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Group of 20

G-20 Discord Likely to Thwart Efforts to Boost Sagging Global Economy

With the specter of recession looming over the global economy, reviving flagging growth will be near the top of the agenda at a summit for the leaders of the Group of 20 advanced and developing economies.The problem: Discord among G-20 members is a big reason for the slowdown. Europe may already be slipping into recession as Russia throttles its energy supplies in retaliation for Western sanctions over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Inflation spurred by that conflict is squeezing consumers and businesses…

Food, Energy Issues Set to Dominate G-20 Meeting of Top Diplomats Amid Ukraine War

Higher prices for food and energy are expected to dominate a divisive meeting of top diplomats from the world’s leading economies, with U.S. officials looking to put pressure on Russia to allow a freer flow of grain from war-torn Ukraine via the Black Sea.U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinkenis set to meet with counterparts from the Group of 20 nations Friday on the Indonesian island of Bali—while avoiding Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, U.S. officials said. Higher prices for food and energy are expected to