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Jon Stewart Slams Both GOP Border Fear-Mongering, Liberal Hypocrisy

The host mocked Trump’s struggle to brand “migrant crime" Jon Stewart once again took aim at both sides of the aisle, this time blasting the GOP for deliberately fueling public alarm about migrants at the border, and criticizing Democrats’ failure to stick to touted values. On Monday’s segment, the host joked that “every two to four years, we’re reminded that there’s a border,” before playing Fox News and Newsmax clips pushing the “migrant crime” narrative. In one clip, Rep. Marjorie Taylor

Jon Stewart Gets Liberal Lashing for ‘Daily Show’ Roast of Biden

One-time fans who perhaps remember comedian Jon Stewart only taking satirical swipes at conservatives while host of The Daily Show were shocked and aggrieved when he returned to host the program after almost nine years on Monday to take aim at President Joe Biden. During an “Indecision 2024” segment that anchored the first half of the show, Stewart aired exasperation over Donald Trump and Biden being the oldest-ever candidates for president, breaking a record they themselves set in the 2020 election. (In his usual…

Liberals’ proposed AI law too vague, costly, Big Tech executives tell MPs

Representatives from Big Tech companies say a Liberal government bill that would begin regulating some artificial intelligence systems is too vague.Amazon and Microsoft executives told MPs at a House of Commons industry committee meeting Wednesday that Bill C-27 doesn't differentiate enough between high- and low-risk AI systems.The companies said abiding by the law as written would be costly.Nicole Foster, director of global artificial intelligence and Canada public policy for Amazon, said using the same approach for all…

X bans liberal journalists despite touting dissimilar posts feature

On Tuesday, X published a roadmap explaining how the social network will be “transforming the global town square” over the coming year. The plans include leaning into features the site rolled out in 2023—things like allowing Premium subscribers to upload two-hour-long videos, introducing Grok as a rival chatbot that is “based & loves sarcasm,” and doubling down on Community Notes to fill a gap caused by gutting the 1,500-person content moderation team.While “2023 was foundational for X,” the company said 2024 will be…

How liberal conspiracy theories can be just as destructive as their extremist counterparts

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Liberal commentators frequently condemn conspiracy theories that threaten public safety. The US mainstream media exploded in 2016 when an armed man harassed diners in a Washington DC pizzeria, allegedly because he subscribed to the QAnon online conspiracy theory claiming that a Hillary Clinton-connected pedophile ring was operating from the restaurant.

Liberal media more opposed to AI than conservative media, finds research

Researchers have found that articles published by the liberal media tend to be more opposed to artificial intelligence (AI) than those by the conservative media. The opposition could arise out of concerns about AI amplifying racial and gender biases in the society, along with income inequity, researchers from the Virginia Tech University, US, said.Considering that media sentiment is indicative of public opinion and can, in turn, impact policymakers' stances, the findings may have important implications for future…

Musk’s X sues liberal advocacy group Media Matters over its report on ads next to hate groups’ posts

Elon Musk's social media company X filed a lawsuit against liberal advocacy group Media Matters for America on Monday, saying it manufactured a report to show advertisers' posts alongside neo-Nazi and white nationalist posts in order to “drive advertisers from the platform and destroy X Corp.” Media Matters, a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit, called the lawsuit “frivolous.” Advertisers have been fleeing the site formerly known as Twitter over concerns about their ads showing up next to pro-Nazi content — and hate…

ChatGPT justifies liberal leanings with its own values, researcher reports

ChatGPT, the popular chatbot, proclaims values that align with more liberal people according to the 2021 General Social Survey. If ChatGPT were a person, it would have more education, be more mobile and be less religious than those with who remained in their hometowns. Credit: John Levi Martin ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot developed by the company OpenAI, has a self-declared human alter ego. Her name is…

A growth-mindset intervention boosts interest in math and science among liberal arts students

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain College students are often urged to "find" their passion, but such advice could discourage them from exploring other disciplines or developing new skills if they feel their passion or interests have already been "found." A new study by Yale-NUS College and Stanford University found that cultivating a growth mindset about interest in undergraduates who initially professed that they were not a…