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Command-line interface

How to Setup Testing Robot Framework: A Guide

Setting Up Robot Framework: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide Prerequisites Before setting up the Robot Framework, ensure that the following prerequisites are met: Python Installation: Robot Framework is implemented using Python, so you need to have Python installed on your system. From the official Python website,, you may download and install Python.. PIP Installation: PIP is the package installer for Python. It is usually installed automatically when you install Python. However, if it’s not…

After decades of Windows loyalty, I’m switching to Mac

I’ve been using Windows since Version 1.0, bridging the great divide between command-line computing and the graphical user interface. I never gave the Mac a try because it didn’t support my business environment, and in the beginning, I enjoyed cobbling together components and squeezing out every ounce of performance. I was also a bit of a Windows snob, taking offense at Apple’s Mac versus PC commercials and its generally superior attitude over the years. But lately, I’ve used macOS more often and have grown ever more…

The Evolution of User Interfaces: From GUI to Voice and Gesture Control

User interfaces (UIs) have come a long way since the dawn of computing. The way we interact with machines has evolved significantly over the decades, driven by advancements in technology and a desire to make technology more accessible and intuitive. From the early days of command-line interfaces to the graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that dominate our computers and smartphones today, and now to emerging technologies like voice and gesture control, this article explores the fascinating journey of UI evolution. The…

An Introduction to BentoML – DZone

Navigating the journey from building machine learning (ML) models to deploying them in production can often be a rocky road. It’s an essential yet complex process where data scientists and engineers must bridge their knowledge gap. Data scientists, adept at creating models, might stumble when it comes to production deployment. On the other hand, engineers may struggle with the continuous iteration of ML models, leading to inefficient, error-prone operations. Consider this specific scenario: you have just created an ML…

How to Fix a Humax HDR Fox T2 PVR That Will Not Stays Powered On

Learn how to fix your devices! Issue When you attempt to power on your Humax the standby orange light goes blue for a moment and then powers off automatically again. Cause The reason for this could be a bad boot sector on the hard disk. You may also like: 40+ Emergng IoT Technologies You Should Have on Your Radar Resolution To fix this, remove the hard disk cable that connects to the motherboard, power the machine on, then whilst it is showing your channel on the display, connect the hard disk cable back…

Create a CLI Chatbot With the ChatGPT API and Node.js

ChatGPT has taken the world by storm, and this week, OpenAI released the ChatGPT API. I’ve spent some time playing with ChatGPT in the browser, but the best way to really get on board with these new capabilities is to try building something with it. With the API available, now is that time. This was inspired by Greg Baugues’s implementation of a chatbot command line interface (CLI) in 16 lines of Python. I thought I’d start by trying to build the same chatbot but using JavaScript. (It turns out that Ricky Robinett also…

Dialogflow CX CLI: The Missing CLI To Interact With Your Agents

Previous Requisites Here are the technologies used in this project Google Cloud Account Dialogflow API enabled Dialogflow CX CLI  What Is This? Dialogflow CX CLI: The missing CLI for your Dialogflow CX projects The Dialoglfow CX CLI or cxcli is a command line interface tool that you can use to interact with your Dialogflow CX projects in a terminal. It is an open-source project I created. This project was created due to the lack of an existing official CLI for the next-gen Dialogflow. This tool has been built…

How to Properly Test Your Dialogflow CX Agents

Previous Requisites Here are the technologies used in this project: Google Cloud Account Dialogflow API enabled Dialogflow CX CLI  Tests, Tests, and Tests! Testing your conversations ensures that the components of an agent are running properly at a level that includes the auxiliary infrastructure of the agent, such as the NLU, the webhook, and the integration with external systems. A test can evaluate the components of an application at a high level. We can use tests to check that two or more components of an…

Dialogflow CX Entity Types – DZone

Previous Requisites Here are the technologies used in this project Google Cloud Account  Dialogflow API enabled Dialogflow CX CLI - Installed and configured What Are Entity Types? One of the most important parts of NLU is the entity types or entities. These are the key information in a text, such as names, dates, products, organizations, places, or anything we want to extract from the text. We call this concept “entities." For example, let’s take a look at the order_intent intent: I want a pizza. I want 3…

Dialogflow CX Intents – DZone

Previous Requisites Here are the technologies used in this project: Google Cloud Account Dialogflow API enabled  Dialogflow CX CLI  What Are Dialogflow CX Intents? Before we start talking about intents, it is important to understand what NLU is. Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is a subset of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It helps a “machine” to be able to understand human language. In Dialogflow CX, this is an important part, since it will help to predict the user’s intention, allow us to act in a…