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The Other Spiderman Death – My Bad Vol 2 #1 Free On Bleeding Cool

My Bad is the superhero comic about some very poor superheroes trying to save the day, though they might just be better getting out of the way.Published Mon, 29 May 2023 13:57:10 -0500 by Rich Johnston | Last updated Wed, 31 May 2023 14:43:35 -0500 | My Bad is the superhero comic book story about some very poor superheroes trying to save the day, even though they might just be better getting out of the way. By satirist Mark Russell of The Flintstones, Red Sonja and Second Coming, Bryce Ingman, Peter Krause and Joe Orsak.…

New Lifesaving Solution Dramatically Reduces Severe Bleeding After Childbirth

A groundbreaking study by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the University of Birmingham introduces E-MOTIVE, a novel solution that could significantly reduce deaths from childbirth-related bleeding, or postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). PPH, the leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide, affects 14 million women annually and results in approximately 70,000 deaths.A trial of a set of interventions to manage postpartum hemorrhage, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found a 60% reduction in heavy…

New Synthetic Blood Clotting System Could Help Stop Internal Bleeding : ScienceAlert

Blood clots are one of the body's most important natural defense systems, a mechanism for plugging internal and external gaps to keep us alive. However, in cases where the body is losing a lot of blood, the clotting process can't keep up. This is where a new synthetic replacement could come in.Researchers have developed a two-component system that targets internal injuries without causing any unwanted damage of its own. The two components match the body's platelets (cell fragments that trigger clotting) and fibrinogen (a…

Innovative Treatment Prevents Blood Clots Without Increased Bleeding Risk

Researchers at the University of British Columbia and the University of Michigan have developed a new blood thinner compound, MPI 8, that shows promise in preventing blood clots without increasing the risk of bleeding. The compound targets polyphosphate, a molecule involved in blood clotting that is not essential for the process, making it a safer alternative to existing blood thinners that target clotting enzymes. Although MPI 8 has shown effectiveness in animal models, further research is needed to confirm its safety…

Injectable synthetic blood clots stop internal bleeding to save lives

Scientists at MIT have developed a synthetic system that can stem internal bleeding, to help more people survive long enough to reach a hospital after a traumatic injury. Two components come together at the wound to form a clot, without doing so elsewhere in the body where it might be dangerous.Traumatic events like car crashes can cause internal bleeding, and if patients don’t reach a hospital in time they can be fatal. Finding ways to stop the bleeding can extend that window, potentially saving lives.The MIT team has…

MIT Engineers Design Clot-Forming Solution for Internal Bleeding

MIT engineers have designed synthetic nanoparticles that can be injected into the body and help form blood clots at the sites of internal injury. Credit: Christine Daniloff/MITThe technology, which mimics the body’s natural clotting process, could help keep severely injured people alive until they are treated at a hospital.<span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>MIT</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>MIT is an acronym for the…

Actision Blizzard staff allege company is bleeding “amazing talent”

Staff at Activision Blizzard have accused the company of losing workers and “creating crisis maps” of what it can release, due to issues with the company’s remote working policy. In a series of tweets posted yesterday, World Of Warcraft game producer Adam ‘Glaxigrav’ claimed he has lost “yet another” employee this week. “Blizzard is losing amazing talent because someone in power doesn’t listen to the game directors who make his products,” wrote Adam, who said Blizzard can’t “make better Dragonflights If we get rid of…

Joe Illidge Leaves Heavy Metal Magazine, Talks To Bleeding Cool

Heavy Metal Executive Editor Joe Illidge is no longer with the publisher. He has chosen to talk to Bleeding Cool about his departure.Over Christmas, as Bleeding Cool reported on Heavy Metal Magazine undergoing a series of problems. First difficulty paying the bills, then CEO Matt Medney quitting or being pushed, new CEO and Mhyth founder Marshall Lees being appointed, and claims of creators having their work stolen from under them. At the time, I was told that Heavy Metal Executive Editor Joe Illidge had also left the…

Rick & Morty Get Their Own Manga Series, Bleeding Cool Has A Preview

Announced by Oni at ComicsPRO Rick & Morty: The Manga: Get In The Robot, Morty! is the first in a new series by Alissa M. Sallah and Jey OdinAnnounced at the ComicsPRO retailer summit in Pittsburgh yesterday, Rick & Morty: The Manga Volume 1: Get In The Robot, Morty! is the first in an all new series of manga-inspired manga-sized adventures. Rick & Morty: The Manga is written by Alissa M. Sallah with art and covers from Jey Odin. Rick & Morty: The Manga Volume 1: Get In The Robot, Morty! will be published…

Apple Watch helps user diagnose severe internal bleeding, here’s how

Apple Watch has proven to be a life saving gadget and every other day we hear a new story about how the smartwatch is saving lives of the users. In a recent event, an Apple Watch has saved a user's life by alerting him about an issue that was diagnosed as severe internal bleeding. The smartwatch notified the user about his racing pulse after a nap after which he approached a doctor. The user shares his experience in a Reddit post with the title "Well, my Apple Watch 7 just saved my life." The…