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Irregular Sleeping Habits May Increase Risk of Atherosclerosis

Variations in sleep duration of more than two hours a night within the same week were tied to developing hardened arteries, known as atherosclerosis. The study is one of the first to link irregular sleep habits with atherosclerosis.A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests that maintaining a consistent sleep pattern may be crucial in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease among adults.According to new research, adults over the age of 45 who have inconsistent sleep patterns and…

Parsing Irregular Spreadsheet Tables in Humanitarian Datasets (with Some Help from GPT-3) | by Matthew Harris | Feb, 2023

Processing Irregular Excel Tables Without Using Hard-coded RulesCreated by DALL-E2 with prompt “A painting of 10 wood tables”. There are 9 tables in the image above.TL;DRAs part of a previous study using data from the Humanitarian Data Exchange, I had to analyze thousands of Excel files where tables within those files were often difficult to parse into database tables. Irregular layouts with merged cells, hierarchical columns, and annotations are difficult to anticipate with rule-based parsing when files originate from…

Revolutionary new snortable drug fixes irregular heartbeats in 30 minutes

A phase 3 trial for a new drug that cures irregular heartbeats in just 30 minutes has been completed, showing promising results. The drug, known as Etripamil, has been in testing to see how effective it could be against a medical condition known as paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT for short). The trial, which saw 706 patients split into two groups, just finished this month. The patients were split up in a randomized 1:1 setup, a report by states. Half were given a nasal spray of…

Scientists Discover That Irregular Production of Brain Cells Could Cause Autism

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that impacts how people interact with others.Autistic individuals’ stem cells either create too many or too few brain cells.Researchers from Rutgers University have discovered evidence of anomalies in very early brain development that may contribute to the neuropsychiatric condition by studying the brain stem cells of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).The results confirm a theory that has long been held by scientists: ASD develops early in fetal development,…