LILLEY: Ford targets blue collar support on Horwath’s Steeltown turf

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Doug Ford stood at a podium on Wednesday morning with Hamilton Harbour behind him.

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A tugboat bobbed in the water at Heddle Shipyard while in the distance could be seen Stelco, one of the industrial jewels of the city.

This was prime industrial real estate in the heart of Andrea Horwath’s hometown and her riding.

“I’m proud to have so many people lining up behind our vision, including workers from all across Ontario,” Ford said.

He was beaming having just picked up his fifth and sixth endorsement from unions representing construction and industrial workers. The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers had endorsed Ford earlier in the morning. Shortly after that came an endorsement from the Ontario Pipe Trades Council, a union representing more than 20,000 workers in plumbing, welding and HVAC among other skills.

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In total, Ford has received endorsements from blue collar unions representing well over 100,000 workers over the past several weeks and more are expected to come by voting day. He took a direct shot at the NDP over blue collar workers backing the PCs.

“It’s no surprise that workers have stopped supporting them because years ago the NDP stopped supporting workers,” Ford said.

Campaigning in Kingston, Horwath was asked about the bold move by Ford which she dismissed.

“Mr. Ford likes to pretend that he’s in it for the working the working person. It’s not true,” she said.

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She went on to detail the support she’s received from the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, the Ontario Federation of Labour and even the Steelworkers. That last one is problematic for Horwath on more than one front.

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In the riding of Hamilton East Stoney Creek, her local NDP candidate Zaigham Butt is facing off against Paul Miller, who held the riding for the NDP for 15 years before Horvath booted him from the party. Miller, a steelworker himself before entering politics, has the backing of Local 1005, the branch of the United Steelworkers representing those working the line at Stelco.

The other problem she will have is that when Ford visited Stelco for a photo-op, he was mobbed by Local 1005 members wanting to get a photo with him. His quickly planned visit to Stelco’s Z-Line stretched on as he spoke to the assembled workers as a group and as individuals answering questions and getting those selfies in.

“I voted for him last time, I’m voting for him again,” Charles told me, as he watched on from the sidelines of Ford’s meeting with workers.

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Derek said he doesn’t like the direction the Liberals and NDP are going and will be backing Ford once again.

“Electric vehicles won’t cut it. The price of gas is too much. We can’t afford tax hikes,” Derek said.

The workers I spoke to were clearly voicing support for Ford. Perhaps this was a self-selected group but if it was, it was a large one in an industrial setting and in a city where Horwath should be dominant.

While she and her party take the core of Hamilton, Ford’s PCs took the outer suburban ring last time and look set to do the same this election, maybe even taking Hamilton East Stoney Creek away from the NDP. It would be an embarrassing situation for Horwath if that happened, but it also should be embarrassing for her that she’s sitting in third place in every single recent opinion poll.

The NDP leader put on a brave face and said she’s running to be premier on June 2 and running to win. The long photo line of steelworkers in her own riding waiting for a photo with Ford would tell a different story.

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Doug Ford stood at a podium on Wednesday morning with Hamilton Harbour behind him.

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A tugboat bobbed in the water at Heddle Shipyard while in the distance could be seen Stelco, one of the industrial jewels of the city.

This was prime industrial real estate in the heart of Andrea Horwath’s hometown and her riding.

“I’m proud to have so many people lining up behind our vision, including workers from all across Ontario,” Ford said.

He was beaming having just picked up his fifth and sixth endorsement from unions representing construction and industrial workers. The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers had endorsed Ford earlier in the morning. Shortly after that came an endorsement from the Ontario Pipe Trades Council, a union representing more than 20,000 workers in plumbing, welding and HVAC among other skills.

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In total, Ford has received endorsements from blue collar unions representing well over 100,000 workers over the past several weeks and more are expected to come by voting day. He took a direct shot at the NDP over blue collar workers backing the PCs.

“It’s no surprise that workers have stopped supporting them because years ago the NDP stopped supporting workers,” Ford said.

Campaigning in Kingston, Horwath was asked about the bold move by Ford which she dismissed.

“Mr. Ford likes to pretend that he’s in it for the working the working person. It’s not true,” she said.

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She went on to detail the support she’s received from the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, the Ontario Federation of Labour and even the Steelworkers. That last one is problematic for Horwath on more than one front.

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In the riding of Hamilton East Stoney Creek, her local NDP candidate Zaigham Butt is facing off against Paul Miller, who held the riding for the NDP for 15 years before Horvath booted him from the party. Miller, a steelworker himself before entering politics, has the backing of Local 1005, the branch of the United Steelworkers representing those working the line at Stelco.

The other problem she will have is that when Ford visited Stelco for a photo-op, he was mobbed by Local 1005 members wanting to get a photo with him. His quickly planned visit to Stelco’s Z-Line stretched on as he spoke to the assembled workers as a group and as individuals answering questions and getting those selfies in.

“I voted for him last time, I’m voting for him again,” Charles told me, as he watched on from the sidelines of Ford’s meeting with workers.

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Derek said he doesn’t like the direction the Liberals and NDP are going and will be backing Ford once again.

“Electric vehicles won’t cut it. The price of gas is too much. We can’t afford tax hikes,” Derek said.

The workers I spoke to were clearly voicing support for Ford. Perhaps this was a self-selected group but if it was, it was a large one in an industrial setting and in a city where Horwath should be dominant.

While she and her party take the core of Hamilton, Ford’s PCs took the outer suburban ring last time and look set to do the same this election, maybe even taking Hamilton East Stoney Creek away from the NDP. It would be an embarrassing situation for Horwath if that happened, but it also should be embarrassing for her that she’s sitting in third place in every single recent opinion poll.

The NDP leader put on a brave face and said she’s running to be premier on June 2 and running to win. The long photo line of steelworkers in her own riding waiting for a photo with Ford would tell a different story.

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