OpenAI’s Amazing ChatGPT: Is It Promising for Niche Topics? | by Andy McDonald | Dec, 2022

Asking ChatGPT about Petrophysics

Image generated by DALL-E 2 by the author.

OpenAI has recently released their latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot prototype powered by a model from the GPT-3.5 series. It provides a service where you can ask questions and it comes back with a detailed answer in a conversational way. Almost as if you were talking to a human!

ChatGPT is based on a trained model using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback which allows it to simulate conversation, answer follow-up questions and even admit to mistakes.

Even though OpenAI’s ChatGPT has recently taken the internet by storm, is it as good as it seems when it comes to dealing with a niche topic?

Within this article I ask the chatbot 5 questions that are specific to my discipline of petrophysics and evaluate the responses the AI gives based on my domain knowledge.


Petrophysics is a very specialised domain within the oil and gas industry. Essentially, it is a role where we try to understand the physical properties of rocks, their fluid contents and how these fluids move through the rock. This role is mainly focused on oil and gas identification from well log measurements.

Sometimes it is a difficult topic to explain to a non-geologist.


Petrophysics is a branch of geology that deals with the physical properties of rocks, particularly the relationship between the physical properties of rocks and their ability to transmit fluids (such as oil, gas, and water). In simple terms, petrophysics is concerned with understanding the physical characteristics of rocks and how these characteristics affect the flow of fluids through the rocks. This is important for various industries, such as the oil and gas industry, which rely on the ability to extract oil and gas from underground reservoirs. Petrophysicists use a variety of techniques, such as drilling cores, well logging, and geophysical surveys, to measure and analyze the physical properties of rocks and their ability to transmit fluids.

Comments & Thoughts:

Overall the description is accurate. The main industry for petrophysicists is indeed oil and gas, but there are other areas such as academia and research related roles.

As for explaining the topic in simple terms it may still be too complex and jargon rich for non-science disciplines, especially words such as “well logging” and “transmit fluids” The latter could be simplified to “allowing fluids to flow”.

There is also a little bit of repetitiveness in the response with the last part of the last sentence being a repeat of the last part of the first sentence.

I would be happy — with a few tweaks — to use this description to explain to others what petrophysics is.


Understanding how well logging tools work, take measurements and how to interpret them is one of the key roles of a petrophysicist.

This prompt was to test how ChatGPT would respond to a technical question and whether it would provide a good enough overview of how gamma ray logging tools work.


Gamma ray tools are a type of tool used in well logging to measure the natural radioactivity of formations in the subsurface. These tools work by detecting gamma radiation, which is a type of high-energy radiation that is emitted by certain elements, such as potassium, thorium, and uranium. When gamma radiation is emitted from these elements, it can be detected by the gamma ray tool and used to measure the radioactivity of the formation.

Gamma ray tools typically consist of a radiation detector, such as a scintillation crystal or a gas-filled detector, that is attached to a long, thin cable. The cable is lowered into the well, and as it passes through the formations, the gamma radiation emitted by the elements in the rock is detected by the tool. The tool then sends this information to the surface, where it is used to create a gamma ray log, which is a graphical representation of the radioactivity of the formations.

Gamma ray logs are used by geologists and petrophysicists to understand the geology of the subsurface, and can provide valuable information about the composition and properties of the formations. This information is important for various industries, such as the oil and gas industry, which rely on the ability to extract oil and gas from underground reservoirs. By using gamma ray tools, petrophysicists can identify the most promising areas for drilling and extraction, and develop more efficient and effective methods for extracting oil and gas.

Comments & Thoughts:

Overall this is a very good explanation of how gamma ray tools work. They are indeed used to measure the natural radioactivity from three key elements — potassium, thorium and uranium — that are commonly found within minerals contained within the rocks.

When carrying out logging of wells with wireline tools, the tools are joined together and lowered to the bottom of the well on a cable. This is wound on the rig and measurements are made of the formations. The gamma ray tool does contain a scintillation crystal or a gas filed tube, but it is housed within a metal tool body. The response of “scintillation crystal or a gas-filled detector, that is attached to a long, thin cable.” may be slightly misunderstood in this context.

As for the last sentence in the response, it is partly correct. Gamma ray tools can be used to identify potential reservoir zones. Lower gamma ray readings indicate potentially clean reservoir intervals. However, using a gamma ray tool alone will not be able to tell us if we have hydrocarbons within a formation. To fully characterise the formation and its fluid(s) we would need additional logging measurements.


One of the underpinning equations within the petrophysics domain is the Archie equation. This equation allows us to derive Water Saturation (Sw) from well log measurements and key parameter. Put simply, it is used to determine how much of the pore space (0–100%) is filled with water, which in turn can be used to to determine how much hydrocarbons are present (1 — Sw).

The Archie equation requires a number of key parameters such as the resistivity of the fluid within the formation (Rw), the geometry of the pores (tortuosity — a) and the available pore space (φ — phi). These can be obtained by other measurements or obtained from core plugs.


The Archie equation is a widely used equation in petrophysics that is used to calculate water saturation, which is the amount of water present in a reservoir rock. The equation is typically written as:

S_w = (a * R_w) / (φ * m)


S_w = water saturation

a = cementation exponent (a value that depends on the type of rock and the wettability of the rock)

R_w = resistivity of the water in the rock

φ = porosity of the rock (the fraction of the rock’s volume that is occupied by pores)

m = cementation factor (a value that depends on the type of rock and the type of fluid present in the pores)

To use the Archie equation to calculate water saturation, you need to know the values of all of these parameters. Once you have these values, you can plug them into the equation and solve for S_w, which will give you the water saturation. For example, if a = 2, R_w = 100 ohm-meters, φ = 0.2, and m = 4, then the water saturation would be calculated as:

S_w = (2 * 100) / (0.2 * 4) = 10

which means that the rock has a water saturation of 10%.

It’s worth noting that the Archie equation is a simplified model that assumes certain conditions about the rock and the fluids present in the pores. In practice, the actual water saturation may be different from the value calculated using the equation, and other more complex models may be needed to accurately predict water saturation.

Comments & Thoughts

The response on this occasion is partly correct.

It provides information on a few of the key parameters that a petrophysicist would use within this equation, however, the form of the equation is incorrect and a few parameters are missing.

The form given above:

S_w = (a * R_w) / (φ * m)

should be:

Archie water saturation equation. Image by the author.

The two missing parameters Rt is the resistivity of the formation and n is the saturation exponent. Both of which are essential when calculating a water saturation.

The top line of the equation provided by ChatGPT is correct, but the bottom part is not. Porosity (φ) should be raised to the power of m rather than be multiplied by it.

Additionally, the values used within the example may seem plausible at first glance to the untrained eye.

Rw values of 100 are extremely high and an m value of 4 is outside what would be considered normal. Typically m is around 2, but can range between 1.7 and 3.0 depending on how well cemented the rock is.

Additionally, the a parameter representing pore tortuosity is incorrectly labelled as a cementation exponent and is assigned a value of 2 in the example. This parameter is typically assumed to be 1, however, it can vary depending on the type of rock present.

Overall, I would be concerned if someone without domain knowledge used the supplied equation in a real world situation.


I had read that ChatGPT was also capable of producing code. So as a Python enthusiast I had to try it out. Carrying on from the previous prompt I wanted to see how the equation given could be written in Python form.


Here is an example of how you could implement the Archie equation in Python:

# define the parameters
a = 2
rw = 100
phi = 0.2
m = 4

# calculate water saturation using the Archie equation
sw = (a * rw) / (phi * m)
# print the result

In this example, the values of the parameters (a, rw, phi, and m) are hard-coded into the program. In practice, you would probably want to use user input or read these values from a file or database. The program calculates the water saturation using the Archie equation, and then prints the result to the screen. In this case, the output would be 10, which means that the rock has a water saturation of 10%.

Comments & Thoughts:

Ignoring the fact that the equation is incorrect, it has provided useable Python code that can be run right away. Also, surprisingly, it has generated associated comments to help explain what is happening.

It would have been nice if it made this equation into function to allow the user to pass the parameters in. This is something that can also be asked of the ChatGPT bot if needed.

At the end, it also provides a suggestion on how to improve the code by using user input or reading values from a file, which is what is commonly done.

As with the previous prompt, I would be concerned about using the equation in this form, however, it did generate runable code.


Following on from the erroneous water saturation equation, I had to see if this was a one off. Therefore, I had try it with another simple yet commonly used equation — the density porosity equation.

This equation is used to provide an indication of how much pore space is available within the rock based on a number of key parameters and a bulk density log measurement.


To calculate density porosity, you need to know the density of the rock and the density of the fluid filling the pores in the rock. You can then use the following equation:

φ = (ρ_m — ρ_f) / ρ_m


φ = density porosity

ρ_m = density of the rock

ρ_f = density of the fluid in the pores

This equation simply calculates the difference between the density of the rock and the density of the fluid, and divides this difference by the density of the rock. The result is the density porosity, which is a measure of the volume of the pores in the rock relative to the total volume of the rock.

For example, if the density of the rock is 2.7 g/cm³ and the density of the fluid in the pores is 1.0 g/cm³, then the density porosity would be calculated as:

φ = (2.7–1.0) / 2.7 = 0.63

which means that the rock has a density porosity of 63%.

It’s worth noting that this equation is a simplified model that assumes that the rock and the fluid in the pores have constant densities. In practice, the actual density porosity may be different from the value calculated using this equation, and other more complex models may be needed to accurately predict density porosity.

Comments & Thoughts:

Again, ChatGPT has provided a partially correct equation with believable parameters. However, the correct form is illustrated below:

Density porosity equation. Image by the author.

Where ρ_m is the matrix density, ρ_f is the fluid density and ρ_b is bulk density as measured using a density logging tool.

The values it provides for matrix and fluid are within the expected values, however the calculated porosity of 63% is not possible in nature. Anything above 47.6% and the rock would collapse.

Interestingly, it has picked up the correct mathematical symbols and units for the different density measurements.

As before, I would be concerned for anyone without domain knowledge using this equation to carry out real-world calculations and work.

Overall I am impressed and enthusiastic about ChatGPT and it’s uses, however, I do have serious concerns if it is used by non-experts to derive information on niche equations and methods. As seen here, the chatbot struggled to provide the correct form of the equations.

I can see it in it’s current form being used to generate ideas and have conversations around the topics, but it should always be in the back of your mind that what it provides may not be correct.

In fact, just recently StackOverflow has temporarily banned ChatGPT from using content from its platform to generate answers due to its accuracy. It will be interesting to see how this develops over the next few weeks.

Do I think it could replace Google and Wikipedia in the future? Possibly, in several years after further training, but at the moment, I would not put too much weight in the responses. I would always try and check what it provides with other sources where possible.

There is also a risk that if these tools are used by inexperienced people, they can lead to severe problems later on. The same could be said for many of the current machine learning algorithms and programmes available.

Asking ChatGPT about Petrophysics

Image generated by DALL-E 2 by the author.

OpenAI has recently released their latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot prototype powered by a model from the GPT-3.5 series. It provides a service where you can ask questions and it comes back with a detailed answer in a conversational way. Almost as if you were talking to a human!

ChatGPT is based on a trained model using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback which allows it to simulate conversation, answer follow-up questions and even admit to mistakes.

Even though OpenAI’s ChatGPT has recently taken the internet by storm, is it as good as it seems when it comes to dealing with a niche topic?

Within this article I ask the chatbot 5 questions that are specific to my discipline of petrophysics and evaluate the responses the AI gives based on my domain knowledge.


Petrophysics is a very specialised domain within the oil and gas industry. Essentially, it is a role where we try to understand the physical properties of rocks, their fluid contents and how these fluids move through the rock. This role is mainly focused on oil and gas identification from well log measurements.

Sometimes it is a difficult topic to explain to a non-geologist.


Petrophysics is a branch of geology that deals with the physical properties of rocks, particularly the relationship between the physical properties of rocks and their ability to transmit fluids (such as oil, gas, and water). In simple terms, petrophysics is concerned with understanding the physical characteristics of rocks and how these characteristics affect the flow of fluids through the rocks. This is important for various industries, such as the oil and gas industry, which rely on the ability to extract oil and gas from underground reservoirs. Petrophysicists use a variety of techniques, such as drilling cores, well logging, and geophysical surveys, to measure and analyze the physical properties of rocks and their ability to transmit fluids.

Comments & Thoughts:

Overall the description is accurate. The main industry for petrophysicists is indeed oil and gas, but there are other areas such as academia and research related roles.

As for explaining the topic in simple terms it may still be too complex and jargon rich for non-science disciplines, especially words such as “well logging” and “transmit fluids” The latter could be simplified to “allowing fluids to flow”.

There is also a little bit of repetitiveness in the response with the last part of the last sentence being a repeat of the last part of the first sentence.

I would be happy — with a few tweaks — to use this description to explain to others what petrophysics is.


Understanding how well logging tools work, take measurements and how to interpret them is one of the key roles of a petrophysicist.

This prompt was to test how ChatGPT would respond to a technical question and whether it would provide a good enough overview of how gamma ray logging tools work.


Gamma ray tools are a type of tool used in well logging to measure the natural radioactivity of formations in the subsurface. These tools work by detecting gamma radiation, which is a type of high-energy radiation that is emitted by certain elements, such as potassium, thorium, and uranium. When gamma radiation is emitted from these elements, it can be detected by the gamma ray tool and used to measure the radioactivity of the formation.

Gamma ray tools typically consist of a radiation detector, such as a scintillation crystal or a gas-filled detector, that is attached to a long, thin cable. The cable is lowered into the well, and as it passes through the formations, the gamma radiation emitted by the elements in the rock is detected by the tool. The tool then sends this information to the surface, where it is used to create a gamma ray log, which is a graphical representation of the radioactivity of the formations.

Gamma ray logs are used by geologists and petrophysicists to understand the geology of the subsurface, and can provide valuable information about the composition and properties of the formations. This information is important for various industries, such as the oil and gas industry, which rely on the ability to extract oil and gas from underground reservoirs. By using gamma ray tools, petrophysicists can identify the most promising areas for drilling and extraction, and develop more efficient and effective methods for extracting oil and gas.

Comments & Thoughts:

Overall this is a very good explanation of how gamma ray tools work. They are indeed used to measure the natural radioactivity from three key elements — potassium, thorium and uranium — that are commonly found within minerals contained within the rocks.

When carrying out logging of wells with wireline tools, the tools are joined together and lowered to the bottom of the well on a cable. This is wound on the rig and measurements are made of the formations. The gamma ray tool does contain a scintillation crystal or a gas filed tube, but it is housed within a metal tool body. The response of “scintillation crystal or a gas-filled detector, that is attached to a long, thin cable.” may be slightly misunderstood in this context.

As for the last sentence in the response, it is partly correct. Gamma ray tools can be used to identify potential reservoir zones. Lower gamma ray readings indicate potentially clean reservoir intervals. However, using a gamma ray tool alone will not be able to tell us if we have hydrocarbons within a formation. To fully characterise the formation and its fluid(s) we would need additional logging measurements.


One of the underpinning equations within the petrophysics domain is the Archie equation. This equation allows us to derive Water Saturation (Sw) from well log measurements and key parameter. Put simply, it is used to determine how much of the pore space (0–100%) is filled with water, which in turn can be used to to determine how much hydrocarbons are present (1 — Sw).

The Archie equation requires a number of key parameters such as the resistivity of the fluid within the formation (Rw), the geometry of the pores (tortuosity — a) and the available pore space (φ — phi). These can be obtained by other measurements or obtained from core plugs.


The Archie equation is a widely used equation in petrophysics that is used to calculate water saturation, which is the amount of water present in a reservoir rock. The equation is typically written as:

S_w = (a * R_w) / (φ * m)


S_w = water saturation

a = cementation exponent (a value that depends on the type of rock and the wettability of the rock)

R_w = resistivity of the water in the rock

φ = porosity of the rock (the fraction of the rock’s volume that is occupied by pores)

m = cementation factor (a value that depends on the type of rock and the type of fluid present in the pores)

To use the Archie equation to calculate water saturation, you need to know the values of all of these parameters. Once you have these values, you can plug them into the equation and solve for S_w, which will give you the water saturation. For example, if a = 2, R_w = 100 ohm-meters, φ = 0.2, and m = 4, then the water saturation would be calculated as:

S_w = (2 * 100) / (0.2 * 4) = 10

which means that the rock has a water saturation of 10%.

It’s worth noting that the Archie equation is a simplified model that assumes certain conditions about the rock and the fluids present in the pores. In practice, the actual water saturation may be different from the value calculated using the equation, and other more complex models may be needed to accurately predict water saturation.

Comments & Thoughts

The response on this occasion is partly correct.

It provides information on a few of the key parameters that a petrophysicist would use within this equation, however, the form of the equation is incorrect and a few parameters are missing.

The form given above:

S_w = (a * R_w) / (φ * m)

should be:

Archie water saturation equation. Image by the author.

The two missing parameters Rt is the resistivity of the formation and n is the saturation exponent. Both of which are essential when calculating a water saturation.

The top line of the equation provided by ChatGPT is correct, but the bottom part is not. Porosity (φ) should be raised to the power of m rather than be multiplied by it.

Additionally, the values used within the example may seem plausible at first glance to the untrained eye.

Rw values of 100 are extremely high and an m value of 4 is outside what would be considered normal. Typically m is around 2, but can range between 1.7 and 3.0 depending on how well cemented the rock is.

Additionally, the a parameter representing pore tortuosity is incorrectly labelled as a cementation exponent and is assigned a value of 2 in the example. This parameter is typically assumed to be 1, however, it can vary depending on the type of rock present.

Overall, I would be concerned if someone without domain knowledge used the supplied equation in a real world situation.


I had read that ChatGPT was also capable of producing code. So as a Python enthusiast I had to try it out. Carrying on from the previous prompt I wanted to see how the equation given could be written in Python form.


Here is an example of how you could implement the Archie equation in Python:

# define the parameters
a = 2
rw = 100
phi = 0.2
m = 4

# calculate water saturation using the Archie equation
sw = (a * rw) / (phi * m)
# print the result

In this example, the values of the parameters (a, rw, phi, and m) are hard-coded into the program. In practice, you would probably want to use user input or read these values from a file or database. The program calculates the water saturation using the Archie equation, and then prints the result to the screen. In this case, the output would be 10, which means that the rock has a water saturation of 10%.

Comments & Thoughts:

Ignoring the fact that the equation is incorrect, it has provided useable Python code that can be run right away. Also, surprisingly, it has generated associated comments to help explain what is happening.

It would have been nice if it made this equation into function to allow the user to pass the parameters in. This is something that can also be asked of the ChatGPT bot if needed.

At the end, it also provides a suggestion on how to improve the code by using user input or reading values from a file, which is what is commonly done.

As with the previous prompt, I would be concerned about using the equation in this form, however, it did generate runable code.


Following on from the erroneous water saturation equation, I had to see if this was a one off. Therefore, I had try it with another simple yet commonly used equation — the density porosity equation.

This equation is used to provide an indication of how much pore space is available within the rock based on a number of key parameters and a bulk density log measurement.


To calculate density porosity, you need to know the density of the rock and the density of the fluid filling the pores in the rock. You can then use the following equation:

φ = (ρ_m — ρ_f) / ρ_m


φ = density porosity

ρ_m = density of the rock

ρ_f = density of the fluid in the pores

This equation simply calculates the difference between the density of the rock and the density of the fluid, and divides this difference by the density of the rock. The result is the density porosity, which is a measure of the volume of the pores in the rock relative to the total volume of the rock.

For example, if the density of the rock is 2.7 g/cm³ and the density of the fluid in the pores is 1.0 g/cm³, then the density porosity would be calculated as:

φ = (2.7–1.0) / 2.7 = 0.63

which means that the rock has a density porosity of 63%.

It’s worth noting that this equation is a simplified model that assumes that the rock and the fluid in the pores have constant densities. In practice, the actual density porosity may be different from the value calculated using this equation, and other more complex models may be needed to accurately predict density porosity.

Comments & Thoughts:

Again, ChatGPT has provided a partially correct equation with believable parameters. However, the correct form is illustrated below:

Density porosity equation. Image by the author.

Where ρ_m is the matrix density, ρ_f is the fluid density and ρ_b is bulk density as measured using a density logging tool.

The values it provides for matrix and fluid are within the expected values, however the calculated porosity of 63% is not possible in nature. Anything above 47.6% and the rock would collapse.

Interestingly, it has picked up the correct mathematical symbols and units for the different density measurements.

As before, I would be concerned for anyone without domain knowledge using this equation to carry out real-world calculations and work.

Overall I am impressed and enthusiastic about ChatGPT and it’s uses, however, I do have serious concerns if it is used by non-experts to derive information on niche equations and methods. As seen here, the chatbot struggled to provide the correct form of the equations.

I can see it in it’s current form being used to generate ideas and have conversations around the topics, but it should always be in the back of your mind that what it provides may not be correct.

In fact, just recently StackOverflow has temporarily banned ChatGPT from using content from its platform to generate answers due to its accuracy. It will be interesting to see how this develops over the next few weeks.

Do I think it could replace Google and Wikipedia in the future? Possibly, in several years after further training, but at the moment, I would not put too much weight in the responses. I would always try and check what it provides with other sources where possible.

There is also a risk that if these tools are used by inexperienced people, they can lead to severe problems later on. The same could be said for many of the current machine learning algorithms and programmes available.


Read original article here

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