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asteroid flyby

Asteroid danger! Aircraft-sized asteroid to buzz Earth today; NASA shares key info

Also known as Minor Planets, asteroids are part of the rocky, airless remnants of the ancient space rubble left over from the formation of our solar system nearly 4.6 billion years ago. Although these space rocks are mostly present in the main asteroid belt, they can sometimes divert from their trajectory and head towards Earth and other planets for impact.Now, the organization has warned that an asteroid is hurtling towards Earth today and it is doing so at a fearsome speed. Asteroid 2023 CJ2 key detailsNASA's

Colossal 460-foot asteroid to buzz Earth today; NASA reveals what makes it special

Although smaller asteroids make close approaches with Earth nearly every day, bigger asteroids seldom do so. Even when asteroids come close to Earth, they do so safely or most of them burn up in the planet's atmosphere itself. However, things have changed now. An asteroid named Asteroid 2011 AG5 has been receiving a lot of attention lately from space agencies around the world as it is all set to make a close approach with Earth today. The Near-Earth Object Observations Program, commonly called "Spaceguard," discovers

Asteroid warning! 239-foot asteroid discovered speeding towards Earth by NASA

NASA expects a 239 feet wide asteroid to make a close Earth flyby today. Is there a chance of impact? Asteroids have time and again impacted Earth and changed the course of history. Some of these space rocks even triggered an extinction-level event. One of the major asteroid-related events in history was when one struck the Earth nearly 65 million years ago. It was responsible for triggering the extinction of dinosaurs when it crashed on Earth near the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. But that isn't even the biggest

Asteroid danger! Space rock passed Earth at a distance closer than satellites

NASA revealed key details about Asteroid 2023 BU which made an extremely close approach to the planet today, January 27. NASA has revealed key details about an asteroid which passed Earth at an alarmingly close distance. Although scientists had earlier determined that there was no risk of impact as of yet, the asteroid's close approach serves as a reminder of the potential danger that asteroids can pose to our planet. NASA, ESA and other space agencies continue to keep a watch on Near-Earth Objects which have the

Speeding asteroid to come as close as the Moon! NASA outs flyby details

Although asteroids pass by at a safe distance, one visiting space rock could come as close to Earth as the Moon, NASA has revealed. NASA has a Near-Earth Objects (NEO) Observations Program to find, track, and characterize at least 90 percent of the predicted NEOs that are 140 meters and larger in size in the sky. Another organization called Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) accurately characterizes the orbits of all known near-Earth objects and predicts their close approaches to Earth. Both these

62-foot asteroid to make close approach to Earth today; NASA reveals details

NASA expects a huge asteroid to make a close approach to Earth today, January 24. Here’s what the space agency said. Asteroids are dangerous space rocks and history has so many instances of it. Of the really notable ones is the one that collided with the planet nearly 65 million years ago, which is said to be the reason behind the extinction of dinosaurs. Though the collision was cataclysmic and caused the dinosaurs to cease to exist, our planet survived! Does this mean that Earth cannot be destroyed by an asteroid

Earth facing danger from a skyscraper-sized asteroid! Close approach today

A monstrous 420-foot asteroid could make a close approach to Earth as soon as today, NASA has revealed. Astronomers have been keeping a close eye on asteroids that pass near Earth, as these space rocks have the potential to be dangerous to Earth. In recent years, there have been several close calls with asteroids that have passed close to our planet. However, due to the early detection and monitoring of these asteroids by various space agencies around the world, scientists have been able to determine that they pose no

Asteroid danger! Bus-sized asteroid clocked at just 7038 kmph

An asteroid is all set to make a close approach to Earth today, as per NASA. Notably, it is one of the slowest asteroids that has come visiting for a long time? Most asteroids are irregularly shaped, though a few are nearly spherical, and they are often pitted or cratered? As these space rocks revolve around the Sun in their elliptical orbits, the asteroids also rotate, sometimes quite erratically, tumbling as they go, according to NASA. Asteroids often make close approaches with Earth, generally missing the planet by

Asteroid alert! Aircraft-sized asteroid charging towards at Earth at a fiery 53171 kmph

NASA has warned that a giant asteroid is heading dangerously towards Earth today! Know its speed, trajectory and more, as per NASA. To study asteroids that are not in the asteroid belt, NASA has the Lucy Space Mission. NASA launched its Lucy spacecraft on Oct. 16, 2021 from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. This is NASA's first space mission to study the Trojans, a group of asteroids which orbit the Sun in two groups, according to NASA. It is built to seek out trojan asteroids millions of kilometers

Fiery asteroid rushing towards Earth today! NASA clocks it at 20759 kmph

NASA is on alert as it expects a huge asteroid to make a close approach with Earth today, December 23. Here’s what the space agency said. Tens of millions of years ago, a single asteroid collided with the planet, which is said to be the reason behind the extinction of dinosaurs. Though the collision was destructive, our planet survived! Does this mean that Earth cannot be destroyed by an asteroid even though living things on it may go extinct? Absolutely not! Due to the Earth's gravitational pull, the planet tends to