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Apollo Asteroid

Apollo group asteroid to pass Earth by just 57000 km today, says NASA! Know how big it is

February 2024 was filled with numerous asteroid approaches and the beginning of March is set to continue this trend. Since asteroids are millions of kilometers away in space, how are they tracked? As soon as NASA's telescopes track a new Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA), astronomers measure the asteroid's observed positions in the sky and report them to the Minor Planet Center. The Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) then uses that data to determine the asteroid's most likely orbit around the Sun, according to NASA.…

NASA says Apollo asteroid will pass Earth at a breakneck 27463 kmph today

NASA defines asteroids as ancient rocky, airless remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. Through various experiments, scientists have known that while asteroids have the potential to cause catastrophic damage if they impact Earth, these objects can also become a resource hub. Space agencies keep a check on the orbits of these space rocks to avoid a potential collision scenario. They have also developed technology to track these space rocks in their orbits, and even…

Apollo asteroid set for Earth encounter today! NASA tech reveals speed, size, and more

NASA, with the aid of the Pan-STARRS survey telescope, has recently discovered an asteroid that has been orbiting Earth and acting as a "quasi-moon" of our planet. It is also called the 2nd moon of Earth. According to Sky & Telescope, if these calculations are accurate, 2023 FW13 would be the most stable quasi-satellite of Earth ever discovered. Whenever an asteroid's orbit brings it near a planet, the planet's gravitational pull can sometimes force it to go astray. When these space rocks come near Earth for close…

Asteroid the size of a six-storey building approaching towards earth, but the good news is….

Asteroid the size of a six-storey building approaching towards earth, but the good news is.... | Photo: File (Image for representation)Asteroid approaching Earth: Asteroids are thought to be one of the greatest threats from outer space that can destroy civilization and wipe it out. They are dispersed throughout the solar system. While not all asteroids are huge or hazardous, it was believed that the asteroid that wiped off the Dinsouras was only 10 kilometers in size. Asteroid 2023 CG1 is now travelling towards the earth…