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More pain in Sri Lanka before any resolution to crisis

Breadcrumb Trail Links PMN Politics PMN News Author of the article: Reuters Jorgelina Do Rosario and Swati Bhat Publishing date: May 18, 2022  •  31 minutes ago  •  4 minute read  •  Join the conversation Article content Running out of petrol, medicines and foreign reserves, once-booming Sri Lanka is in a mess. And the measures needed to pull its economy out of the unparalleled crisis are likely to bring even more pain. The dire assessment by new Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe…

Scientists Outline 3 Likely Pandemic Outcomes

The global pandemic is not yet over. Public health experts suspect it will last at least another five years, but how this ongoing crisis plays out is ultimately up to us.A new report from the International Science Council (ISC), an international organization who's aim is to unite scientific bodies around the world, has laid out three scenarios that could occur by 2027.  The report was written by a panel of 20 experts on public health, virology, economics, behavioral science, ethics, and sociology.While their commentary…

How Many Teams Is Harley Quinn In? Shadow War/Dark Crisis Spoilers

| Harley Quinn! A member of Birds Of Prey, Suicide Squad, and now looking to be one of Batman's Robins, or similar. But how many DC teams can she join? Well, spoilers on, Bleeding Cool did previously reveal that in Dark Crisis #1m, she would be joining the new Justice League, but we have no idea how long that will stick. Maybe not even until Dark Crisis #2. But Shadow War Zone #1 tomorrow reveals that Harley Quinn did once join the Secret Society Of Super-Villains. And now Luke Fox, Batwing, is considering Harley Quinn…

Bette Midler breastfeeding tweet upsets moms amid formula crisis

Amid a worsening nationwide baby formula shortage, Bette Midler tweeted out what she seemed to think was an easy, common-sense solution to parents’ struggle to feed their hungry infants. The outspoken film and theater star declared Thursday evening that moms should just “TRY BREASTFEEDING. It’s free and available on demand.” Whether breastfeeding truly is “free” turned out to be one of the points raised by many who didn’t respond favorably to Midler’s tweet. In fact, her tweet set off a cascade of reactions that showed…

Joshua Williamson on the importance of legacy in DARK CRISIS

The Justice League is gone. Last month’s Justice League #75 featured “The Death of the Justice League,” which saw the team of the world’s greatest superheroes fall in battle against Pariah and his Dark Army. The story, along with this past weekend’s Free Comic Book Day one-shot, helps set the stage for Dark Crisis, the next DC Comics event storyline, written by Joshua Williamson and illustrated by Daniel Sampere. Dark Crisis is the concluding act of the über-storyline that Williamson has been telling in the DC…

TV Prices in India to See a Hike Due to Ukraine-Russia Crisis, China Lockdowns, More Factors

TV manufacturers in India are planning to increase the prices of their models to meet ongoing cost and supply constraints. Multiple sources confirmed to Gadgets 360 that companies are planning to increase the pricing of their TVs in the coming days due to a list of factors, including the crisis between Ukraine and Russia as well as the rigorous lockdowns in China. The external restrictions are limiting manufacturers from getting adequate supplies of their raw materials and eventually forcing them to transfer their burden…

Cost of living crisis means winter is already worrying Londoners, research shows

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Just 7% of more than 1,000 Londoners polled had no concerns about heating their homes this winter, while around two-thirds (65%) said they were very or fairly concerned. When asked what puts most pressure on their living costs, almost half (48%) said energy bills and a quarter (23%) rent or mortgage payments, while others cited household expenses like food and petrol.…

‘The Yogini’ Breaks Away from the Conventional Novel and Captures Spiritual Crisis Like Never Before

Editor's Note: The excerpt below has been taken from 'The Yogini', by Sangeeta Bandyopadhyay. The book chronicles the journey of a modern woman, Homi, who is one day approached by a yogi who is visible to only her. In a manner that can be described as surrealistic, the book depicts the story of a woman desperate to prove that her life is ruled by her own free will. Here is an excerpt from the book: Several days had passed, and the brief discussion about fate had slipped from Homi’s mind, which was entirely…