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Cutting Back on One Amino Acid Increases Lifespan of Mice Up to 33% : ScienceAlert

Research in mice shows limited intakes of one particular essential amino acid can slow the impacts of aging and even lengthen their lifespan.Scientists are now wondering if these findings could help people improve their longevity and quality of life.Isoleucine is one of three branched-chain amino acids we use to build proteins in our bodies. It is essential for our survival, but since our cells can't produce it from scratch, we have to get it from sources like eggs, dairy, soy protein and meats.But there can always be…

Cosmic Building Blocks of Life Discovered – Scientists Perform First Chemical-Free Analysis of Extraterrestrial Amino Acids in Winchcombe…

Meteorites, remnants of asteroids, are crucial for understanding our solar system’s history, acting as time capsules that preserve primordial material. Researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery in the Winchcombe meteorite, identifying key nitrogen compounds, including amino acids and hydrocarbons, without chemical treatments, using a novel detector design. This finding, significant for research into life’s origins on Earth, was facilitated by a high-resolution electron microscope at the SuperSTEM laboratory. This…

Amino Acids on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

A major scientific breakthrough reveals that amino acids in the ice plumes of Saturn’s moon Enceladus can endure high-speed impacts, enhancing the prospects of finding life beyond Earth. Credit: SciTechDaily.comEnceladus’ ice plumes may hold the building blocks of life.As astrophysics technology and research continue to advance, one question persists: is there life elsewhere in the universe? The Milky Way galaxy alone has hundreds of billions of celestial bodies, but scientists often look for three crucial elements in…

Amino acid precursors on Enceladus, beer goggles on Earth

Full-body forensic reconstruction of a woolly dog based on a 160-year-old pelt in the Smithsonian's collection as well as archaeological remains. Credit: Karen Carr This week, scientists reported on drinking beer, Saturnian expulsions, an ancient North American dog breed, and cats playing dogs' favorite game, fetch. Beer flattering Let no frontier go

Cutting Back on One Amino Acid Increases Lifespan of Middle-Aged Mice Up to 33% : ScienceAlert

A new study in mice found limited intakes of one particular essential amino acid slowed the impacts of ageing and even lengthened their lifespan.Scientists are now wondering if these findings could help people improve their longevity and quality of life.Isoleucine is one of three branched-chain amino acids we use to build proteins in our bodies. It is essential for our survival, but since our cells can't produce it from scratch, we have to get it from sources like eggs, dairy, soy protein and meats.But there can always…

Reducing intake of one amino acid improves longevity & health in mice

New research has found that reducing the intake of a single amino acid, isoleucine, by two-thirds, improved the lifespan, weight, and health of middle-aged mice without requiring a drop in calorie intake. The findings suggest that limiting dietary levels of isoleucine may be a key to healthy aging.What you eat has a strong influence on health and longevity. However, adhering to a calorie-restricted diet can be difficult, generating interest in developing interventions that mimic a calorie-restricted diet without reducing…

Engineers Create Bacteria That Can Synthesize an Unnatural Amino Acid

Scientists have engineered bacteria to produce pN-Phe, a non-standard amino acid with potential medical applications. Future work will optimize this process and explore its potential in vaccines and immunotherapies.The results, which have been published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, lay the groundwork for the future development of unique vaccines and immunotherapies.Amino acids serve as the foundational elements of proteins, vital to the optimal functioning of biological structures. Proteins in all life forms…

Boosting One Amino Acid Might Be The Secret to Longer Lifespans : ScienceAlert

Scientists have discovered not only that animals age more quickly when they don't have enough of the amino acid taurine in the body, but that oral taurine supplements can delay aging and increase a healthy lifespan.An international team of researchers found that taurine supplements delayed aging in worms, mice, and monkeys, and increased the healthy lifespan of middle-aged mice by up to 12 percent."For the last 25 years, scientists have been trying to find factors that not only let us live longer, but also increase…

Amino acid in energy drinks makes mice live longer and healthier | Science

Researchers first sifted the amino acid taurine from a sample of ox bile in 1827. Today, it’s better known as one of the main ingredients in many energy drinks. But it may do more than drive sales of these beverages. A study published today in Science suggests boosting taurine levels increases life span in mice and improves the physical condition of middle-aged monkeys, hinting it could do the same for people. “This might be something that could be used to fight…

Some Drugs Have ‘Mirror Image’ Chemical Structures, And The Wrong One Can Be Harmful

The effects a drug or chemical compound have on the body depend on how its atoms are arranged in space. Some compounds have a dark twin with the same molecular formula but different 3D structure – and this can have consequences for what they do or don't do in the body.  Consider the tragic story of thalidomide, a morning sickness drug that caused thousands of birth defects and miscarriages. While one form, or isomer, of thalidomide has a sedative effect, the other is thought to cause abnormal physiological…