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Staying on Top of Your School Work

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Parents can play a pivotal role in assisting their children to achieve the results of which they are capable. By eliminating distractions during the time dedicated to schoolwork children are free to focus on the important tasks at hand. 

Many parents have found that implementing software solutions like, for example,  enhances their children’s focus during scheduled homework and study times because it allows them to block websites for productivity. The Blocksite browser extension, for Google Chrome and Firefox, is a unique tool to block unwanted websites on devices including iOS and Android.

These basic principles can go a long way to help students stay on top of their work.


Setting Clear Achievable Goals

At the start of the process, it is advisable to draw up a realistic list of goals that need to be achieved. 

The ultimate aim of goals is to provide your child with direction and purpose for their studies and school work. Providing a map of students, milestones can motivate them and keep them actively engaged with their curriculum. Although writing down goals is one thing, efficient goals, are concise, achievable, and measurable. Measurable in the sense that they know what needs to be done to achieve those goals as well as having a thorough understanding of what constitutes an achieved goal.

Draw up a Realistic Study Table

You need to ration your time into available slots once you have established a list of outcomes. Setting aside time for specific tasks keeps your child on track to reach their goals. A study table can be broad in approach, allocating time to individual subjects, or granular, allocating time to specific tasks.

The study table is an important part of establishing a healthy routine in a child’s study regime, overcoming periods of unhealthy procrastination. 

It needs to be realistic too. The more realistic the timetable is the easier it would be to keep to.

Stick to your resolve

The key word here is discipline. How can we teach our kids to have the disciple to stick to the homework and study regime we have built together?

An essential part of discipline is to teach your child to say “no” to distractions. They need to understand that indulging in activities other than those highlighted by the timetable, has a negative knock-on effect on the entire timetable, and that is their responsibility to honor the time set out by the table.

Initially, children who are not used to managing their time will have a natural opposition to the constructs of the timetable, preferring to spend their time as they like (procrastination for the most part).

As far as disciple is concerned, parents need to lead by example.

Since the child was part of the initial design of the timetable, they would already have some level of investment into the study regime, which helps, but is not enough. As parents, we can help our children by putting the routine in clear writing, usually where it is visible, like on the fridge or the study wall. It also helps to reaffirm the routine by having a space that is dedicated to studying, removing the child from the room they usually associate with rest to a place associated with homework and study will also help. And finally, parents should regulate their children through positive feedback. Praise and appreciation go a long way to establishing positive behaviors.

In Conclusion

Children need guidance from early on to help them understand how to effectively plan, prioritize and manage their school workload. Apart from what you as a parent can do at home, your child needs to understand that learning also takes place in the classroom, and only at home. 

As parents, we can help our children cultivate healthy habits such as work discipline, healthy sleeping, and exercise habits, that will ultimately aid them in paying attention in the classroom.

Utilizing technology to block unwanted screen time or even access their favorite games will greatly contribute to establishing healthy work discipline in the long run. Allowing them to stay on top of their schoolwork and performing their best. These healthy habits will pave the way for your children for the rest of their lives, empowering them to become well-balanced adults.

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