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China’s Spending on Green Energy Is Causing a Global Glut

Listen to article(1 minute)China’s newest solar-energy manufacturers include a dairy farmer and a toy maker.The new entrants are examples of a green-energy spending binge in China that is fueling the country’s rapid build-out of renewable energy while also creating a glut of solar components that is rippling through the industry and stymying attempts to build such manufacturing elsewhere, particularly in Europe.Copyright ©2023Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8 Listen to

Solar-Panel Shortage Snarls U.S. Green-Energy Plans

The U.S. is suffering from an acute shortage of solar panels.Several thousand shipping containers of solar panels have been detained by U.S. Customs near ports such as Los Angeles, according to some estimates, while even more have been held up in factories and ports from Vietnam to Malaysia or diverted to places such as Europe—a result of U.S. legislation aimed at cracking down on labor abuses in China. The disruptions have pummeled solar deployment in the U.S., where domestic manufacturers are few and imports, largely…