People Are Sharing Industry Secrets From Their Jobs, Here’s 51 Of The Most Surprising Ones

Not sure if this counts, but when I was in car sales I learned real quick that the actual car itself isn’t where the real money is at, but the backend is. So like warranties, getting work done, etc etc.

Most dealerships will still put up a fight on the actual price of the car though because they know most people are focused on the car itself. This is also done to help wear you down so you’re less likely to fight on the backend when they say they’ll discount the car price down to X amount but you have to get a warranty or 2 with it. More often than not, most people will cave because they got 2-3k off on the car and don’t realize the warranties are adding on 2-5k and warranties are often straight profit.

Different dealerships tweak the above strategy to their market but generally they all play it to some degree.

Goopyteacher , Antoni Shkraba Report

I feel like it just surprised me in general once I entered the world of work to learn how disorganised things are behind the scenes, even at the biggest of companies. From the outside looking in it always looks super official and clean cut but really it’s just a lot of people behind the scenes fumbling around and not really knowing 100% what is going on.

wellyboot97 , Karolina Grabowska Report

A lot of aisles in grocery stores are sponsored. The soda aisle for example, the store didn’t buy that merchandise, it’s stocked by a vendor.

zerbey , Fikri Rasyid Report

As an electrician, I’m amazed more houses don’t burn down every day. I do my best, but many others just work as fast as they can and leave behind shoddy work that (sometimes literally) falls apart when you touch it.

mpworth , Los Muertos Crew Report

99% of web traffic to a client’s commercial that they upload to YouTube is fake.

That 1,000,000 views within the first few days for that new Bud Light commercial? Most are BoTs paid for by the ad agency that made the commercial.

yada_u , NordWood Themes Report

That if you are asked to rate someone’s customer service (eg your bank lender, salesperson etc) out of 10, anything less than a 9 in some places may as well be a zero.

airazaneo , Andrea Piacquadio Report

I work in IT security, for a vendor. I am constantly surprised by how terrible so many organizations’ security practices are. There’s outdated equipment, no accountability, and most of it is run on Excel.

DoubleBThomas , olia danilevich Report

The guacamole that you eat at TGI Friday’s is a giant envelope of dry stuff, mixed with a 5 gallon bucket of sour cream. And it’s pretty freaking good.

tobeavornot , cubsfriendsteaching Report

As a former Walmart cashier, a lot of people were surprised when I told them that we were given a 2 minute time limit per customer .

LeatherHog , Mike Mozart Report

The use of microwaves in mid-range restaurants. I knew it was common in fast food, but seeing all the hot sides in a steakhouse with $50 entrees being cooked in a microwave was a little jarring.

Far-Reception-4598 , Billy Mabray Report

Whenever you fill out a survey like “how did you like our website today”, most of the time an *actual human* does read your response, and it doesn’t disappear into a black hole

tldr; fill out surveys. Your perspective is critical to understanding what you guys actually want.

GaiaMoore , Lukas Report

The software industry is in shambles. I don’t know when it happened, but certainly before 2007. Either it’s been like that forever or happened before that year.

If you have time, read through this for an idea of what software development is like.

The digital world as we know it is held up together by a conglomeration of toothpicks, empty toilet paper rolls, and chewed up bubble gum.

doughunthole , LinkedIn Sales Navigator Report

Lots of musicians buy their records in bulk. 500k units sold is almost platinum, then they turn around and sell it back to distributors.

Virtual-Key-1379 , blocks Report

From a nursing home with fractured leadership:

CNAs often times have to speed run their cares which is abusive at times.

Patients will spit on and hit staff and face no consequences.

Patients will call black staff the N word with no consequences.

Morbidly obese patients will require routine cleaning of all their yeasty folds by up to 4 staff and will reject weight restriction diets. They’ll request a commode at the bedside so staff have to rinse their p**s and s**t into a toilet multiple times a day.

Mentally ill patients in general will abuse staff and face no consequences. Only thing taken seriously is if a “vulnerable adult” is hurt or afraid.

EMS professionals who wanted to save lives become cab drivers for anybody who falls on the floor or they take calls to pick fat people off the floor. EMS > HOSPITAL > NURSING HOME cycle becomes a way to drain taxpayer dollars from government. It can’t be plugged cause a death/injury will be made into a big deal to necessitate caution.

There are rich people who seem to just move around the country and be piles of s**t instead of changing themselves.

Majority of salary people do about 8 hours of work a week and keep employment by “BEING POSITIVE!” and sucking up to power.

Staff will disable call lights on problematic residents with mental health problems and inability to communicate because otherwise the alarms beep 24/7 and all the mentally ill patients start going psycho. Out of touch HAPPY salary people will cry wolf and point fingers while doing their 8 hours a week. Meanwhile direct care staff do 70 hour weeks contracting life altering fungal diseases from all the morbidly obese folds and a*s cracks.

The point where nursing homes, software, hospitals, EMS, bureaucracy, pharmacies, colleges, and federal reimbursement intersects is a weird mess of power struggles, failures, apathy, and lies/omissions that piled up for decades to the detriment of direct care staff and residents. For example see the opioid crisis for an extreme example but similar stuff is everywhere.

Then covid happened and it guess what, the people doing all the fuckery were unscathed while many hardworking decent people got sick and developed morbidities, died or lost family members.

Horror-Collar-5277 , Matthias Zomer Report

Worked for a health insurance company that provided coverage for people with Medicaid and used the DRG reimbursement method to pay some providers. The charges on a hospital bill were literally meaningless, all that mattered were the diagnosis codes/procedure codes. Hospital could have charged $5 dollars or $15 million dollars, payment would have been the same regardless. Another one of the many ways in which US healthcare is just so whack.

SonofaSven Report

When I found out those Judge TV shows are just game shows and the show pays out the winnings. It’s not really court, it’s more of a game show at that point.

Plus those shows fly you out and pay you $500 to be on them. So both sides get paid to be on them.

Samisoy001 , Paramount Domestic Television Report

I work at Waffle House & im a vegetarian so there’s not much I eat there. Money is taken out of my check for food. It doesn’t matter if I eat or not they’re still gonna take it out. Doesn’t matter how much or little it’s still taken out. The price varies on how many hours you worked that day I think.

Spilled_da_beanssss , Matthew Rutledge Report

A lot of bands, I mean a LOT (including your favorite) use prerecorded tracks in their live show. Even ones you would never think. In fact, I would say MOST do today to some degree.

NapoliPizzaMan , Vishnu R Nair Report

I don’t know if the rule has changed since I left, but you CAN 100% bring in candy at the movie theater. I worked at an AMC and was tearing tickets one day, a slow day. I was chatting with my manager when a lady came in with a grocery bag full of snacks. I tore her ticket, directed her to her room, and asked the manager about the candy. She said it’s ok. You aren’t allowed to bring in “hot food”. I believe it’s because it’s a health code violation.

So stop doing that stupid s**t like using a huge bowl to pretend you are pregnant. You aren’t a f****n’ rebel. You are basically j-walking. No one cares.

eddiefarnham , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

Warranty work is purposely delayed.

Lets say you have a product that has a manufacturing defect and is covered by warranty. Companies accept the warranty repair work yet sit on ordering the actual part needed to affect the repair until financials support that part purchase. Often it’s better to use money (or on hand parts) for new customers as that’s more profitable than fixing their mistakes/error.

Personally, I always thought supporting your existing customers was more important than getting new ones, but that’s not how most businesses operate. It genuinely surprised me when I found out. I see it all the time in construction, manufacturing, and retail.

Itstotallysafe , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

Supermarket shelf space is a cut throat market. Notice that the name brand stuff is always at eye level, whereas generic items are near the floor? That’s not by accident

Rich-Air-5287 Report

Cable TV “customer service” the “Assumed Close”

Basically I was told to interview customers and ask if they thought that they might like to have this product or that product, and then this service or that service, what ever service they said they responded positively to I was to make a check in the corresponding sales order and have them sign before I left the house. Then in a day or so tech would show up at their house with their order and their signature showing that they did indeed order it.

Never could bring myself to do it. Scummy as could be. Time Warner Cable for those curious.

MyWorldTalkRadio , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

Years ago, I worked adjacent to the tobacco industry. My area’s RJ Reynolds rep was telling me he went to a retirement party for a colleague who had been with RJ for decades. She was drunk, spilling all kinds of tea, including the fact that cigarette shippers (cardboard displays) use to be placed in the lines at grocery stores specifically to be stolen by children. They knew we couldn’t buy them so they counted on us to steal. And we did. And my gen smoked. .

Free_Thinker4ever Report

When a political campaign texts you, anything you respond with gets read by an actual human.

So continue with the funny, cheeky, and even mean responses. But the death threats will get reported to the police.

thebarkingdog Report

Customer Service in Call Centres – We WANT you to swear at us…The second you swear AT me, NB not just swear, or be personally abusive or whatever, no matter how right you are, you’re wrong and no matter how bad a blooper I made, you’ve just handed me a ‘free pass’….

And I get to cut your call off – Cheers.

Weeyin999 Report

College Admissions here: we absolutely discriminate when we read applications, and your chances of getting in are not equal. Some of the ways are legal, some aren’t, but good luck proving any of it. Most selective options will let you know about the legal ways (in broad terms, not in specifics), but plenty goes on behind the scenes that won’t make it to the information session.

aemon_the_dragonite , Kampus Production Report

A large majority of “loading screens” in commercial software and to a lesser extent games are fake. In the modern world most software tasks happen almost instantly, but older/less technical users assume if it was done quickly it wasn’t done well, so artificial loading bars are put in to appease those people. Really common in all kinds of “corporate software” that older people are likely to use.

Prodigle , Andrea Piacquadio Report

Billboards promoting tv shows are not for the consumer but for the advertisers we want to sell time to.

bigpony , spireup Report

Generic store brand is made in the same lines as regular brands. They just made a deal to put a generic bag in exchange for more shelf space/better position of name brand.

ballenababe Report

I don’t know if it’s a secret, but I remember hearing someone ask a doctor why they specifically say to “turn your head” before coughing, when assessing for a hernia.

The doctor said there wasn’t a medical reason, but “it’s so you don’t cough on me.”.

TheApprenticeLife , Karolina Grabowska Report

Exxon knew the impact of burning fossil fuels in the 70’s and still continues to deny it.

Exxon disputed climate findings for years. Its scientists knew better.

Specland Report

That financial institution don’t buy the stocks I give them money to buy on my behalf. They only say they do and that most institutions owe 65 billion in assets (each) called “Sold not yet purchased” where they owe that much in stocks to people but have zero obligation to really buy it. All together they owe trillions and the entire system is rigged.

613Flyer , Report

My experience, teaching for an online university is like the great clips of teaching. You do it because they have minimum vetting and you get experience. My stipend per course equates roughly to minimum wage. I have 25 years in my field but needed classroom experience for future opportunities so online school helps.

A third of the students don’t care at all and cheat at every turn. A third care enough to get by. And a third seem like they care enough to put in a good effort. For anyone who wants to cheat – at least cheat smartly. Don’t pull things from the Internet that I can find in two clicks. Don’t use references to past versions of the course. Don’t hand in c**p one week and perfection the next. And most of all, don’t complain about a bad grade when you have clearly cheated, you are wasting my time and that means a bad grade.

The university doesn’t care if you fail. You’ve already paid.

If you make it easy for me to give you a good grade, you will get a good grade!!!!!!

Expensive_Structure2 Report

Guess how much of your vet bill goes directly to the vet’s salary? About 22%. The rest goes to operating costs and staff salaries (which are never as high as they deserve).

Kayakchica Report

Ranch dressing is a lot of mayonnaise. The first time I made buttermilk ranch I was like, “Excuse me, the whole fugging jar?!” Buttermilk and spices, stir. I’ve been eating spiced up mayonnaise milk for 30 years.

Gladysfartz , emmadunkirk Report

Optometry is a scammy business in the United States. Profit margins are enormous.

cbotceres , Ksenia Chernaya Report

1) How much plastic is used in surgery. No amount of paper straws is going to come within neutralizing the sheer volume of plastic that a standard surgical department will throw away in one day. Not to say that I have an alternate solution, but it was disconcerting to say the least.

2) How rough surgeons can be with someone’s body while they’re performing surgery. I think the phrase “surgical precision” is kind of an oxymoron now, unless you’re talking about vascular or neurosurgery.

IrwinLinker1942 Report

Digital marketing – how most marketing these days is just basically playing a game with Google. Only a very small amount is about customer experience and making flashy content, most of it is just SEO which is fundamentally messing around with really niche aspects of a website’s content to appeal to Google and therefore make them show that website higher on the page when you search certain things. That can be as little as rewriting a few sentences on a page, or adding a specific word to a page title. I knew that was an aspect but it took me by surprise as to how prevalent it is.

wellyboot97 Report

I started professionally developing software back in 2011. Every website/app/program you use is held together with toothpicks and duct-tape. If buildings were built like software, nowhere would be safe.

FryDay444 Report

Law school admissions. Applicants seem to think that we want to know your standardized testing scores and GPA back until kindergarten, all of your extracurriculars, etc.

I really only need to know one number: LSAT score. The number of applicants we get and what we can charge depends in no small amount on US News ranking. US News rankings have shifted slightly, but a disproportionate amount of rank rests on the LSAT average of entering classes. The higher your rank, the more students apply and the more those students are willing to pay. GPA also matters for USN rank but high GPA students are a dime a dozen. So don’t let your 2.1 GPA dissuade you from applying to law school. With the right LSAT score, you’ll still get a scholarship to a T1 school. Extracurriculars kind of matter, but typically only in close cases or if you have some truly outstanding achievement.

Take the LSAT as many times as you can. A few points higher can be worth tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships.

TheRealKaelego Report

Many chain hotels (Hilton, etc) are owned by individuals/SMEs and operated on a franchise basis.

peakedtooearly Report

It doesn’t matter what ABC agency you work for. From top level government agencies to secret spy stuff, there will always be an excel sheet, or hand jammed document, behind all decision making. I’m not talking about talking points type of document; I’m talking about documents with day to day operational stuff. Source: I’ve worked at various top level government agencies and private sector!

PlanetPennies Report

The reason science is so expensive is that after the consumables are manufactured they are sold to distributers who increase the price by 12000% .

Makes me sick.

Sticky_Keyboards Report

Going from an undergrad to a grad student/TA who grades papers was pretty eye-opening. As an undergrad, submitting a late assignment is a *huge* deal. As a graduate student, I could be as late as I want with little-to-no consequence at all. Not a word of a lie: one of my profs was so chill, he said, “Why don’t I just enter a C for you in the course now, and then when you can get the paper in, I’ll make it an A.” I handed in that paper *seven years* late, and he made it an A. (I suffered depression, my wife had a medical crisis, and all sorts of things happened to make me take so long.) Meanwhile, undergrad students ask me for 2 or 3 days extra, and I feel like the biggest hypocrite, putting on this show: “Hmm, I don’t know. It really needs to be in soon… Do you *promise* Monday by noon?” (As if I’m grading anything at noon.) The truth is that the main reason you need to have it in “on time” is for my convenience and for the sake of giving you useful feedback before the next assignment is due. There’s no real reason I couldn’t just grade everything just before the grades are due at the end of the semester.

mpworth Report

Pharmaceutical reps who go around pitching the latest prescription d***s to doctors.. yeah they will often f**k the doctors.

plasticpixels , Artem Podrez Report

Online betting places like TAB in Australia artificially lower the odds for people who win too often. Seems dishonest to me.

Glaren111 Report

Most therapists aren’t equipped to deal with trauma, which definitely begs the question, what exactly are they doing??

TrashApocalypse Report

All the milk in stores is produced by forcibly inseminating cows, then separating them from their young, repeatedly, until they stop producing enough milk, at which point they’re killed despite having quite a few years left to live.

Does it make ice cream taste any worse? No. But I definitely eat less of it now.

GasStationBlues1312 , Mateus Bandeira Report

Not sure if this counts, but when I was in car sales I learned real quick that the actual car itself isn’t where the real money is at, but the backend is. So like warranties, getting work done, etc etc.

Most dealerships will still put up a fight on the actual price of the car though because they know most people are focused on the car itself. This is also done to help wear you down so you’re less likely to fight on the backend when they say they’ll discount the car price down to X amount but you have to get a warranty or 2 with it. More often than not, most people will cave because they got 2-3k off on the car and don’t realize the warranties are adding on 2-5k and warranties are often straight profit.

Different dealerships tweak the above strategy to their market but generally they all play it to some degree.

Goopyteacher , Antoni Shkraba Report

I feel like it just surprised me in general once I entered the world of work to learn how disorganised things are behind the scenes, even at the biggest of companies. From the outside looking in it always looks super official and clean cut but really it’s just a lot of people behind the scenes fumbling around and not really knowing 100% what is going on.

wellyboot97 , Karolina Grabowska Report

A lot of aisles in grocery stores are sponsored. The soda aisle for example, the store didn't buy that merchandise, it's stocked by a vendor.

zerbey , Fikri Rasyid Report

As an electrician, I'm amazed more houses don't burn down every day. I do my best, but many others just work as fast as they can and leave behind shoddy work that (sometimes literally) falls apart when you touch it.

mpworth , Los Muertos Crew Report

99% of web traffic to a client’s commercial that they upload to YouTube is fake.

That 1,000,000 views within the first few days for that new Bud Light commercial? Most are BoTs paid for by the ad agency that made the commercial.

yada_u , NordWood Themes Report

That if you are asked to rate someone's customer service (eg your bank lender, salesperson etc) out of 10, anything less than a 9 in some places may as well be a zero.

airazaneo , Andrea Piacquadio Report

I work in IT security, for a vendor. I am constantly surprised by how terrible so many organizations’ security practices are. There’s outdated equipment, no accountability, and most of it is run on Excel.

DoubleBThomas , olia danilevich Report

The guacamole that you eat at TGI Friday’s is a giant envelope of dry stuff, mixed with a 5 gallon bucket of sour cream. And it’s pretty freaking good.

tobeavornot , cubsfriendsteaching Report

As a former Walmart cashier, a lot of people were surprised when I told them that we were given a 2 minute time limit per customer .

LeatherHog , Mike Mozart Report

The use of microwaves in mid-range restaurants. I knew it was common in fast food, but seeing all the hot sides in a steakhouse with $50 entrees being cooked in a microwave was a little jarring.

Far-Reception-4598 , Billy Mabray Report

Whenever you fill out a survey like "how did you like our website today", most of the time an *actual human* does read your response, and it doesn't disappear into a black hole

tldr; fill out surveys. Your perspective is critical to understanding what you guys actually want.

GaiaMoore , Lukas Report

The software industry is in shambles. I don't know when it happened, but certainly before 2007. Either it's been like that forever or happened before that year.

If you have time, read through this for an idea of what software development is like.

The digital world as we know it is held up together by a conglomeration of toothpicks, empty toilet paper rolls, and chewed up bubble gum.

doughunthole , LinkedIn Sales Navigator Report

Lots of musicians buy their records in bulk. 500k units sold is almost platinum, then they turn around and sell it back to distributors.

Virtual-Key-1379 , blocks Report

From a nursing home with fractured leadership:

CNAs often times have to speed run their cares which is abusive at times.

Patients will spit on and hit staff and face no consequences.

Patients will call black staff the N word with no consequences.

Morbidly obese patients will require routine cleaning of all their yeasty folds by up to 4 staff and will reject weight restriction diets. They'll request a commode at the bedside so staff have to rinse their p**s and s**t into a toilet multiple times a day.

Mentally ill patients in general will abuse staff and face no consequences. Only thing taken seriously is if a "vulnerable adult" is hurt or afraid.

EMS professionals who wanted to save lives become cab drivers for anybody who falls on the floor or they take calls to pick fat people off the floor. EMS > HOSPITAL > NURSING HOME cycle becomes a way to drain taxpayer dollars from government. It can't be plugged cause a death/injury will be made into a big deal to necessitate caution.

There are rich people who seem to just move around the country and be piles of s**t instead of changing themselves.

Majority of salary people do about 8 hours of work a week and keep employment by "BEING POSITIVE!" and sucking up to power.

Staff will disable call lights on problematic residents with mental health problems and inability to communicate because otherwise the alarms beep 24/7 and all the mentally ill patients start going psycho. Out of touch HAPPY salary people will cry wolf and point fingers while doing their 8 hours a week. Meanwhile direct care staff do 70 hour weeks contracting life altering fungal diseases from all the morbidly obese folds and a*s cracks.

The point where nursing homes, software, hospitals, EMS, bureaucracy, pharmacies, colleges, and federal reimbursement intersects is a weird mess of power struggles, failures, apathy, and lies/omissions that piled up for decades to the detriment of direct care staff and residents. For example see the opioid crisis for an extreme example but similar stuff is everywhere.

Then covid happened and it guess what, the people doing all the fuckery were unscathed while many hardworking decent people got sick and developed morbidities, died or lost family members.

Horror-Collar-5277 , Matthias Zomer Report

Worked for a health insurance company that provided coverage for people with Medicaid and used the DRG reimbursement method to pay some providers. The charges on a hospital bill were literally meaningless, all that mattered were the diagnosis codes/procedure codes. Hospital could have charged $5 dollars or $15 million dollars, payment would have been the same regardless. Another one of the many ways in which US healthcare is just so whack.

SonofaSven Report

When I found out those Judge TV shows are just game shows and the show pays out the winnings. It's not really court, it's more of a game show at that point.

Plus those shows fly you out and pay you $500 to be on them. So both sides get paid to be on them.

Samisoy001 , Paramount Domestic Television Report

I work at Waffle House & im a vegetarian so there’s not much I eat there. Money is taken out of my check for food. It doesn’t matter if I eat or not they’re still gonna take it out. Doesn’t matter how much or little it’s still taken out. The price varies on how many hours you worked that day I think.

Spilled_da_beanssss , Matthew Rutledge Report

A lot of bands, I mean a LOT (including your favorite) use prerecorded tracks in their live show. Even ones you would never think. In fact, I would say MOST do today to some degree.

NapoliPizzaMan , Vishnu R Nair Report

I don't know if the rule has changed since I left, but you CAN 100% bring in candy at the movie theater. I worked at an AMC and was tearing tickets one day, a slow day. I was chatting with my manager when a lady came in with a grocery bag full of snacks. I tore her ticket, directed her to her room, and asked the manager about the candy. She said it's ok. You aren't allowed to bring in "hot food". I believe it's because it's a health code violation.

So stop doing that stupid s**t like using a huge bowl to pretend you are pregnant. You aren't a f****n' rebel. You are basically j-walking. No one cares.

eddiefarnham , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

Warranty work is purposely delayed.

Lets say you have a product that has a manufacturing defect and is covered by warranty. Companies accept the warranty repair work yet sit on ordering the actual part needed to affect the repair until financials support that part purchase. Often it's better to use money (or on hand parts) for new customers as that's more profitable than fixing their mistakes/error.

Personally, I always thought supporting your existing customers was more important than getting new ones, but that's not how most businesses operate. It genuinely surprised me when I found out. I see it all the time in construction, manufacturing, and retail.

Itstotallysafe , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

Supermarket shelf space is a cut throat market. Notice that the name brand stuff is always at eye level, whereas generic items are near the floor? That's not by accident

Rich-Air-5287 Report

Cable TV “customer service” the “Assumed Close”

Basically I was told to interview customers and ask if they thought that they might like to have this product or that product, and then this service or that service, what ever service they said they responded positively to I was to make a check in the corresponding sales order and have them sign before I left the house. Then in a day or so tech would show up at their house with their order and their signature showing that they did indeed order it.

Never could bring myself to do it. Scummy as could be. Time Warner Cable for those curious.

MyWorldTalkRadio , Tima Miroshnichenko Report

Years ago, I worked adjacent to the tobacco industry. My area's RJ Reynolds rep was telling me he went to a retirement party for a colleague who had been with RJ for decades. She was drunk, spilling all kinds of tea, including the fact that cigarette shippers (cardboard displays) use to be placed in the lines at grocery stores specifically to be stolen by children. They knew we couldn't buy them so they counted on us to steal. And we did. And my gen smoked. .

Free_Thinker4ever Report

When a political campaign texts you, anything you respond with gets read by an actual human.

So continue with the funny, cheeky, and even mean responses. But the death threats will get reported to the police.

thebarkingdog Report

Customer Service in Call Centres - We WANT you to swear at us...The second you swear AT me, NB not just swear, or be personally abusive or whatever, no matter how right you are, you're wrong and no matter how bad a blooper I made, you've just handed me a 'free pass'....

And I get to cut your call off - Cheers.

Weeyin999 Report

College Admissions here: we absolutely discriminate when we read applications, and your chances of getting in are not equal. Some of the ways are legal, some aren’t, but good luck proving any of it. Most selective options will let you know about the legal ways (in broad terms, not in specifics), but plenty goes on behind the scenes that won’t make it to the information session.

aemon_the_dragonite , Kampus Production Report

A large majority of "loading screens" in commercial software and to a lesser extent games are fake. In the modern world most software tasks happen almost instantly, but older/less technical users assume if it was done quickly it wasn't done well, so artificial loading bars are put in to appease those people. Really common in all kinds of "corporate software" that older people are likely to use.

Prodigle , Andrea Piacquadio Report

Billboards promoting tv shows are not for the consumer but for the advertisers we want to sell time to.

bigpony , spireup Report

Generic store brand is made in the same lines as regular brands. They just made a deal to put a generic bag in exchange for more shelf space/better position of name brand.

ballenababe Report

I don't know if it's a secret, but I remember hearing someone ask a doctor why they specifically say to "turn your head" before coughing, when assessing for a hernia.

The doctor said there wasn't a medical reason, but "it's so you don't cough on me.".

TheApprenticeLife , Karolina Grabowska Report

Exxon knew the impact of burning fossil fuels in the 70's and still continues to deny it.

Exxon disputed climate findings for years. Its scientists knew better.

Specland Report

That financial institution don’t buy the stocks I give them money to buy on my behalf. They only say they do and that most institutions owe 65 billion in assets (each) called “Sold not yet purchased” where they owe that much in stocks to people but have zero obligation to really buy it. All together they owe trillions and the entire system is rigged.

613Flyer , Report

My experience, teaching for an online university is like the great clips of teaching. You do it because they have minimum vetting and you get experience. My stipend per course equates roughly to minimum wage. I have 25 years in my field but needed classroom experience for future opportunities so online school helps.

A third of the students don't care at all and cheat at every turn. A third care enough to get by. And a third seem like they care enough to put in a good effort. For anyone who wants to cheat - at least cheat smartly. Don't pull things from the Internet that I can find in two clicks. Don't use references to past versions of the course. Don't hand in c**p one week and perfection the next. And most of all, don't complain about a bad grade when you have clearly cheated, you are wasting my time and that means a bad grade.

The university doesn't care if you fail. You've already paid.

If you make it easy for me to give you a good grade, you will get a good grade!!!!!!

Expensive_Structure2 Report

Guess how much of your vet bill goes directly to the vet’s salary? About 22%. The rest goes to operating costs and staff salaries (which are never as high as they deserve).

Kayakchica Report

Ranch dressing is a lot of mayonnaise. The first time I made buttermilk ranch I was like, “Excuse me, the whole fugging jar?!” Buttermilk and spices, stir. I’ve been eating spiced up mayonnaise milk for 30 years.

Gladysfartz , emmadunkirk Report

Optometry is a scammy business in the United States. Profit margins are enormous.

cbotceres , Ksenia Chernaya Report

1) How much plastic is used in surgery. No amount of paper straws is going to come within neutralizing the sheer volume of plastic that a standard surgical department will throw away in one day. Not to say that I have an alternate solution, but it was disconcerting to say the least.

2) How rough surgeons can be with someone’s body while they’re performing surgery. I think the phrase “surgical precision” is kind of an oxymoron now, unless you’re talking about vascular or neurosurgery.

IrwinLinker1942 Report

Digital marketing - how most marketing these days is just basically playing a game with Google. Only a very small amount is about customer experience and making flashy content, most of it is just SEO which is fundamentally messing around with really niche aspects of a website’s content to appeal to Google and therefore make them show that website higher on the page when you search certain things. That can be as little as rewriting a few sentences on a page, or adding a specific word to a page title. I knew that was an aspect but it took me by surprise as to how prevalent it is.

wellyboot97 Report

I started professionally developing software back in 2011. Every website/app/program you use is held together with toothpicks and duct-tape. If buildings were built like software, nowhere would be safe.

FryDay444 Report

Law school admissions. Applicants seem to think that we want to know your standardized testing scores and GPA back until kindergarten, all of your extracurriculars, etc.

I really only need to know one number: LSAT score. The number of applicants we get and what we can charge depends in no small amount on US News ranking. US News rankings have shifted slightly, but a disproportionate amount of rank rests on the LSAT average of entering classes. The higher your rank, the more students apply and the more those students are willing to pay. GPA also matters for USN rank but high GPA students are a dime a dozen. So don't let your 2.1 GPA dissuade you from applying to law school. With the right LSAT score, you'll still get a scholarship to a T1 school. Extracurriculars kind of matter, but typically only in close cases or if you have some truly outstanding achievement.

Take the LSAT as many times as you can. A few points higher can be worth tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships.

TheRealKaelego Report

Many chain hotels (Hilton, etc) are owned by individuals/SMEs and operated on a franchise basis.

peakedtooearly Report

It doesn’t matter what ABC agency you work for. From top level government agencies to secret spy stuff, there will always be an excel sheet, or hand jammed document, behind all decision making. I’m not talking about talking points type of document; I’m talking about documents with day to day operational stuff. Source: I’ve worked at various top level government agencies and private sector!

PlanetPennies Report

The reason science is so expensive is that after the consumables are manufactured they are sold to distributers who increase the price by 12000% .

Makes me sick.

Sticky_Keyboards Report

Going from an undergrad to a grad student/TA who grades papers was pretty eye-opening. As an undergrad, submitting a late assignment is a *huge* deal. As a graduate student, I could be as late as I want with little-to-no consequence at all. Not a word of a lie: one of my profs was so chill, he said, "Why don't I just enter a C for you in the course now, and then when you can get the paper in, I'll make it an A." I handed in that paper *seven years* late, and he made it an A. (I suffered depression, my wife had a medical crisis, and all sorts of things happened to make me take so long.) Meanwhile, undergrad students ask me for 2 or 3 days extra, and I feel like the biggest hypocrite, putting on this show: "Hmm, I don't know. It really needs to be in soon... Do you *promise* Monday by noon?" (As if I'm grading anything at noon.) The truth is that the main reason you need to have it in "on time" is for my convenience and for the sake of giving you useful feedback before the next assignment is due. There's no real reason I couldn't just grade everything just before the grades are due at the end of the semester.

mpworth Report

Pharmaceutical reps who go around pitching the latest prescription d***s to doctors.. yeah they will often f**k the doctors.

plasticpixels , Artem Podrez Report

Online betting places like TAB in Australia artificially lower the odds for people who win too often. Seems dishonest to me.

Glaren111 Report

Most therapists aren’t equipped to deal with trauma, which definitely begs the question, what exactly are they doing??

TrashApocalypse Report

All the milk in stores is produced by forcibly inseminating cows, then separating them from their young, repeatedly, until they stop producing enough milk, at which point they're killed despite having quite a few years left to live.

Does it make ice cream taste any worse? No. But I definitely eat less of it now.

GasStationBlues1312 , Mateus Bandeira Report


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