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Uploading and Downloading Files in Flask

This article will go over how to upload and download files using a Flask database using Python. Basically, we have a section for uploading files where we can upload files that will automatically save in our database. When we upload a file and submit it, a message stating that your file has been uploaded and displaying the file name on the screen appears. When we view our Flask SQLite database, we can see that our file has been automatically saved in the database. We can also download our files by using the /download /id…

Access the Query String in Flask Routes

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article In this article, we are going to see how to Access the Query String in Flask Routes in Python. The query string is the portion of the URL and Query Parameters are part of the query string that contains the key-value pair.Example: ? character, everything is a query parameter separated by &. Here name=isha and class=10 are query parameters. In Flask, we can use the request.query_string attribute…

Multi-value Query Parameters with Flask

Flask is a micro-framework written in Python. It is lightweight, and easy to use, making it famous for building RESTful APIs. In this article we are going to see how to use Mult-value query parameters with flask.You can know more about it here.Let’s understand the basics with an example:Python3from flask import Flask  app = Flask(__name__)  @app.route('/')def search():  return "Hello world"  if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=50100, debug=True)To test the app, we will open a web browser and…

Add User and Display Current Username in Flask

from flask import *from flask_mysqldb import MySQLimport MySQLdb.cursorsimport re  app = Flask(__name__)app.secret_key = 'GeeksForGeeks'  app.config = 'localhost'app.config = 'root'app.config = ''app.config = 'user-table'  mysql = MySQL(app)    @app.route('/')@app.route('/login', methods=)def login():    mesage = ''    if request.method == 'POST' and 'email' in     request.form and 'password' in request.form:        email = request.form        password = request.form        cursor = mysql.connection.cursor                …

Get the Data Received in a Flask request

In this article, we will learn how we can use the request object in a flask to Get the Data Received that is passed to your routes. and How To Process Get Request Data in Flask using Python.So, basically, Flask is a web development framework written in Python, and flask is widely used as a web framework for creating APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Or we can say it’s a lightweight web application framework that is classified as a microframework. Flask has some functionality like tools, libraries, and…

Passing URL Arguments in Flask

Improve Article Save Article Like Article Improve Article Save Article In this article, we will cover how to Pass URL Arguments in Flask using Python. URL converters in Flask are mentioned in angular brackets (<>). These unique converters are designed to let us generate extremely dynamic URLs, where a part of the URL is regarded as a variable. For that we have created three different endpoints to understand three different scenarios of URL converters in Flask.Usage of a single URL converter.Usage when there are…

Flask – Language Detector App

In this article, we will see how we can detect the language of an entered text in Python using Flask. To detect language using Python we need to install an external library called “langdetect” and “pycountry“. Let’s see how to implement Flask Language Detector App, before implementation we will try to understand the basic moudules that we will need in our Flask Project .pip install langdetect pip install pycountryWhat is langdetect in Python?A langdetect is a Python module for language detection. It is a port of the…

Python Flask – Request Object

In a Flask App, we have our own Webpage (Client) and a Server. The Server should process the data.  The Request, in Flask, is an object that contains all the data sent from the Client to Server. This data can be recovered using the GET/POST Methods. POST is used when your application expects user input to be received by command or an HTTP request, while GET gets all the information before it even has a chance for submission. Using both methods at once gives perfect freedom but still requires complex UI patterns like AJAX…

Dockerizing Flask ML Applications | by Ram Vegiraju | Jul, 2022

Guide On Deploying ML Models With Flask and Containerizing Your WorkImage from Unsplash by Jonas SmithDeploying ML models is an essential step in the ML Lifecycle that’s often overlooked by Data Scientists. Without model deployment/hosting, there is no usage of Machine Learning models in real-world applications. There’s a variety of ways to host your ML models and one of the simplest, yet most effective is Flask.Flask is a micro-web framework that’s implemented in Python. Using Flask, we’ll walk through an example of how…

PyScript v. Flask: How to Create a Python App in the Browser or on a Server | by Alan Jones | Jul, 2022

PyScript lets you create web apps in Python without the need for a server. Flask is a Python web app framework for making server-based apps. We write the same simple app using both.Photo by Domenico Loia on UnsplashPyScript is Python in the browser and promises a new way of writing web applications. It’s very much at the alpha stage at the moment but is already a usable system.But do we need a new way? It’s true that I can create a fully functioning web app in PyScript (with the help of some HTML and maybe a smattering of…