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Dog-Killing Parasite Discovered in Southern California

UC Riverside scientists have discovered the potentially fatal liver fluke parasite, Heterobilharzia americana, in the Colorado River in California, a first for the region. Originating from research on local canine infections, the finding highlights the unexpected presence of parasite-carrying snails. Dog owners are urged to be cautious and watch for symptoms of infection. While the parasite can cause swimmer’s itch in humans, it poses no significant health risk and is unlikely to contaminate drinking water due to…

COVID-19 Vaccination’s Timing Linked to Menstrual Cycle Changes

A study by Oregon Health & Science University shows that COVID-19 vaccination timing can slightly and temporarily alter menstrual cycle length, especially when given in the cycle’s first half. These findings aim to reassure and inform about minor changes, highlighting the need for more research on menstruation’s significance for health and fertility.However, the findings present no cause for alarm and are an important step in understanding the vaccine’s overall impact on health.Researchers at Oregon Health &…

Scientists Discover Nightmarish New Species of Marine Lizard With Dagger-Like Teeth

Researchers have discovered a new species of marine lizard, Khinjaria acuta, from the late Cretaceous period, showcasing the diversity of marine ecosystems before the dinosaur extinction. This species, part of the mosasaur family, highlights a time when the oceans teemed with a variety of giant predators, unlike today’s ecosystems dominated by a few apex predators. Credit: Andrey AtuchinSixty-six million years ago, the oceans were full of large apex predators, unlike now.Paleontologists have discovered a strange new…

Webb’s “Astonishing Discovery” of Huge Black Holes in Early Universe – “Thought To Be Impossible”

The transition in star formation rates and black hole growth as redshift decreases from regimes where positive feedback dominates to a later epoch when feedback is largely negative. CreditSteven Burrows, Rosemary Wyse, and Mitch BegelmanThe James Webb Space Telescope’s discovery of early galaxies with massive black holes challenges traditional galaxy formation theories, proposing a synchronous development of black holes and stars, a finding that could reshape our understanding of cosmic evolution.Astronomers have long…

COVID-19’s Exploitation of Fragile X

A new study reveals how the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 interacts with Fragile X-related proteins, impacting its spread and suggesting increased vulnerability for individuals with Fragile X Syndrome. Credit: SciTechDaily.comResearchers have found an unexpected connection between coronavirus and Fragile X Syndrome, which is the most common hereditary cause of intellectual disability.How does coronavirus spread through the body? A new study can help us answer that question. Professor Jakob Nilsson from the Novo Nordisk…

Zero Emissions of Carbon Dioxide! New Method Produces Ammonia-Based Clean Hydrogen

Scientists have introduced a novel technology for producing clean hydrogen from ammonia without fossil fuels, offering an eco-friendly alternative for hydrogen-powered vehicles and promising applications in sustainable energy and transportation. This image depicts the 1st Carbon-free Ammonia Decomposition Reactor. Credit: Korea Institute of Energy ResearchThe KIER has achieved a historic milestone in Korea by successfully producing hydrogen of exceptional purity from ammonia, completely eliminating carbon dioxide…

Unlocking the Secrets Behind Age-Related Memory Loss

Researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas have found that age-related memory decline involves complex neural changes, challenging existing theories and underscoring the need for nuanced research into cognitive aging.Scientists have discovered that the brain’s aging process is more complex than previously thought, with different mechanisms affecting how memory and cognitive functions decline.Researchers from The University of Texas at Dallas Center for Vital Longevity (CVL) have discovered that brain correlates of…

Why are Americans fighting over no-fault divorce? Maybe they can’t agree what marriage is for

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain "First comes love, then comes marriage"—so goes the classic children's rhyme. But not everyone agrees. Increasingly, the idea that love is the most important reason to marry—or at least to stay married—is under attack. Republican pundits and lawmakers have been pushing back on the availability of no-fault divorce, challenging the idea that not being in love is a valid reason to end a marriage.…

Elucidating urban ‘ecosystems’ and creating regional diversity

Students are involved in the renovation work of the old house, receiving guidance from local carpenters, plasterers and joiners. Credit: Uchiyama Yuta What is a city? What are the geographical conditions and social factors that lead to the concentration of population in an area, and how does urbanization progress? And what is needed to create urban environments that meet the diversifying lifestyles and needs of people?…