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I ate fake chicken breast that the maker of Nuggs squeezed through a showerhead

A new microwavable fake chicken breast is on its way from the makers of meme-famous Nuggs. The alternative meat startup Simulate plans to launch the new product in some two dozen New York grocery stores on July 7th. Curious consumers outside of the Big Apple will also be able to buy the stuff online on Simulate’s website at $2.99 a piece. Simulate similarly launched its plant-based chicken nuggets, Nuggs, online in 2018 before offering it in stores in 2021. (The Verge was there for the ride.) Since then, the market for…

New breast cancer study uncovers potential new target for treatment

A new Australian study has provided further insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying breast cancer. More importantly, the research identified an exploitable Achilles' heel that may lead to the development of a more effective, targeted treatments.Breast cancer is the world’s most prevalent cancer, overwhelmingly affecting women. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that, at the end of 2020, there were 7.8 million women alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the previous five years. It’s estimated…

Shannen Doherty says breast cancer spread to brain

Shannen Doherty is facing even more difficulty in her battle against breast cancer. The “Beverly Hills, 90210” and “Charmed” actress, 52, shared on Instagram that her cancer has spread to her brain. An emotional video posted Tuesday shows a crying Doherty wearing a mask and undergoing a CT scan at Cedars-Sinai in January. “My fear is obvious. I am extremely claustrophobic and there was a lot going on in my life,” she captioned the video.On Monday, Doherty shared a video from Jan. 9 of doctors molding a flexible MRI mask…

AI Demonstrates Superior Performance in Predicting Breast Cancer

In a comprehensive study published in the journal Radiology, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms demonstrated superior performance to the standard clinical risk model in predicting the five-year risk for breast cancer.AI algorithms outperformed traditional clinical risk models in a large-scale study, predicting five-year breast cancer risk more accurately. These models use mammograms as the single data source, offering potential advantages in individualizing patient care and enhancing prediction efficiency.In a large…

Biomilq startup makes lab-grown breast milk amid baby-formula issues

Mother holding a newborn in a hospital bed.Svetikd | E+ | Getty ImagesIn 2020, in a nondescript office building in Durham, North Carolina, a team of scientists used cells to recreate sugar and protein found in breast milk.The seemingly niche development could years later change the way infant nutrition is understood and distributed in America. Biomilq, the company behind the breakthrough, had been working for nearly a decade to replicate the process of making human milk — but outside of the body. Its advancement was made…

Breast cancer screenings should start at age 40, U.S. panel says

Medical personnel use a mammogram to examine a woman's breast for breast cancer.Hannibal Hanschke | dpa | Picture Alliance | Getty ImagesMost women should get screened for breast cancer every other year starting at age 40, a decade earlier than previously recommended, according to draft guidelines issued Tuesday by a government-backed panel of experts. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force said its new guidance could save 19% more lives.Each year in the U.S., about 264,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women…

Dietary Supplement Could Improve Breast Cancer Treatment

A research group at the University of Basel discovered that the loss of the neurofibromin 1 (NF1) gene leads to a reduced response to the breast cancer drug alpelisib, while the dietary supplement N-acetylcysteine restores the sensitivity of cancer cells to this treatment. The findings, which could improve the treatment of advanced breast cancer, warrant further clinical studies with patients to confirm the observed effects in the lab.Many cancer treatments often fail to achieve the desired outcomes. A common reason for…

How Depression Influences Breast Cancer Survival

A study published in CANCER found that depression before or after a breast cancer diagnosis is linked to a lower likelihood of survival. Depression pre-diagnosis had a 26% higher risk of death, while post-diagnosis depression had a 50% higher risk. The findings emphasize the importance of depression screening and management in cancer care.Study’s findings suggest that detecting and treating depression are critical to breast cancer patient health.In a recent study, having depression before or after a breast cancer…

Can ChatGPT aid in breast cancer screening advice?

A new study suggests that OpenAI`s ChatGPT can be helpful for breast cancer screening advice, but consumers using the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool for health information still need to confirm information with their doctors. Researchers at the University of Maryland, in a study, found that the answers generated by Chat GPT provide correct information the vast majority of the time; sometimes, though, the information is inaccurate or even fictitious. In February 2023, researchers from the varsity`s School of Medicine…

All Hormonal Contraceptives Raise Breast Cancer Risk Slightly, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

All hormonal contraceptives carry a slightly increased risk of breast cancer, including the increasingly popular progestogen-only pills, according to a study published on Tuesday.The researchers who carried out the study stressed that the increased risk of breast cancer needs to be weighed against the benefits of hormonal contraceptives, including the protection they provide against other forms of female cancer.Previous studies have established an increased risk of breast cancer from two-hormone, or combined,…