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Big data

Essential Skills for Modern ML Engineers

Machine Learning specialists are at the forefront of the digital transformation of the global economy today; they face a rapidly evolving technology environment that requires a wide range of professional skills. The role of an ML Engineer tasked with transforming theoretical data science models into scalable, efficient, and robust applications can be especially demanding. A professionally savvy ML Engineer has to combine proficiency in programming and algorithm design with a deep understanding of data structures,…

ELS+ Stream Tool – DZone

ELS+ is an AI Analytics tool that helps businesses of all sizes to extract valuable insights from their data. It is a cloud-based platform that can be used to connect to any data source, including cloud data warehouses, Excel spreadsheets, and databases. ELS+ uses a variety of AI techniques, such as machine learning and natural language processing, to analyze data and generate insights. ELS+ is an important tool for businesses because it can help them to: Make better decisions: ELS+ can help businesses make better…

When ML Meets DevOps: How To Understand MLOps

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have taken over the world in recent years, becoming crucial components of practically any industry, from retail and entertainment to healthcare and banking. These technologies have the power to radically transform enterprises by automating operations, reducing costs, and boosting decision-making by analyzing huge volumes of data. The number of AI and ML projects has risen dramatically recently, creating the difficulty of effective ML project management. That is how…

The Role of Metadata in Data Management

In an era where data has become the lifeblood of organizations, the term 'metadata' often floats around conference rooms and technical discussions. At its core, metadata is "data about data," a concept that might seem simplistic but carries immense significance in data management. This blog aims to dissect the role of metadata and illustrate why it's indispensable in the realms of data management, application architecture, and digital transformation. Historical Perspective on Metadata In the early days of data management,…

Implementing Data Lakes in Data Management

The digital age has ushered in an unprecedented era of data proliferation. Organizations are grappling with complex datasets that extend beyond traditional databases, straining resources and presenting challenges in data management. In the face of this rising tide of data, the need for robust, scalable, and flexible data storage solutions has never been more pressing. Enter Data Lakes—a solution offering an architecture that unifies your data ecosystem, serving as the cornerstone of modern data management strategies. The…

The five best books to understand AI

IN RECENT years artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone a revolution. After decades of modest progress that never quite lived up to its promise, a different approach—relying on big data and stats, not clever algorithms—made huge strides in solving real-world problems like voice- and image-recognition and self-driving cars. Also in the past ten years, a lot of books have been published that aim to explain what AI is, where it’s going and why it matters. Books by AI academics do well at explaining the technology but are…

Amazon EC2 Deep Dive: Optimizing Workloads With Hardware Insights

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) stands as a cornerstone of AWS's suite of cloud services, providing a versatile platform for computing on demand. Yet, the true power of EC2 lies in its diverse array of instance types, each meticulously crafted to cater to distinct computational requirements, underpinned by a variety of specialized hardware architectures. This article goes into detail, exploring the intricacies of these instance types and dissecting the hardware that drives them. Through this foundational approach, we…

Digital Twins Will Revolutionize Modern Logistics. Here’s How

As of 2022, the global market for digital twins was valued at $11.12 billion — and experts estimate an impressive annual growth rate of 37.5% from 2023 to 2030. Digital twins help connect the physical and virtual worlds, allowing workers to timely identify when things need fixing, work more efficiently, and create less waste. So, embracing the potential of digital twins is a crucial move as the logistics sector steps into the new Industry 5.0 era. What benefits can this technology bring to the logistics and supply chain…

The Internet of Things: Development and Examples

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not just a buzzword; it’s a transformative technology that has been reshaping our world for the past few decades. In essence, IoT is a network of interconnected devices and objects equipped with sensors, software, and communication capabilities, enabling them to collect and exchange data. The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a disruptive force, revolutionizing how we interact with technology and transforming our living spaces and urban landscapes. IoT has paved the way for smart homes…

Sorry, data isn’t really the new oil

Listening to this, one would assume that all e-commerce companies are making money hand over fist and all physical retail chains are contemplating shutting down. Everyone—from an analyst at a venture capital firm to a student in a B.School—would tell you that an e-commerce company can figure out if you have a baby at home (because you are ordering diapers) and can use this knowledge to get you to buy other baby products. Statements like these are common and sound cool until…