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Surprising Diet Change Boosts Muscle Strength and Slows Aging

Caloric restriction may promote muscle rejuvenation and essential health pathways, as supported by the CALERIE study. Reduced caloric intake benefits muscle strength and impacts genes similarly to animal models, notably boosting energy metabolism genes and reducing inflammation.NIH study suggests a small reduction in daily calories is beneficial for wellness.Reducing overall calorie intake may rejuvenate your muscles and activate biological pathways important for good health, according to researchers at the National…

T Cells as the New Fountain of Youth

Researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, have discovered that T cells can be genetically modified to target and eliminate senescent cells, which contribute to aging and related diseases. Their findings in mice show that a single treatment with CAR T cells can lead to improved health outcomes, including reduced body weight and enhanced metabolism, with the potential for lifelong benefits.Scientists have discovered that CAR T cells, traditionally used in cancer treatment, can be engineered to fight aging by eliminating…

Unraveling the Metabolite Maze for Human Health and Longevity

In a groundbreaking study, scientists from BTI and Cornell University discovered acylspermidines, a new group of metabolites linked to sirtuins and aging. This finding, which has implications for human health and longevity, marks a significant advancement in the field of biochemistry. Credit: SciTechDaily.comScientists at BTI and Cornell University have uncovered acylspermidines, metabolites that could redefine our understanding of aging and disease treatment.In a significant advancement in the field of biochemistry,…

Unlocking the Secrets of Healthy Aging With Killifish

A study on killifish by the Max Planck Institute revealed that older fish are stuck in a fasting state due to changes in adipose tissue. Activating a specific subunit of AMP kinase restored their health and longevity, hinting at new methods for promoting healthier aging in humans.Genetic switch rescues aging fish from continuous fasting trap.Fasting interventions, which involve alternating periods of fasting and refeeding, are generally thought to improve health. But these interventions don’t work as well in old…

Cambridge Study Finds Key to Better Quality of Life in Seniors

A University of Cambridge study involving 1,500 older adults shows that reduced physical activity and increased sedentary behavior lead to a lower quality of life. Regular moderate-intensity activity is recommended to mitigate the risks of diseases and improve overall well-being. A study conducted by the University of Cambridge involving nearly 1,500 adults over 60 years old demonstrates a significant correlation between decreased physical activity and a lower quality of life. The study also finds that increased…

Police got called to an overcrowded presentation on “rejuvenation” technology.

Broadly speaking, Belmonte says he believes “dysregulation” of these control systems is a fundamental process that underlies aging and many diseases. To rejuvenate cells, Belmonte has been exploring a method of resetting the epigenome called ‘reprogramming.’ During his talk, Belmonte raced through examples of how reprogrammed cells become more resilient to stress and damage, and on the whole appear to act younger. In one experiment, for example, he says his lab gave mice ultra-high doses of the pain-killer…

Sam Altman invested $180 million into a company trying to delay death

There was reason to worry. In 2016, after Peter Thiel, one of Altman’s mentors, expressed interest in possibly getting age-defeating blood transfusions, he was mocked in the media as a vampire on the prowl for young victims. A year later, the HBO parody show Silicon Valley drove the stake in with an episode called “Blood Boy.” In it, a fictional tech CEO takes a meeting while his veins are connected to those of a handsome young man introduced as his “transfusion associate.” “We don’t really want … these old billionaires…

Startup says genetic reprogramming allows mice to live longer

Mice live only months in the wild but can survive two to three years in the lab. Those in the latest experiment were already 124 weeks old when they got the drug—close to the end of their lives. Not only did the treated mice survive noticeably longer, according to Davidsohn, but they also scored better on measures of general health. The amount of life extension observed is not in itself unprecedented. A US government program that tests drugs for their longevity effects has shown that several compounds, including the drug…