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Hydrangea compound inhibits buildup of Alzheimer’s-associated protein

A new study has found that a substance extracted from the leaves of the hydrangea plant could be an effective treatment against the protein plaques that are thought to contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.Much recent research has concentrated on developing treatments to slow or reverse Alzheimer’s disease (AD). With studies suggesting a link between brain plaques caused by the aggregation of amyloid beta protein and cognitive decline, many potential treatments have focused on addressing this particular…

A Popular Drug Increases Alzheimer’s-Associated Plaques

Rapamycin is also known as sirolimus and is sold under the brand name Rapamune.An innovative strategy to lessen the plaques was also found in the study.The oral administration of rapamycin to an <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>Alzheimer’s</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>Alzheimer's disease is a disease that attacks the brain, causing a decline in mental ability that worsens over time. It is the most common…