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New Twists in Behavioral Association Theories

The researchers conducted experiments on C. elegans, a roundworm with just 300 neurons, that offers a simple laboratory model for studying how an animal learns.A multi-dimensional model to explain the learning process of an animal over time.Physicists have developed a dynamic model of animal behavior that could shed light on the long-standing mysteries of associative learning, dating back to Pavlov’s famous canine experiments. The study, which was performed on the widely used laboratory organism C. elegans, was published…

New clues to the behavioral variability of Neanderthal hunting parties

a-c Various lithic tool assemblages/ Mario Torquemada and d-g) traces of faunal remains. Credit: Abel Moclán Abel Moclán, a predoctoral researcher attached to the Universidad de Burgos (UBU), the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), and the Institute of Evolution in Africa (IDEA), is the lead author of a paper published in the journal Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, which undertakes…

When These Neurons Are Activated by Chronic Stress – Behavioral Problems Like Depression and PTSD Result

Scientists have found that excessive activity of POMC neurons can lead to behavioral problems, and reducing their activity reduces these behaviors.Chronic stress has a clear effect on our behavior, causing issues such as depression, a decrease in enjoyment of previously pleasurable activities, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (<span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>PTSD</div><div…

Financial strain and material deprivation linked to increased child behavioral difficulties

Unemployment rate (% of total labor force) in the Republic of Ireland, overlapped on the GUI98 and GUI08 data collection timepoints. Note. In instances where data collection took place over two calendar years, the year in which the majority of data collection took place is indicated. Unemployment statistics obtained from Central Statistics Office. Credit: Journal of Youth and Adolescence (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s10964-022-01721-2…

Top 25 Behavioral Interview Questions (With Sample Answers)

You must have played “What if” questions in your school or college but have you ever thought that this round of game can get you a job in your dream company? When you go for a job interview, the recruiter will ask you behavioral interview questions that will assess your personality as well as your take on the given situation. Interviewers often throw questions that are situation based to gauge your behavior and your ability to handle professional situations. This round can also be called the ‘make or break’ round as your…

Behavioral scientist reveals 4 ways he knows not to trust someone

Trust is a huge part of humanity’s psychological foundation. It plays a vital part in friendships, relationships, family dynamics, and at work. So, knowing whom you can trust, and when you can trust them is always going to be important. But the unfortunate fact is, not everyone is trustworthy, and some have worked hard to find nonverbal cues you can use to judge whether to trust someone. In fact, new research says that there are four main nonverbal cues that you can look out for when deciding whether to trust…

STAR: The Best Framework for Answering Behavioral Questions in Tech Interviews

Behavioral interview questions are a staple of modern tech interviews.Despite being much less technical than coding or system design questions, for example, they are just as influential on who gets a job offer at the end of the hiring process. A behavioral interview question, as the name suggests, is a question focused on your past performances or behaviors in your professional career. You may also know them as the "tell me about a time..." or the "give me an example of..." interview question.Ultimately, companies ask…

Metrics are not enough — you need behavioral tests for NLP | by Mateusz Bednarski | Sep, 2022

Track systematic issues with your model by behavioral testsOne of the first concepts learned by Data Science practitioners is different metrics. Very early, you understand that accuracy cannot be used in all scenarios, and optimizing a wrong metric can do more harm than good. But is a good metric enough to know how a model behaves?A canonical example of an incorrect metric. Image by the author.Imagine the following scenario: your company receives thousands of job applications every month, and it is physically impossible…