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Scientists Unveil the Physics Behind 300-Year-Old Firefighting Methods

The 1725 Newsham fire engine inspired the authors to examine the Windkessel effect and capture the physics behind the enduring technology of a steady stream of water under pressure. Credit: Photo used courtesy of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Museum PurchaseStabilizing the flow of water in pumping systems marked a significant breakthrough in the 18th century.Today, the technology behind water pressure is widespread, benefiting anyone who takes a shower, irrigates a garden, or combats fires. However, in the 17th…

New Study Challenges Popular 300-Year-Old Conjecture of Bilaterally Symmetrical Flowers

Contrary to popular belief that bilateral floral symmetry increases pollination accuracy, a new study found that flower orientation, particularly horizontal presentation, significantly stabilizes bee entry angles, not symmetry. This discovery calls for a reevaluation of the adaptive significance of bilaterally symmetrical flowers in angiosperms. Credit: University of TsukubaIn the natural world, it’s not uncommon to see flowers from unrelated <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt"…

300-year-old system revised to name bacteria

The year was 1737 and, due to the large diversity of plants and animals collected by naturalist explorers in different parts of the world, Linnaeus saw the need to develop a logical system to classify and group this material in a systematic way. It’s a system that’s stood the test of time – his basic formula is still in use. The naming convention applies to all biological organisms: plants, animals and bacteria. Each species receives a name…