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No atmosphere found at faraway Earth-sized world, study says

The Webb Space Telescope has found no evidence of an atmosphere at one of the seven rocky, Earth-sized planets orbiting a nearby star.Scientists said on Monday that doesn't bode well for the rest of the planets in this solar system, some of which are in the sweet spot for harbouring water and potentially life. The NASA-led team reported little if no atmosphere exists at the innermost planet in the Trappist system, 40 light-years away. The researchers used a special technique geared toward a warm planet like this one.…

A Unique Collaboration Using a Virtual Earth-Sized Telescope Shows How Science Is Changing in the 21st Century

In 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration produced the first-ever image of a black hole, stunning the world.Now, scientists are taking it further. The next generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT) collaboration aims to create high-quality videos of black holes.But this next-generation collaboration is groundbreaking in other ways, too. It's the first large physics collaboration bringing together perspectives from natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities.For a virtual telescope spanning the…

Newly discovered Earth-sized planet might be right for life

Searching the galaxy for planets like Earth is a slow-going needle-in-a-haystack proposition. In fact, out of over 5,000 other planets discovered by astronomers to date, only about 12 even come close. That number has been increased by one however, thanks to the discovery of Wolf 1069 b, a planet with an Earth-like mass and the potential existence of liquid water and an atmosphere – all qualities that make it a good candidate to study further for signs of life.The team that spotted Wolf 1069 is based at the Max Planck…

NASA’s Webb Space Telescope Confirms Existence of Earth-Sized Rocky Exoplanet!

This illustration reflects that exoplanet LHS 475 b is rocky and almost precisely the same size as Earth based on new evidence from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. The planet is only a few hundred degrees warmer than our home planet. The planet whips around its star in just two days, far faster than any planet in the solar system, but its red dwarf star is less than half the temperature of the Sun. Researchers will follow up this summer with another observation with Webb, which they hope will allow them to definitively…

James Webb confirms its first exoplanet – a nearby Earth-sized world

The James Webb Space Telescope has been used to confirm the existence of an exoplanet for the first time. Known as LHS 475 b, this Earth-sized world is a cosmic stone’s-throw away and is likely the first of many planet discoveries by Webb.Over 5,000 exoplanets – worlds that orbit a star other than the Sun – have been discovered to date, but that number could soon skyrocket thanks to James Webb’s more sensitive instruments. To test out its power, a team of astronomers pointed it at a star system where another telescope,…

NASA Just Discovered a Rare Earth-Sized Planet in a Habitable Zone : ScienceAlert

When it comes to finding life outside of our Solar System, planets that closely resemble Earth seem like a good place to start. We can now welcome celestial object TOI 700 e to that group of promising leads.TOI 700 e has been confirmed orbiting inside the habitable zone of its star, TOI 700. That's the region of space where significant quantities of water on its surface would be at a temperature suitable for a liquid form. Too warm for a blanket of ice, yet still cool enough for vapor to condense, these kinds of planets…

James Webb Space Telescope discovers its first Earth-sized exoplanet

Webb has discovered its first exoplanet. The new Webb exoplanet clocks in at just 99 percent the diameter of Earth. NASA announced the discovery on its website on Wednesday, stating that the planet is now classified as LHS 475 b, and was found closer to its star than any planet in our solar system. As a result, it completes an orbit in just two days. That’s not all, Webb also observed that the planet is a few hundred degrees warmer than our own, and that it is more like Venus than Earth. Earth, as we all know,…

NASA TESS discovers Earth-sized planet with possibility of water on SURFACE!

NASA's TESS has discovered an Earth-like planet in a habitable zone near a star. Here’s what you need to know. Water is the life force behind every living being on planet Earth. Without water, there is no life. Humans have been on the hunt for an Earth-like planet for decades. Space agencies like NASA, ISRO, CNSA and ESA use their extensive resources to search for planets which could support life one day, should the need to ever leave Earth arise. Although there are more planets in the Universe than you could ever

HISTORIC! NASA James Webb Telescope finds its FIRST Earth-sized exoplanet

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has confirmed its first exoplanet that is the size of the Earth. Know all about this new planet here. For the first time ever, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has confirmed the discovery of its first planet outside our solar system. The planet found by the Webb telescope was classified as LHS 475 b, the planet which is almost exactly the same size as our planet, clocking in at 99 percent of Earth's diameter. NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) hinted towards the

NASA’s James Webb telescope discovers its first Earth-sized exoplanet

The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered its first new exoplanet, an Earth-sized rocky planet called LHS 475 b. Located just 41 light-years away, the planet orbits very close to a small, dim star, completing a full orbit in just two days.The discovery, presented at the American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting on Wednesday, January 11th, is notable as most exoplanets discovered are typically large gas giants similar to Jupiter. It is harder for most telescopes to detect Earth-like planets because they are much…