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Synthetic embryos grown from stem cells don’t need sperm or eggs

Researchers have created synthetic mouse embryos out of stem cells, removing the need for sperm, eggs and even a womb. They were then grown to almost half the entire gestation period, at which point they had all of the organ progenitors, including a beating heart. The tech could eventually be used to grow organs for transplant.The new study, from researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, built on two branches of the team’s previous research. The first involved reprogramming stem cells into a “naive”…

Study finds cable news networks have grown more polarized

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Even though it seems that Americans are constantly on their phones, studies have shown that the majority of Americans still get their news from television. At the beginning of 2020, the average American adult consumed around nine-and-a-half hours of television news per week, according to Nielsen.…

Heinz Collaborates With Astrobiologists to Produce Ketchup From Tomatoes Grown in Simulated ‘Martian’ Soil

Heinz has produced a ketchup that is becoming popular for more than just its flavour. Made from tomatoes grown in Mars-like conditions, the Marz Edition ketchup reignites the memories of Matt Damon working hard to grow potatoes in his 2015 movie The Martian. A team of 14 astrobiologists worked for months to achieve a similar feat — but on Earth. They worked at the Aldrin Space Institute at the Florida Institute of Technology to grow these tomatoes in a controlled environment with soil, temperature, and water conditions…

Space Agriculture Boldly Grows Food Where No One Has Grown Before

Whether to spend money on outer space exploration or to apply it to solve serious problems on Earth, like climate change and food shortages, is a contentious debate.But one argument in favour of space exploration highlights benefits that do, in fact, help study, monitor and address serious concerns like climate change and food production.As access to space increases, the potential for terrestrial benefits directly tied to space exploration grow exponentially.For example, agriculture has been improved significantly through…

3D-printed ear implants grown from patient cells head to clinical trials

There may soon be new hope for patients born with genetic defects that leave them with misshapen or missing ears. A new human clinical trial will test an implant known as AuriNovo, which uses a 3D-bioprinted ear grown from the patient’s own cells.Microtia is a birth defect that affects the external part of a baby’s ear. This can range from a minor deformation that might be barely noticeable, to more severe forms where the ear is just a small lump of cartilage, or missing entirely. It can affect one or both ears, and in…

Bad News! The Plants Grown in Moon Soil Turned Out Wretched

Would you eat these weird-looking sprouts?Moon UnitRemember when scientists grew seedlings in actual Moon soil, collected by Apollo astronauts?Well, don't get too psyched for delicious lunar salad just yet. In a new interview with Astronomy Magazine, University of Florida horticultural scientist Rob Ferl — the author of a recent Communications Biology study detailing the experiment — brought us down to Earth with a description of just how wretched the miraculous plants turned out."Plants grown in lunar soil tended to be…

Interview: Vauhini Vara, author, The Immortal King Rao – “I’ve grown up with lots of different identities”

How did the idea for the novel The Immortal King Rao take shape?The initial idea came from my dad. In January 2009, we were travelling together, and he was teasing me about writing only short stories and not a novel. I said, “Okay, dad, give me an idea for a novel, then” — and he did. The idea he gave me was to write about a Dalit family on a South Indian coconut grove like the one where he grew up. At the time, I’d just taken a leave of absence from a tech reporting job at The Wall Street Journal, where I’d been writing…

For The First Time, Scientists Have Grown Plants in Moon Dirt. It Didn’t Go Great

When the Artemis program returns humans to the Moon in (hopefully) a few years' time, there are considerable logistics that need to be addressed for keeping such fragile beings alive in such a hostile environment.  Not least is the issue of food. Space agencies involved in the International Space Station are very experienced, by now, in providing pre-packed provisions, but there are advantages to having access to fresh food, including to both physical and mental health.If lunar soil were to prove an amenable medium for…

Cyberattacks Grown in Last 2 Years During Pandemic, Global Cost Topped $6 Billion in 2021: Italian Defence Firm

The global cost of cybercrime topped $6 trillion (roughly Rs. 4,63,52,100 crore) last year, as the coronavirus pandemic caused online activity to soar, the head of Italian defence, security and aerospace giant Leonardo said Tuesday."New cybersecurity threats over the last two years have been a 'collateral damage' of the COVID-19 pandemic and the acceleration of digitalisation it induced," Alessandro Profumo said at the opening of the Cybertech Europe 2022 conference in Rome."Cyberattacks have grown in number,…