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Robotic Shoulders May Be The Key to Lab-Made Tendon Grafts

Robotic skeletons designed to look and move like real humans are being investigated for growing tendons strong enough to actually transplant.If the proof-of-concept can be perfected with further research, tissue grown on humanoid robots could one day be grafted onto a real person, fixing tears in their tendons.  Today, surgeons can try their hands at repairing tendons, often transplanting a graft from another tendon in the body, but the outcomes are mixed. For more than two decades, scientists have been looking into…

This Study Might Make You More Mindful When You Talk to Your Pets

Dogs aren't the only animals that can hear the emotion in our voices. According to new research, pigs and horses can also tell the difference between positive and negative expressions in human speech, and it could change how they respond to us.  Previous studies have shown that domesticated horses can read emotions on human faces and hear emotions in human sounds, like growling or laughter.But this is the first study to compare how domesticated animals discriminate between non-verbal human sounds and sounds from their…

Scientists Sequence First Human Genome From The Ruins of Ancient Pompeii

We now know the genetic heritage one of the victims who tragically perished when the Italian city of Pompeii was devastated by a volcanic eruption nearly 2,000 years ago.Scientists have managed to sequence the genome of a man who was in his mid-life years when he died in the Pompeiian House of the Craftsman, revealing his genetic profile and, fascinatingly, that he had been afflicted by tuberculosis during his lifetime.  The eruption of Mount Vesuvius is considered one of the most devastating volcanic catastrophes in…

First Pompeiian human genome sequenced

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The first successfully sequenced human genome from an individual who died in Pompeii, Italy, after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE is presented this week in a study published in Scientific Reports. Prior to this, only short stretches of mitochondrial DNA from Pompeiian human and animal remains had been sequenced.…

A robotic shoulder could make it easier to grow usable human tissue

But growing usable human tendon cells—which need to stretch and twist—has proved trickier. Over the past two decades, scientists have encouraged engineered tendon cells and tissue to grow and mature by repeatedly stretching them in one direction. However, this approach has so far failed to produce fully functional tissue grafts that could be used clinically, in human bodies.    A new study, published in Nature Communications Engineering today, shows how humanoid robots could be used to make engineered tendon tissue that…

Elon Musk Says Tesla to Soon Have Self-Driving Cars That Do Not Need Human Drivers

Tesla Model 3. Image used for representation. (Photo: Tesla)Currently, Tesla's FSD Beta has all the features of a self-driving system, but they often fail, which is why it requires a driver behind the wheel at all-time to be attentive and ready to take controlIANS Last Updated:May 25, 2022, 12:30 ISTFOLLOW US ON:Tech billionaire Elon Musk has said that his electric vehicle company Tesla will have self-driving cars without the need for human drivers, behind the wheel for supervision, around this time next year. According…

Noodle-Like Robots Navigate Mazes Without Human or Computer Guidance

Researchers have developed soft robots that are capable of navigating complex environments, such as mazes, without input from humans or computer software. The soft robots are made of liquid crystal elastomers in the shape of a twisted ribbon, resembling translucent versions of rotini pasta. Credit: Yao Zhao, NC State UniversityResearchers from <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>North Carolina State University</div><div…

First Patient Injected With Experimental Cancer-Killing Virus in New Clinical Trial

An experimental cancer-killing virus has been administered to a human patient for the first time, with hopes the testing will ultimately reveal evidence of a new means of successfully fighting cancer tumors in people's bodies.  The drug candidate, called CF33-hNIS (aka Vaxinia), is what's called an oncolytic virus, a genetically modified virus designed to selectively infect and kill cancer cells while sparing healthy ones.In the case of CF33-hNIS, the modified pox virus works by entering cells and duplicating itself.…

Elon Musk says Tesla will have self-driving cars without need for human driver this time next year

Elon Musk told reporters in Brazil tht Tesla will have self-driving cars without the need for human drivers behind the wheel for supervision or at all really around this time next year. It’s Musk’s latest timeline on Tesla’s full self-driving effort, but he has been wrong about those in the past. The Tesla CEO was in Brazil on Friday. The reason for the trip was a partnership with the local government to launch a program to connect Amazonian regions with SpaceX’s Starlink satellite-based internet, but he also…

First human patient injected with revolutionary cancer-killing virus

Scientists have injected the first human patient with a new cancer-killing virus. The virus, known as Vaxinia, has seen successful tests in animals. However, the true test of its efficacy begins with this new clinical trial. Scientists just injected a human with a cancer-killing virus Image source: geargodz/Adobe It’s easy to hear the word virus and instantly think of something bad. After all, there are a lot of deadly viruses out there. However, scientists are using a new cancer-killing virus known as…