Why Do Data Teams Fail at Delivering Tangible ROI?

Identifying the popular obstacles of data teams in delivering tangible ROI

Can data leader harvest the fruit of their labour: tangible ROI? (Image by Google Deep Mind — Pexels.com)

Return on Investment (ROI) is a profitability metric used to evaluate how well an investment has performed (Investopedia.com).

ROI is a simple term, isn’t it? To measure ROI for data, we just need to follow these 3 steps:

1.Have a set of KPIs that represent “profitability” of data

2. Improve the KPIs through data

3. Measure the impact of data’s contribution

Yet, data teams are facing obstacles in every steps of this journey. Gartner’s 2023 CDO survey shows 69% of D&A leaders are struggling to deliver measurable ROI (Subhash Kari — EVP & Chief Innovation Officer at Infocepts). The inability to deliver tangible ROI is a common, and fatal, weakness of many data teams.

Despite its popularity, we do not have to see the delivery of tangible data ROI as a complex struggle. I think complex problems can be made simpler when we start from the basic and use First Principles for reasoning.

In this article, I will do exactly that — start from the very basic definition of ROI measurement, break it down into 3 steps, and analyse the most fundamental obstacles to achieve these steps.

1. Have KPI that represent “profitability” of data

“Profitability” is measured in terms of tangible business impact that data can create. They are business-facing KPIs.

Obstacle 1: Access the boardroom for the right business-facing KPIs

Data leaders cannot come up with these KPIs without understanding the priorities in the boardroom. When their KPIs are the same as the boardroom’s priority, data leaders attract more attention. They will be given more room to speak, more room to probe, more room to showcase. This will create a virtuous cycle to help data leaders do a better, more relevant job, while driving more trust and gathering more investment into data.

CDOs who have business-facing KPIs and multiple business partners are 1.7 times more likely to be effective at consistently producing clear business value (Gartner, 2021)

The best way to align data KPIs with the board‘s priorities is for data leaders to be in the boardroom themselves. This leads to the importance of the CDO role. CDO have direct access to the boardroom and can identify the areas that need help the most. However, only 27 percent of the world’s largest 2,500 publicly listed firms have a CDO (Statista, 2022).

For companies without a CDO, their most senior data leaders are often bounded by functional responsibilities. A Head of Reporting’s purpose is often to support financial and MI reporting. The Head of Data Analytics often reports to the Head or a core business function. These data leaders sit far away from the C-suites and have challenges understanding the priorities in the board room. With the exceptions of data leaders whose mission is broadcasted directly from the board(a top down approach), data leaders who are a couple grades below the C-Suites are set-up to focus only on the tactical goals while losing sight of the strategic business-facing KPIs.

2. Contribute to improving the KPIs

Improving the business-facing KPIs is, first and foremost, the job of business functions. Therefore, it is crucial for data leaders to walk side-by-side with business end-users through the problem solving process and understand how data can assist them. Ironically, if a data team often refer to business as “the business”, it is very likely that silos exist between the two teams. This leads us to the next obstacle:

Obstacle 2: Setting the right expectation for data.

The dangerous expectation that both data leaders and business leaders may have is for data to make magic, all by itself. This leads to disappointment down the line, when data projects do not return ROI.

Many times, the best data projects are not driven by data team, but by data-savvy people in functional teams. Marketing is the best at optimising click-through and conversion rate, saving advertising dollars. Finance is the best at knowing which activities drive the most cost, or which products are most profitable. If there is a data team separated from the business, they exist not to replace business function in problem- solving and decision-making, but to assist them with more and better data, while maximising the value of data-activating resources.

Obstacle 3: Identify what drive the KPIs

The analysis undertaken to improve business-facing KPIs should be, as a minimum, a combination of descriptive and diagnostic. Besides defining the problem, we also need to identify the root causes and solve the problems.

Descriptive analysis is great at defining the problem. It allows us to study the KPIs from multiple perspective. However, it falls short at pointing out the root causes. To deliver insights, what we should look for during and after descriptive analysis is forming hypotheses with diagnostic analysis. Yet, lots of Data & Analytics is hypothesis-free data mining (Roger Martin).

One solution for the lack of hypothesis is to assess whether the data is being analysed by the right people. The ideal person is someone who can translate the data into concrete business events, form hypotheses about causal relationships between business entities, and follow an analytical method to test their hypothesis.

Another thing to do is to assess whether the tools given to that person are appropriate. An indicator of inappropriate tool is how often end users ask for the raw data. Sometimes a dashboard is not the best tool to diagnose the root causes. The need is to do benchmarking, hypothesis testing, and A/B testing, all are better performed with Jupyter Notebooks, or raw excel files.

Obstacle 4: Turn insights into actions

While it may seem obvious that we need to take action based on data-driven insights, there are often cultural resistant, time constraints, or lack of resources that prevent actions to be taken.

Great data leaders incentivise people to take data-driven actions. They make it effortless for the insights to be delivered, via relevant forums, instant notifications or reverse-ETL. They make it easier for the action to be identified with prescriptive analysis (i.e data-enabled recommendation systems, often in a form of ML). They can even automate the actions, embed predictive and prescriptive analysis into production environment, like what Netflix did with their dynamic sizzles.

Enabling smart actions at scale, however, requires investment — investment that most data leaders will struggle to get. Without having a sound data strategy, quick-wins, and trust across the organisations, data leaders will not be given the appropriate investment to create break-through.

3. Measure the impact of data contribution

After the hard parts — identifying and contributing toward the right KPIs, it is time for the final step in delivering tangible ROI — measuring the impact.

Obstacle 5: Embed impact measurement into data practitioners’ jobs description

Some data teams don’t take the extra step to measure their impact. They are too occupied with shipping to production, or dealing with ad hoc requests. These teams still operate like a software team, or service team. They work based on release timeline, SLA, and stay far away from business initiatives, unaware of the results of their work. They are created that way, and therefore operate that way.

The lack of focus on impact measure has been built into the data organisation itself. Looking up and down the organisational structure, data leaders cannot rely on the Data Engineer, Data Architect, DevOps Engineer, Data Privacy Officer, Data Governance Officer or Data Steward to focus on measuring the impact of data. It’s not the objective of their jobs. One may have some hope for the Data Product Manager, but the role is in its infancy, and the whole community is still debating what is actually a data product.

Someone has to lead the team to measure the impact, do the maths, and communicate that to the boardroom. Ideally, that person will be the CDO, or the most senior data leader in the organisation. However, I think the data teams can benefit from a cultural change, where every data practitioner has ROI as the top-of-mind metric. Data teams should operate more like start-up incubators, where every project is an investment. All data practitioners should keep close eyes on the returns of their time, money and efforts.


Putting it all together, there are 5 fundamental obstacles standing in the way of delivering tangible data ROI:

Step 1: Have KPIs that represent “profitability” of data

  • Obstacle 1: Access the board room for the right business-facing KPIs

Step 2: Contribute to improving the KPIs

  • Obstacle 2: Set the right expectation for data
  • Obstacle 3: Identify what drive the KPIs
  • Obstacle 4: Turn insights into actions

Step 3: Measure the impact of data contribution

  • Obstacle 5: Embed impact measurement into data practitioners’ jobs description

They are simple, mutually exclusive and completely exhaustive. Depends on the circumstances at each organisations, data leaders may face each of these obstacles at different levels of severity. Nevertheless, by committing to resolve them one by one, data leaders will eventually harvest the fruits of their labour — tangible ROI!

Besides articles like this one, I also write a weekly newsletter — Data & Beyond Dispatch. Aiming to help data leaders extract the most value out of their data assets, every edition will bring you a piece of philosophical wisdom, a strategic principle, an operational best practice and a success story from the Data industry. Subscribe if you want to make more impact with data!

Why Do Data Teams Fail at Delivering Tangible ROI? was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Identifying the popular obstacles of data teams in delivering tangible ROI

Can data leader harvest the fruit of their labour: tangible ROI? (Image by Google Deep Mind — Pexels.com)

Return on Investment (ROI) is a profitability metric used to evaluate how well an investment has performed (Investopedia.com).

ROI is a simple term, isn’t it? To measure ROI for data, we just need to follow these 3 steps:

1.Have a set of KPIs that represent “profitability” of data

2. Improve the KPIs through data

3. Measure the impact of data’s contribution

Yet, data teams are facing obstacles in every steps of this journey. Gartner’s 2023 CDO survey shows 69% of D&A leaders are struggling to deliver measurable ROI (Subhash Kari — EVP & Chief Innovation Officer at Infocepts). The inability to deliver tangible ROI is a common, and fatal, weakness of many data teams.

Despite its popularity, we do not have to see the delivery of tangible data ROI as a complex struggle. I think complex problems can be made simpler when we start from the basic and use First Principles for reasoning.

In this article, I will do exactly that — start from the very basic definition of ROI measurement, break it down into 3 steps, and analyse the most fundamental obstacles to achieve these steps.

1. Have KPI that represent “profitability” of data

“Profitability” is measured in terms of tangible business impact that data can create. They are business-facing KPIs.

Obstacle 1: Access the boardroom for the right business-facing KPIs

Data leaders cannot come up with these KPIs without understanding the priorities in the boardroom. When their KPIs are the same as the boardroom’s priority, data leaders attract more attention. They will be given more room to speak, more room to probe, more room to showcase. This will create a virtuous cycle to help data leaders do a better, more relevant job, while driving more trust and gathering more investment into data.

CDOs who have business-facing KPIs and multiple business partners are 1.7 times more likely to be effective at consistently producing clear business value (Gartner, 2021)

The best way to align data KPIs with the board‘s priorities is for data leaders to be in the boardroom themselves. This leads to the importance of the CDO role. CDO have direct access to the boardroom and can identify the areas that need help the most. However, only 27 percent of the world’s largest 2,500 publicly listed firms have a CDO (Statista, 2022).

For companies without a CDO, their most senior data leaders are often bounded by functional responsibilities. A Head of Reporting’s purpose is often to support financial and MI reporting. The Head of Data Analytics often reports to the Head or a core business function. These data leaders sit far away from the C-suites and have challenges understanding the priorities in the board room. With the exceptions of data leaders whose mission is broadcasted directly from the board(a top down approach), data leaders who are a couple grades below the C-Suites are set-up to focus only on the tactical goals while losing sight of the strategic business-facing KPIs.

2. Contribute to improving the KPIs

Improving the business-facing KPIs is, first and foremost, the job of business functions. Therefore, it is crucial for data leaders to walk side-by-side with business end-users through the problem solving process and understand how data can assist them. Ironically, if a data team often refer to business as “the business”, it is very likely that silos exist between the two teams. This leads us to the next obstacle:

Obstacle 2: Setting the right expectation for data.

The dangerous expectation that both data leaders and business leaders may have is for data to make magic, all by itself. This leads to disappointment down the line, when data projects do not return ROI.

Many times, the best data projects are not driven by data team, but by data-savvy people in functional teams. Marketing is the best at optimising click-through and conversion rate, saving advertising dollars. Finance is the best at knowing which activities drive the most cost, or which products are most profitable. If there is a data team separated from the business, they exist not to replace business function in problem- solving and decision-making, but to assist them with more and better data, while maximising the value of data-activating resources.

Obstacle 3: Identify what drive the KPIs

The analysis undertaken to improve business-facing KPIs should be, as a minimum, a combination of descriptive and diagnostic. Besides defining the problem, we also need to identify the root causes and solve the problems.

Descriptive analysis is great at defining the problem. It allows us to study the KPIs from multiple perspective. However, it falls short at pointing out the root causes. To deliver insights, what we should look for during and after descriptive analysis is forming hypotheses with diagnostic analysis. Yet, lots of Data & Analytics is hypothesis-free data mining (Roger Martin).

One solution for the lack of hypothesis is to assess whether the data is being analysed by the right people. The ideal person is someone who can translate the data into concrete business events, form hypotheses about causal relationships between business entities, and follow an analytical method to test their hypothesis.

Another thing to do is to assess whether the tools given to that person are appropriate. An indicator of inappropriate tool is how often end users ask for the raw data. Sometimes a dashboard is not the best tool to diagnose the root causes. The need is to do benchmarking, hypothesis testing, and A/B testing, all are better performed with Jupyter Notebooks, or raw excel files.

Obstacle 4: Turn insights into actions

While it may seem obvious that we need to take action based on data-driven insights, there are often cultural resistant, time constraints, or lack of resources that prevent actions to be taken.

Great data leaders incentivise people to take data-driven actions. They make it effortless for the insights to be delivered, via relevant forums, instant notifications or reverse-ETL. They make it easier for the action to be identified with prescriptive analysis (i.e data-enabled recommendation systems, often in a form of ML). They can even automate the actions, embed predictive and prescriptive analysis into production environment, like what Netflix did with their dynamic sizzles.

Enabling smart actions at scale, however, requires investment — investment that most data leaders will struggle to get. Without having a sound data strategy, quick-wins, and trust across the organisations, data leaders will not be given the appropriate investment to create break-through.

3. Measure the impact of data contribution

After the hard parts — identifying and contributing toward the right KPIs, it is time for the final step in delivering tangible ROI — measuring the impact.

Obstacle 5: Embed impact measurement into data practitioners’ jobs description

Some data teams don’t take the extra step to measure their impact. They are too occupied with shipping to production, or dealing with ad hoc requests. These teams still operate like a software team, or service team. They work based on release timeline, SLA, and stay far away from business initiatives, unaware of the results of their work. They are created that way, and therefore operate that way.

The lack of focus on impact measure has been built into the data organisation itself. Looking up and down the organisational structure, data leaders cannot rely on the Data Engineer, Data Architect, DevOps Engineer, Data Privacy Officer, Data Governance Officer or Data Steward to focus on measuring the impact of data. It’s not the objective of their jobs. One may have some hope for the Data Product Manager, but the role is in its infancy, and the whole community is still debating what is actually a data product.

Someone has to lead the team to measure the impact, do the maths, and communicate that to the boardroom. Ideally, that person will be the CDO, or the most senior data leader in the organisation. However, I think the data teams can benefit from a cultural change, where every data practitioner has ROI as the top-of-mind metric. Data teams should operate more like start-up incubators, where every project is an investment. All data practitioners should keep close eyes on the returns of their time, money and efforts.


Putting it all together, there are 5 fundamental obstacles standing in the way of delivering tangible data ROI:

Step 1: Have KPIs that represent “profitability” of data

  • Obstacle 1: Access the board room for the right business-facing KPIs

Step 2: Contribute to improving the KPIs

  • Obstacle 2: Set the right expectation for data
  • Obstacle 3: Identify what drive the KPIs
  • Obstacle 4: Turn insights into actions

Step 3: Measure the impact of data contribution

  • Obstacle 5: Embed impact measurement into data practitioners’ jobs description

They are simple, mutually exclusive and completely exhaustive. Depends on the circumstances at each organisations, data leaders may face each of these obstacles at different levels of severity. Nevertheless, by committing to resolve them one by one, data leaders will eventually harvest the fruits of their labour — tangible ROI!

Besides articles like this one, I also write a weekly newsletter — Data & Beyond Dispatch. Aiming to help data leaders extract the most value out of their data assets, every edition will bring you a piece of philosophical wisdom, a strategic principle, an operational best practice and a success story from the Data industry. Subscribe if you want to make more impact with data!

Why Do Data Teams Fail at Delivering Tangible ROI? was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


Read original article here

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