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Move over, ‘Cocaine Bear’: ‘Crackcoon’ is gunning for horror’s drug-fueled critter crown

Horror is famous – or infamous, depending on how you feel about it – for jumping on any noteworthy bandwagon and churning out a slew of subpar successors. The decision to reinvent children’s favorites as blood-soaked slashers is the latest, but it’s happening at the same time as the success of Cocaine Bear has given rise to the likes of Crackcoon. What’s better than a bear doing so much cocaine that it decides to go on a murderous rampage? Why, the answer is obviously a raccoon ingesting…

An Outlandish Actioner Runs Into Drug-Fueled Danger on Streaming

via Prime Video Not to pigeonhole an entire subgenre, but international action comedies can often be very strange, but often in the best kind of way. Without the restraints that blight many major Hollywood productions, the key creatives are free to tell whatever story they want however they see fit, with Medellin clearly the result of an unfiltered imagination. After all, how else do you explain the existence of writer, director, and star Franck Gastambide gathering together a multinational ensemble cast –…

A Drug-Fueled Crime Classic Gains Comparisons to ‘The Notebook’

When you think of an R-rated crime thriller scripted by Quentin Tarantino that features plenty of sex, drugs, and foul language, one of the most beloved romantic dramas of the modern era won’t be the first thing that comes to mind. And yet, we’re living in a timeline where 1993 classic True Romance is finding itself compared to The Notebook. The former finds Christian Slater’s Elvis-obsessed Clarence falling in love with Patricia Arquette’s prostitute Alabama, before the murder of a pimp and a suitcase of cocaine leads…

A Drug-Fueled Horror Takes a Psychedelic Trip on the Streaming Charts

via Wild Bunch Filmmaker Gaspar Noé has built his entire career and reputation on pushing the boundaries of cinematic acceptability, drumming up just as much controversy as acclaim in the process. 2018’s Climax is far from the most incendiary, contentious, or polarizing movie he’s ever made, but that doesn’t mean it’s not packing his signature stylistic and thematic punch. In typically experimental fashion, the majority of the cast is comprised of trained dancers as opposed to actual actors, with The Mummy and…