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hubble telescope

670-million light years away! NASA Hubble Space Telescope snaps stunning galaxy merger

NASA has shared a stunning image of merging galaxies captured by the Hubble Telescope. NASA's old faithful flying observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope never lets a chance go abegging when it comes to surprising everyone with its uncomonly rare and exciting discoveries. Yet again, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has shared a breathtaking glimpse of a rare merger of two galaxies taken by the Hubble Telescope. Thanks to the amazing capabilities of the more than 30-year old Hubble Telescope,

WOW! NASA Hubble Space Telescope captures 11-bn-year old supernova explosion

In an amazing achievement, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured a massive supernova explosion, which may be among the first ever in Universe. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope did something extraordinary! It captured light from a star that exploded over 11 billion years ago not just as one postcard from the remote past but as three phases from the star's explosion to fading away over a period of one week. However, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured the three different moments in a far-off supernova explosion in a

See These Iconic Images of Dust Filled Disks of Galaxies Captured by Hubble

Over the years, the Hubble Space Telescope has captured some breathtaking images of the cosmos, giving us a peek into a world many of us will not have even imagined. From capturing stunning galaxies hundreds of light-years away to noticing the quiet, undramatic passage of planets by Earth, Hubble has been our eyes in space. To celebrate its achievements, NASA regularly shares some of the images that the telescope has captured so far as part of its “Flashback Friday” series.This week's images showed “iconic Hubble images”…

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Finds 6 Early, ‘Dead’ Galaxies That Ran Out of Cold Hydrogen

Astronomers at NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) have discovered at least six early galaxies, massive in size, which were “dead” when the universe was about 3 billion years old. These galaxies had run out of cold hydrogen, something necessary for the formation of stars. With no fuel to form stars, the galaxies were running “empty”, NASA said.   Lead author Kate Whitaker said that at this point in the universe — 3 billion years after the Big Bang — all galaxies should…

‘Undersea World’ in Space: NASA Shares Spectacular Image of Cosmic Reef From 160,000 Light-Years Away

NASA has shared a stunning image of an “undersea world” from deep space. The image is of the Cosmic Reef and it comprises two different nebulae. The first nebula, with a hue of red and blue against a black backdrop dotted with sparkling lights, is a vast star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. Together with the second nebula seen in blue, the entire structure is called the Cosmic Reef. This Cosmic Reef spans some 600 light-years and it is some 160,000 light-years away from…

NASA Shares Stunning Rare Image of Two Quasars Merging Together

NASA has shared an image that shows two stunningly luminous centres of light surrounded by what appears to be waves of gases let loose in the sky. NASA said the two lights are recently discovered quasars that appear to be merging into a single object. Quasars are distant objects that shine so brightly that they eclipse the galaxies that contain them. They are powered by black holes that are a billion times more massive than our Sun. Astronomers have long been fascinated by these powerful dynamos.Quasars, which play an…

Want to Know What Hubble Telescope Saw on Your Birthday? This NASA Tool Will Help You Find Out

Since its launch three decades ago, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured millions of stunning images of the cosmos. On its first launch anniversary on April 24 in 1991, it observed something amazing. It's called the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant and it is located 2,600 light-years away from Earth. Sharing the image on Twitter, NASA asked its followers to find out what the observatory saw on their birthdays using a Web tool it has created for it.NASA also asked users to reply to its tweet to let others know what they…

Rogue Black Hole or Neutron Star: Scientists Puzzled With New Interstellar Object in the Milky Way Galaxy

Black Holes, first seen in 2019, have been detected at multiple occasions thereafter. Earlier this year, an astronomer spotted an object that was suspected to be the first-ever rogue black hole drifting in the Milky Way galaxy. As reported earlier this week, a separate team of scientists have reached a similar conclusion through independent analysis, and have substantiated the idea of detecting the rogue wanderer. According to the latest study, accepted to be published in The Astrophysical Journal, the object is more…

NASA’s Hubble Captures Image of Giant Star, 32 Times the Size of the Sun, at the Centre of Lagoon Nebula

There are millions of stars visible in a clear night sky. From Earth, they appear like tiny dots sparkling for no explained reason. But there's one star at the centre of our existence, which burns itself to support life. It's the Sun, around which several planets, including the Earth, revolves. Now, imagine a star that is 200,000 times brighter and 32 times more massive than our Sun. NASA has recently shared an image that showed what a world around this star would look like. The image featured a cosmic landscape that…