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Machine learning model analyzes why couples break up

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain What does artificial intelligence offer that goes beyond traditional statistical models, such as regression analysis, to investigate the behavior of households, in particular the factors that cause the separation of couples and dissolution of the conjugal bond? With Bruno Arpino (University of

A New Study Analyzes Shyness in Children

Researchers have conducted a study to better understand shyness in children, focusing on its behavioral, affective, and physiological components. Results indicated that temperamental shyness, a stable trait across development, may exist in a distinct group of children over time, while a larger subset may experience shyness as an emotional state in certain situations. The findings provide empirical support for longstanding theories on the differences between temperamental and state shyness, and have implications for…

Study analyzes racial discrimination in job recruitment in Europe

Phenotype–ancestry discrimination estimates (OR) in Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, male and female applicants pooled, reference is White applicants of European–US ancestry. Credit: Socio-Economic Review (2023). DOI: 10.1093/ser/mwad009 The largest study on racial discrimination in job recruitment in Europe reveals that having a non-white phenotype is a major obstacle to finding employment for Europeans born to immigrant…

Study analyzes Twitter conspiracy theories during the pandemic involving Bill Gates

A Granger causality graph of topics. Note. ***p Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (2023). DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2022.0218 The COVID-19 pandemic was fertile ground for conspiracy theories and misinformation on Twitter, and Bill Gates was a frequent target. A new study, which analyzes well-known conspiracy theories about the role of Bill Gates during the pandemic is published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social…

Study analyzes effects of European chicken exports to Ghana

Exports of poultry meat from Europe are often criticized for harming the local smallholder sector in Africa. Credit: ZEF/University of Bonn The EU regularly exports large quantities of poultry meat to West African countries. These exports have been criticized for harming importing countries in West Africa and exacerbating poverty there. The reason: Cheap imports depress the local price of chicken, making life difficult for…

Is Ayahuasca Safe? A New Study Analyzes the South American Traditional Medicine

Ayahuasca is a plant-based psychedelic substance traditionally used in indigenous Amazonian shamanic practices. It is typically brewed into a tea and consumed during a ceremonial session led by an experienced facilitator or shaman.According to the Global Ayahuasca Survey, 70% of respondents reported experiencing physical adverse effects and 55% reported experiencing mental health adverse effects. However, only 2.3% of respondents who experienced physical adverse events required medical attention.According to a new study…

Study analyzes dust transport in the upper levels of the atmosphere over the last two glacial cycles

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Dust from the dry Puna Plateau in northwestern Argentina was an important source of iron for the nutrient-deficient South Pacific in the last two glacial cycles—especially at the beginning of these cycles. This was the key finding of a study presented in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal by a team of researchers led by geochemist Dr. Torben Struve from the University…

MAROS tech analyzes rails to precisely geolocate trains

If you want to maximize the number of trains that can operate along one rail line simultaneously, it's crucial that you know the exact location of each train at all times. A new system is designed to help in that regard, by analyzing the magnetic properties of the rails.Created by scientists from Germany's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and ITK Engineering, the setup incorporates what is known as the Magnetic Railway Onboard Sensor (MAROS).The sensor is mounted on the undercarriage of the locomotive. From that…

SpaceX Analyzes Explosion During Rocket Booster Test

Elon Musk’s SpaceX sustained an apparent setback Monday during a test of one of its rocket boosters, with a video showing a fiery explosion under the vehicle. The video captured by shows a burst of fire under a booster, followed by flames that surrounded the bottom of the vehicle before dissipating. “Yeah, actually not good. Team is assessing damage,” Mr. Musk, chief executive of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., the…