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10 Awesome YouTube Channels to Help Kids Learn Coding

Unlocking the world of coding for kids: 10 outstanding YouTube channels for young learners In the age of technology, coding has become a valuable skill, and introducing children to programming at an early age can be both educational and enjoyable. YouTube, with its vast array of content, serves as an excellent resource for kids to explore the fascinating world of coding. Here, we present a curated list of 10 awesome YouTube channels that offer engaging and educational content to help kids learn coding. 1.…

I Created a React Utility Component for Animations With Tailwind and CSS: AnimateIn

Too Long; Didn't Read<AnimateIn/> is a reusable React component that I’ve made to drop in whenever I want to quickly add some animation effects to my projects. A simple utility component, it combines CSS Animation with Tailwind classes to create fluid, eye-catching animations with minimal effort. Too Long; Didn't Read<AnimateIn/> is a reusable React component that I’ve made to drop in whenever I want to quickly add some animation effects to my projects. A simple utility component, it combines CSS Animation…

Is Tailwind CSS Worth Trying in 2024?

This article was originally published on .cult by Luis Minvielle. .cult is a Berlin-based community platform for developers. We write about all things career-related, make original documentaries, and share heaps of other untold developer stories from around the world. Developers who finally land a job doing what they love — coding — frequently face a brain-teaser: Coding for a living is fantastic, indeed, but is it as endearing when you’re stuck doing the same task over and over again?…

How to Remove Arrow on Input Type Number with Tailwind CSS ?

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article Like Article When using the input element with the type=”number” attribute, most browsers will display an arrow control (also known as a spinner) at the right side of the input field. This control allows users to increment or decrement the value using the up and down arrows. However, in some cases, you may want to remove this arrow control for styling or UX purposes.In this article, we’ll see How to Remove Arrow on an Input type Number with…

It’s 2023, But We Still Need to Talk About Nested Styles in CSS

Too Long; Didn't ReadDeeply nested styles often lead to style conflicts, especially if you have a big project. This can lead to unexpected visual inconsistencies and lots of wasted time. The concept of specificity (or the 'weight' of styles) in CSS is crucial to understanding why deep nesting can be troublesome. Too Long; Didn't ReadDeeply nested styles often lead to style conflicts, especially if you have a big project. This can lead to unexpected visual inconsistencies and lots of wasted time. The concept of…

Building Efficient npm Packages with React, TypeScript, and CSS Modules: A Comprehensive Guide

Too Long; Didn't ReadReact, TypeScript, CSS Modules, and other tools can make your development process more efficient and enjoyable. In this article, we'll guide you through creating a modern and robust project setup using React, Type script, and Rollup. The key features include: **React & TypeScript**: Modern UI development with strong type safety and a superior developer experience. Too Long; Didn't ReadReact, TypeScript, CSS Modules, and other tools can make your development process more efficient and enjoyable.…

CSS Media Queries – max-width or max-height

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article Like Article CSS media queries can help you apply various styles depending on the user’s device or viewport properties. You may make responsive designs with them, which change to accommodate various screen sizes, orientations, and device capabilities.The @media rule in CSS is used to write media queries, which can target a wide range of characteristics, including width, height, aspect ratio, device resolution, and more. The @media rule has a…

Front-End Development Trends – DZone

The constant evolution and ever-changing trends characterize software development. As a software developer, staying up to date with the latest advancements is crucial. This is vital for front-end development in creating a seamless and engaging user experience. The front end is part of an application that users directly interact with, making it imperative to prioritize a smooth and enjoyable user experience. From ensuring well-structured layouts to incorporating captivating animations, front-end developers hold the key to…

An Interview With CSS Creator Håkon Wium Lie

Too Long; Didn't ReadHåkon Wium Lie is known for his work in the development of Cascading Style Sheets. He also worked with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN in 1994. He served as the Chief Technology Officer of*Opera Software from 1998 until the company was acquired in 2016. Too Long; Didn't ReadHåkon Wium Lie is known for his work in the development of Cascading Style Sheets. He also worked with Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN in 1994. He served as the Chief Technology Officer of*Opera Software…

Design a simple counter using HTML CSS and JavaScript

In today’s digital age, counters are a simple yet important feature that can be found in various web applications, including e-commerce sites, social media platforms, and online games. Counters can be used to track the number of likes, shares, or clicks, or to display the number of items in a shopping cart or the number of views on a particular post. In this article, we will explore how to build a counter application with JavaScript, a popular programming language used for web development.Before we start coding, let’s…