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X-class solar flare EXPLODES, sparks blackouts in Asia! Solar storm shadow looms over Earth

A terrifying X-class solar flare has erupted on the Sun in the early hours today, March 29. The solar flare eruption occurred on the Earth-facing sunspot AR3256 and has caused strong shortwave radio blackouts in large regions of Australia, southeast Asia and New Zealand. This came after it was reported yesterday that as many as 9 sunspot groups have appeared on the Earth-facing side of the Sun. Forecasters had claimed that the sunspots seemed to be stable, but one of them unexpectedly exploded.The incident was reported…

SPOTTED Sun could be the harbinger of extremely dangerous solar storm on Earth

Ever since the start of the year 2023, the Earth has been continuously bombarded by solar storms. So far, not a single week has gone without one incident of solar particles hitting our atmosphere. We have seen multiple X-class solar flare eruptions, G3-class solar storms and super-charged CME clouds and solar winds wreaking havoc on our planet. And still, the worst is yet to come. That is what astronomers believe after many have detected a spotted Sun during sunrise in regions of higher altitudes. Why has the Sun turned