of distributed systems, is the act of getting a group of nodes to agree on a single value or outcome, even if failures and network delays occur. This agreement is vital for the proper functioning of distributed systems, for it ensures that all nodes operate cohesively and consistently, even when they are geographically dispersed.

One of the earliest challenges in the pursuit of consensus is illustrated by the Two Generals’ Problem. This problem highlights the difficulty of achieving absolute certainty in a distributed system. Even with perfect communication, there is no algorithm that can guarantee consensus when nodes may fail, or messages can be lost.

Furthermore, the CAP theorem, proposed by computer scientist Eric Brewer, formalizes the trade-offs that distributed systems must make between Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance. According to CAP, a distributed system can ensure at most two out of these three properties simultaneously. This theorem provides a foundational framework for understanding the challenges of consensus in distributed systems. 

A Closer Look Into Consensus Algorithms: The Core Concepts

We have already discussed what is a consensus in terms of distributed systems and know that if nodes don’t agree on the data’s state, it can lead to data inconsistencies, causing system malfunctions or even data loss.

At the heart of many consensus algorithms is the concept of Leader election, as it establishes a single node responsible for coordinating and making decisions on behalf of the group. In other words, this leader ensures that all nodes in the system agree on a common value or decision, promoting order and preventing conflicts in distributed environments.

Fault tolerance is a critical aspect of consensus algorithms as well, as it allows systems to continue functioning even in the presence of node failures, network partitions, or other unforeseen issues. 

Consistency, reliability, and fault tolerance are among the primary guarantees offered. They ensure that actions once agreed upon are irrevocable and uniformly recognized across the system, providing the foundation for many distributed systems, including databases, blockchains, and cloud services.

Consensus Algorithms: From Classics to the New Ones


Paxos is named after the Greek island and stands as one of the most prominent consensus algorithms. Introduced by Leslie Lamport in the late 1980s, Paxos’s primary aim was to ensure system consistency in the face of node failures.

The protocol operates in a series of rounds and involves roles such as proposers, acceptors, and learners. Key phases include proposing a value, collecting responses, and finally reaching an agreement. The formality of Paxos often leads to challenges in its implementation, but its endurance declares its foundational nature.


Raft was introduced in 2013 by Ongaro and Ousterhout. Unlike Paxos, Raft was designed for understandability without compromising efficiency and guarantees.

Raft breaks down the consensus process into a few key steps: leader election, log replication, and safety. Its modularity and clear delineation of roles and phases make it a preferred choice for many modern distributed systems.

ZAB: ZooKeeper’s Atomic Broadcast

ZooKeeper’s Atomic Broadcast (ZAB) is integral to the operation of Apache Zookeeper, a service offering distributed synchronization. ZAB makes sure that all changes (writes) to the system state get reliably disseminated to all nodes in the order they were received, ensuring system-wide consistency.

ZAB operates in two primary modes: recovery and broadcast. The recovery mode deals with leader election and syncing replicas, while the broadcast mode handles state updates.

However, besides more classical algorithms, there is the next generation called to solve the new problems and dilemmas stemming from evolving system challenges like potential malicious nodes and the unique demands of blockchain technologies.

Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT)

Moving beyond the assumption of benign failures, PBFT was introduced in the late 1990s to handle Byzantine failures where nodes might act maliciously. It focuses on system consensus even when some nodes exhibit arbitrary behaviors.

PBFT operates in a sequence of views, with each view having a primary (leader) and backups (replicas). The protocol involves three main phases: pre-prepare, prepare, and commit, which ensures that a minimum of 2/3 of the nodes agree before moving forward.


Cryptocurrencies and blockchains brought new challenges for consensus. HoneyBadgerBFT, inspired by the resilience of honey badgers, was introduced to handle the asynchronous nature of such systems. Unlike other algorithms that assume some synchrony, HoneyBadgerBFT operates under the assumption that network delays are unpredictable.

It employs cryptographic techniques like threshold encryption to batch transactions, ensuring system progress irrespective of network conditions.


Tendermint combines the strengths of PBFT-style consensus with the demands of modern blockchains. It offers a modular approach where the consensus and application layers are distinct, making it adaptable for various applications.

Tendermint’s protocol comprises rounds and heights, ensuring system liveness and safety by requiring 2/3 majority votes before finalizing decisions.

Thus, Paxos, Raft, and ZAB are classic consensus algorithms primarily designed to ensure system consistency in distributed systems with benign failures. In contrast, PBFT, HoneyBadgerBFT, and Tendermint cater to Byzantine fault tolerance.

Real-World Applications

The foundational principles of consensus algorithms find vast and varied real-world applications. At the forefront, blockchain technology leverages consensus to drive the core of cryptocurrencies. Through protocols like Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake, blockchains ensure that transactions are securely and irrevocably recorded, building trust in a decentralized manner.

Parallelly, distributed databases (such as Google Spanner and CockroachDB) employ consensus to guarantee data consistency across multiple nodes. As data is dispersed geographically to enhance accessibility and resilience, it becomes crucial to maintain a unified version of truth. Algorithms like the aforementioned Paxos and Raft become instrumental in ensuring that every data operation reflects consistently across the network.

Lastly, the expansive realm of cloud computing, which promises reliable services to millions, hinges on consensus. From managing distributed storage to orchestrating containerized applications, consensus ensures fault tolerance, making certain that even if part of the cloud infrastructure faces disruption, the overall service remains unaffected. 

However, as consensus algorithms establish many of today’s digital infrastructures, they also face evolving challenges and offer intriguing prospects for the future.

Conclusion: Challenges and Future Directions

In terms of consensus, scalability stands out as the Achilles’ heel. With increasing numbers of nodes and transactions in distributed systems, achieving consensus efficiently becomes a monumental task. 

In this landscape, tools like Google’s Chubby play a crucial role. Google Chubby, a lock service used for c for loosely-coupled distributed systems, exemplifies how some modern systems address the issue of consensus in scalable environments. With Chubby, Google can ensure coordination and reliability across its massive infrastructure, directly correlating with the broader context of striving for efficient consensus methods in distributed settings. In the retrospective paper on applying consensus in scalable environments, there are further challenges faced during the implementaton, such as handling disc corruptions, lost of the master status, database transaction issues,  and others. 

Meanwhile, concerns about energy efficiency come to the fore, especially in blockchain realms. Protocols like Proof-of-Work, integral to Bitcoin, demand significant computational power, leading to unsustainable energy consumption. This environmental footprint prompts researchers and industries alike to seek more sustainable consensus mechanisms.

Quantum computing emerges as well, presenting both threats and opportunities. Its unparalleled computational capabilities could disrupt many current consensus algorithms, especially cryptographic methods, rendering them vulnerable.

Finally, as we navigate these challenges, the road ahead is paved with emerging consensus algorithms. Innovations aim to address present-day limitations, reconciling efficiency with security. From sharding techniques that divide networks for improved scalability to hybrid consensus methods that combine the best of existing algorithms, the future of consensus opens up lots of ramifications.


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aiAlgorithmalgorithmsartificial intelligenceConsensusData consistencyDesigndistributedDZoneFault tolerancelatest newssystemsTech News
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