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Maximum triplets containing atleast one x and one y

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Given counts of x, y, and z, the task is to find the maximum number of triplets that can be made from the count of x, y, and z such that one triplet contains at least one x and at least one y. It is not necessary to use all x, y, and z.


Input: countX = 2, countY = 1, countZ = 3
Output: 1
Explanation: The first triplet contains one x, one y, and one z.

Input: countX = 3, countY = 4, countZ = 1 
Output: 2
Explanation: The first triplet contains one x, one y, and one z.
The second triplet contains two x and one y.

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea: 

We can solve this problem using binary search because the range from 0 to min(CountX, CountY) is monotonic increasing. Because our answer lies in this range and can’t be greater than min(CountX, CountY) .


Let take example 2: countX = 3, countY = 4, countZ = 1 

  • Min(countX, CountY) = 3. So our search range will be from 0 to 3.
  • First, L = 0 and R = 3, mid = 1; we can find that we can make 1 triplet using one x, one y, and one we will move L to mid + 1. Then update our answer to 1.
  • Now, L = 2 and R = 3, mid = 2; we can find that we can make 2 triplets using three x, two y, and one we will move L to mid + 1. Then update our answer to 2.
  • Now, L = 3 and R = 3, mid = 3; we see that it is not possible to make 3 triplets using 3 counts of x, 4 counts of y, and 1 count of z . so we will move R to mid -1. Then don’t update our answer because the condition is not satisfy.
  • Now, L = 3 and R = 2, Since, L > R, our binary search is complete, and the largest possible answer is 2.

Steps were to follow this problem:

  • We will apply a binary search whose range is from 0 to min(countX, countY).
  • Then Each time find the middle element of the search space.
  • If the middle element satisfies a condition we can make a middle number of triplets such that one triplet contains at least one x and at least one y. Then we will update our search range from mid+1 to r ( where r is the last index of the previous search range) and update our answer to mid.
  • If the middle element isn’t satisfied a condition that we can’t make a middle number of triplets such that one triplet contains at least one x and at least one y. Then we will update our search range from l to mid-1 ( where l is the firstindex of the previous search range).
  • When the binary search is complete, return the answer ( last mid which is satisfying the condition).

Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ implementation of the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find maximum number of
// triplet that we can make using given
// count of x, y and z
int maxTriplets(int x, int y, int z)
    int l = 0;

    // Intialize first index of search
    // range to 0
    int r = min(x, y);

    // Intialize last index of search
    // range to min(x, y)
    int ans = 0;

    while (l <= r) {
        int mid = (l + r) / 2;

        // Finding mid of search range

        bool triplet = false;

        // Initially assume, we can not
        // make mid number of triplets
        if (x >= mid and y >= mid)

        // Checking if count of x and y is
        // atleast mid
            int remx = x - mid;

            // x remaining after x mid
            // fixed in mid triplet
            int remy = y - mid;

            // y remaining after y mid
            // fixed in mid triplet

            // Adding extra count x and
            // y and count of z
            int remaining = remx + remy + z;

            if (remaining >= mid)

            // Checking we can make
            // mid no. of triplet
                triplet = true;

        // Checking if we can make mid
        // number of triplet or not
        if (triplet) {

            // If we can make mid number
            // of triplet
            ans = mid;

            // Update our answer
            l = mid + 1;

            // Update search range to
            // [mid+1, R] because we can make
            // atleast mid no. of triplets
        else {
            r = mid - 1;

            // If we can't make mid number
            // of triplet update search range
            // to [l, mid-1] because we can
            // not make mid no. of triplets

    return ans;

    // Return answer

// Drive Code
int main()
    int x = 2, y = 1, z = 3;

    // Funtion call for test case 1
    cout << maxTriplets(x, y, z) << "\n";

    x = 3, y = 4, z = 1;

    // Funtion call for test case 2
    cout << maxTriplets(x, y, z) << "\n";

    return 0;

Time Complexity: O(log2n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Efficient Approach: We can also solve this problem efficiently by making these observations:

  • We can see that the maximum number of triplets can be made that contain at least one x and one y can’t be greater than the minimum count of x and y. 
  • If the count of z is greater than or equal to the minimum(count of x, count of y). So our answer will be minimum(count of x, count of y) because we have used our all x or y in making ‘a’ number of triplets where an equal to the minimum( count of x, count of y).
  • If the count of z is less than the minimum(count of x, count of y), then our answer will be less than the minimum of the count of x and y and the answer will be the sum no. of triplets can be made using the count of x, y and z and no. of triplets that can be made using the count of x and y only such that one triplet contain at least one x and at least one y.
  • Finally, return our final answer.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the maximum number of
// triplets can be made that contain
// least one x and one y
int maxTriplets(int x, int y, int z)
    int mi = min(x, y), ans;

    if (mi <= z)

    // If min(x, y) less than or equal to
    // count of z
    // Then triplets can be made at
    // most min(x, y)
        ans = mi;

    // If min(x, y) greater than count of z
        ans = z;

        // Then first we add z to our
        // answer because we
        x -= z;

        // can make atleast count
        // of z triplet
        y -= z;

        // Using all count of z

        mi = min(x, y);

        // min(x, y), after making count
        // of z triplets
        int ma = max(x, y);

        // max(x, y), after making count
        // of z triplets
        if (mi * 2 <= ma) {

            // If 2 times of min <= ma, so
            // we can make at most mi
            // triplets using count of
            // x and y only.
            // In mi*2 <= ma, we can't use
            // all count of x and y.
            ans += mi;
        else {

            // Otherwise we can make (mi+ma)/3
            // triplet using count of x and y
            // only because if mi*2>ma we can
            // make triplet using all x and y
            ans += (mi + ma) / 3;
    return ans;

    // Return final answer

// Driver's code
int main()
    int x = 2, y = 1, z = 3;

    // Funtion call for test case 1
    cout << maxTriplets(x, y, z) << "\n";

    x = 3, y = 4, z = 1;

    // Funtion call for test case 2
    cout << maxTriplets(x, y, z) << "\n";

    return 0;

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Given counts of x, y, and z, the task is to find the maximum number of triplets that can be made from the count of x, y, and z such that one triplet contains at least one x and at least one y. It is not necessary to use all x, y, and z.


Input: countX = 2, countY = 1, countZ = 3
Output: 1
Explanation: The first triplet contains one x, one y, and one z.

Input: countX = 3, countY = 4, countZ = 1 
Output: 2
Explanation: The first triplet contains one x, one y, and one z.
The second triplet contains two x and one y.

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea: 

We can solve this problem using binary search because the range from 0 to min(CountX, CountY) is monotonic increasing. Because our answer lies in this range and can’t be greater than min(CountX, CountY) .


Let take example 2: countX = 3, countY = 4, countZ = 1 

  • Min(countX, CountY) = 3. So our search range will be from 0 to 3.
  • First, L = 0 and R = 3, mid = 1; we can find that we can make 1 triplet using one x, one y, and one we will move L to mid + 1. Then update our answer to 1.
  • Now, L = 2 and R = 3, mid = 2; we can find that we can make 2 triplets using three x, two y, and one we will move L to mid + 1. Then update our answer to 2.
  • Now, L = 3 and R = 3, mid = 3; we see that it is not possible to make 3 triplets using 3 counts of x, 4 counts of y, and 1 count of z . so we will move R to mid -1. Then don’t update our answer because the condition is not satisfy.
  • Now, L = 3 and R = 2, Since, L > R, our binary search is complete, and the largest possible answer is 2.

Steps were to follow this problem:

  • We will apply a binary search whose range is from 0 to min(countX, countY).
  • Then Each time find the middle element of the search space.
  • If the middle element satisfies a condition we can make a middle number of triplets such that one triplet contains at least one x and at least one y. Then we will update our search range from mid+1 to r ( where r is the last index of the previous search range) and update our answer to mid.
  • If the middle element isn’t satisfied a condition that we can’t make a middle number of triplets such that one triplet contains at least one x and at least one y. Then we will update our search range from l to mid-1 ( where l is the firstindex of the previous search range).
  • When the binary search is complete, return the answer ( last mid which is satisfying the condition).

Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ implementation of the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find maximum number of
// triplet that we can make using given
// count of x, y and z
int maxTriplets(int x, int y, int z)
    int l = 0;

    // Intialize first index of search
    // range to 0
    int r = min(x, y);

    // Intialize last index of search
    // range to min(x, y)
    int ans = 0;

    while (l <= r) {
        int mid = (l + r) / 2;

        // Finding mid of search range

        bool triplet = false;

        // Initially assume, we can not
        // make mid number of triplets
        if (x >= mid and y >= mid)

        // Checking if count of x and y is
        // atleast mid
            int remx = x - mid;

            // x remaining after x mid
            // fixed in mid triplet
            int remy = y - mid;

            // y remaining after y mid
            // fixed in mid triplet

            // Adding extra count x and
            // y and count of z
            int remaining = remx + remy + z;

            if (remaining >= mid)

            // Checking we can make
            // mid no. of triplet
                triplet = true;

        // Checking if we can make mid
        // number of triplet or not
        if (triplet) {

            // If we can make mid number
            // of triplet
            ans = mid;

            // Update our answer
            l = mid + 1;

            // Update search range to
            // [mid+1, R] because we can make
            // atleast mid no. of triplets
        else {
            r = mid - 1;

            // If we can't make mid number
            // of triplet update search range
            // to [l, mid-1] because we can
            // not make mid no. of triplets

    return ans;

    // Return answer

// Drive Code
int main()
    int x = 2, y = 1, z = 3;

    // Funtion call for test case 1
    cout << maxTriplets(x, y, z) << "\n";

    x = 3, y = 4, z = 1;

    // Funtion call for test case 2
    cout << maxTriplets(x, y, z) << "\n";

    return 0;

Time Complexity: O(log2n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

Efficient Approach: We can also solve this problem efficiently by making these observations:

  • We can see that the maximum number of triplets can be made that contain at least one x and one y can’t be greater than the minimum count of x and y. 
  • If the count of z is greater than or equal to the minimum(count of x, count of y). So our answer will be minimum(count of x, count of y) because we have used our all x or y in making ‘a’ number of triplets where an equal to the minimum( count of x, count of y).
  • If the count of z is less than the minimum(count of x, count of y), then our answer will be less than the minimum of the count of x and y and the answer will be the sum no. of triplets can be made using the count of x, y and z and no. of triplets that can be made using the count of x and y only such that one triplet contain at least one x and at least one y.
  • Finally, return our final answer.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the maximum number of
// triplets can be made that contain
// least one x and one y
int maxTriplets(int x, int y, int z)
    int mi = min(x, y), ans;

    if (mi <= z)

    // If min(x, y) less than or equal to
    // count of z
    // Then triplets can be made at
    // most min(x, y)
        ans = mi;

    // If min(x, y) greater than count of z
        ans = z;

        // Then first we add z to our
        // answer because we
        x -= z;

        // can make atleast count
        // of z triplet
        y -= z;

        // Using all count of z

        mi = min(x, y);

        // min(x, y), after making count
        // of z triplets
        int ma = max(x, y);

        // max(x, y), after making count
        // of z triplets
        if (mi * 2 <= ma) {

            // If 2 times of min <= ma, so
            // we can make at most mi
            // triplets using count of
            // x and y only.
            // In mi*2 <= ma, we can't use
            // all count of x and y.
            ans += mi;
        else {

            // Otherwise we can make (mi+ma)/3
            // triplet using count of x and y
            // only because if mi*2>ma we can
            // make triplet using all x and y
            ans += (mi + ma) / 3;
    return ans;

    // Return final answer

// Driver's code
int main()
    int x = 2, y = 1, z = 3;

    // Funtion call for test case 1
    cout << maxTriplets(x, y, z) << "\n";

    x = 3, y = 4, z = 1;

    // Funtion call for test case 2
    cout << maxTriplets(x, y, z) << "\n";

    return 0;

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)


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