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Maximum sum of subarrays having distinct elements of length K

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article Given an array, arr and a value k, represent the length of the subarray to be considered. Find the maximum sum that can be obtained from the subarray of length k such that each element of the subarray is unique. If there is no subarray that meets the required condition then return 0.Examples:Input: arr = {1, 5, 4, 2, 9, 9, 9}, k = 3Output: 15Explanation: The possible subarrays of arr with length 3 are:{1, 5, 4} which meets the requirements and has…

Count Distinct Metrics at Scale. How to speed up count distinct queries… | by Aaditya Bhat | Dec, 2022

How to speed up count distinct queries & design efficient aggregate tablesImage generated by DreamStudioA sophisticated algorithm, HyperLogLog(HLL) can be leveraged to estimate distinct elements in a multiset. This article discusses pragmatic ways to use HLL to handle count distinct metrics at scale. However, this article doesn’t explore the inner workings of HLL.One of the most common metric in data analytics is count distinct of some entity. For example, you might be interested in how many distinct users you have,…

Count even indices of String whose prefix has prime number of distinct Characters

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article Given a string S of size N. The task is to find the number of Invalid characters. Index i (0 ≤ i < N) is invalid if i is even and the total count of distinct characters in the index range is a prime number. Examples:Input: N = 6, S = “aabagh”Output:  2Explanation: Characters at index 2 and 4 are invalid as 2 and 4 both are even and count of distict characters upto index 2 and 4 are 2 and 3 respectively which is prime.Input: N = 2, S =…

Politics: U.S. is dividing more into two distinct societies

Hello, it’s Friday, Nov. 18, and here are the stories you shouldn’t miss today:TOP STORIES We haven’t been this divided in 70 years Florida is a “refuge of sanity” and a place where “woke goes to die,” Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said after winning reelection last week. California is a “true freedom state” that rejects “demonization coming from the other side,” Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom promised.The two governors’ declarations of independence are only the latest signs that the next two years’ fiercest political…

Count ways to fill Array with distinct elements with given limitation

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article Given an array arr of size N and you need to fill another empty array of size N with positive integers. Each element in the given array denotes the maximum positive integer you can choose to fill the empty array. The task is to find the number of ways to fill the empty array such that all elements are distinct.Examples:Input: N = 1, arr = {6}Output: 6Explanation: Since there is only one element. we can fill empty array with values ranging from 1…

DISTINCT is not a SQL Function. How the use of parentheses when using… | by Giorgos Myrianthous | Sep, 2022

How the use of parentheses when using DISTINCT keyword in SQL could cause confusionPhoto by Scott Webb on UnsplashOne of the most common misinterpretations that many SQL users do — even the more experienced ones — is related to the way DISTINCT is applied to the specified columns. It is quite common to see SQL queries attempting to apply a SELECT DISTINCT clause over a subset of columns that need to be returned by the query.And the misconception lies in the view that DISTINCT is a function that essentially accepts s…

EPWA Asks Tamil Nadu Government to Recognise Skill-Based Games as Distinct Sport: Details

India esports athletes' body EPWA has urged the Tamil Nadu government to recognise skill games as a distinct sport, not club it along with gambling, and provide safe harbour for professional players, a senior official of the entity said on Friday. "We have sent representation to the state government on August 13. We have requested the Tamil Nadu government to recognise skill games as a distinct sport and not club it along with gambling and provide safe harbour for professional players," Esports Players Welfare Association…

Fossil bug-eyed insect is weird enough to merit its own distinct family

While prehistoric insects encased in amber certainly are fascinating, they usually don't look all that different from today's insects. A newly discovered one, however, is so bizarre that it has been placed in its own unique family.Measuring just over 5 mm long, the insect was found in Burma, encased in 100-million-year-old amber (fossilized tree resin). Oregon State University's Prof. George Poinar Jr., leader of a study on the find, has named it Palaeotanyrhina exophthalma. The first part of that monicker refers to the…