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Freaks vs the Reich review – atrocious mash-up of circus fable and the Holocaust | Film

What better way to start the new year with what will surely be remembered as one of its worst films. This mashup of magical realism, gratuitous violence and sentimentality is an atrocity in filmic form. It’s only a bit offensive for its appropriation of the Holocaust as a dramatic engine. What really stirs revulsion is the film’s smug delusions of quality, a self-belief so strong that it has the gall to take two hours and 21 minutes to unfurl itself to the end. Everyone who whined about Martin Scorsese’s Killers of the…

An Atrocious All-Star Shoot ‘Em up Takes Out a Streaming Contract

via Paramount The very least that should be expected from a high concept action movie packed to the rafters with recognizable and talented stars is the slightest modicum of entertainment value, something Assassin Club couldn’t rustle up even once from beginning to end. One positive that can be said about director Camille Delamarre’s bargain basement shoot ’em up is that it no longer holds a zero percent score on Rotten Tomatoes, which is something. Instead, Assassin Club has been elevated all the way up to a…

Netflix Users Once Again War Between Love and Hate, as ‘Nimona’ Garners Excitement but Atrocious ‘the Witcher’ Posters Stoke Outrage

Screengrab via Netflix Netflix just can’t seem to stay in fans’ good graces.  The longstanding streaming service is veering wildly between popularity and disfavor; as its string of cancellations continue to incite pushback, but its exciting upcoming projects renew hope. We’ll never forgive the platform for canceling a slew of fantasy favorites — or for recasting Henry Cavill in The Witcher — and we certainly won’t let it off the hook for those god-awful season three posters, but we can’t deny our excitement…

An Atrocious Video Game Movie Screams at the Streaming Heavens

It speaks volumes about the overall quality of the video game adaptation that Max Payne is only the 15th lowest-rated console-to-screen translation ever made on Rotten Tomatoes, even though it’s utterly and irredeemably terrible. On the aggregation site, a 15 percent critical score sounds about right, even if audiences appeared to enjoy it nearly twice as much based on the 29 percent user rating. Mark Wahlberg has proven that he’s a great actor with the right material, but his default setting of “po-faced action hero”…

An Atrocious Actioner Gets Torn Down From a Pedestal It Never Should Have Been On

via STXFilms Everyone is well within their rights to enjoy movies that don’t hold the strongest of reputations in the eyes of either critics or the general public, but attempting to elevate something as terrible as 2018’s revenge-fueled actioner Peppermint onto the same pedestal as the classics is nothing short of madness. Sure enough, a Reddit thread boldly proclaiming that Jennifer Garner’s Riley North deserved to be spoken about in the same revered tones as Sigourney Weaver’s Ellen Ripley and Linda…

Top 10 Atrocious Python Mistakes that Freshers Often Make

The article presents the top 10 atrocious python mistakes that freshers often make Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level concept in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, presents it as a very attractive language for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components or services. Python supports modules and packages, thereby encouraging program modularity…

Meta vs The Wire: The Atrocious Content Moderation War Ensues in India

Take a look at the Meta vs The Wire controversy that is taking the center stage in India Meta the parent company of Facebook and Instagram – is currently at the center of controversy in India, where a local publication claims the company removed an Instagram post on behalf of an Indian politician. Meta has since denied those claims, accusing the outlet of using “fabricated” evidence, which may in fact be the case based on Meta’s rebuttals and the insights of users online. Following a week of confusion and controversy…

An Atrocious Excuse for a Sci-Fi Adventure Stinks up the Tombs of Streaming

A 2008 made for television movie that features a raft of low-rent and no-name stars getting themselves involved in a ridiculous hybrid of Indiana Jones-style adventure and horror-tinged sci-fi shouldn’t really be held to any sort of high standards, but even then, The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon managed to be worse than anyone imagined. Set in the late 19th Century, Stargate SG-1 veteran Michael Shanks and Shannen Doherty head up a team of researchers who uncover a lost Aztec city that was only rumored to…

An Atrocious Horror Remake That Fans Hate More Than ‘The Mummy’ Claws Its Way To Streaming Success

Image via Universal Pictures Before the masterclass in how not to launch your own shared universe that was 2017’s The Mummy, before even the anemic Dracula Untold (2014), Universal attempted to reheat another of their classic horror properties with 2010’s The Wolfman. And, yes, naturally it was a total stinker. That said, the little-remembered reboot is killing it on streaming right now, having hiked 21 places up the global Netflix charts today, according to Flix Patrol. On paper, The Wolfman had a lot going…

Brad Pitt had ‘safe’ AA meetings to avoid ‘atrocious’ treatment of Philip Seymour Hoffman

Brad Pitt has spoken about finding a “private and selective” Alcoholics Annonymous meeting to avoid what he feared would be “atrocious” exploitation by the media.The Once Upon a Time in Hollywood star got sober in 2016, following a widely publicised split from his then-wife, Angelina Jolie.He attended AA meetings for a year and a half, and touched on the experience in a new interview.Speaking to GQ for its July/August issue, Pitt recalled: “I had a really cool men’s group here that was really private and selective, so it…