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Decaying sunspot may spark M-class solar flares, NOAA satellites reveal; Solar storm brewing?

The last ten days have been quite peaceful for the Earth. Solar activity has been at a minimum despite two active sunspots staring down at our planet. One of them, AR3315, is as large as 5 times the size of the Earth and was feared to explode producing an X-class solar flare. However, it did not and now the latest predictions of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have revealed that much of the unstable magnetic field has decayed, and chances of an X-class flare no longer exist. However, there is…

Sunspot explosion blasts out M-class solar flares! Causes radio blackout in USA

The possibility of the Sun causing catastrophic damage on Earth might seem something out of a science-fiction film, but this threat is very true. One of the best examples of Solar activity harming Earth was provided by the Roland Emmerich film 2012. It depicted the apocalypse prophesied by the Mayans many centuries ago. The storyline of the movie revolved around the Sun emitting unstable neutrinos because of anomalous energy processes, which were causing the Earth's core to heat up and eventually lead to its destruction.…

Dangerous sunspots could hurl out terrifying M-class solar flares at Earth!

Remember the film 2012 which showed the end of the world, as predicted by the ancient Mayan civilisation thousands of years ago? The film's plot was based on the Sun releasing unstable neutrinos due to unusual energy processes in the Sun which were heating up Earth's core. Although this might seem like a terrifying scenario, the science behind the film was questionable. But the threat posed by the Sun is very true. Forecasters have recently discovered multiple sunspots on the solar surface which could hurl dangerous…

NOAA says STRONG M-class solar flare set to hit Earth, may generate geomagnetic storm

There is a solar flare coming that is likely to hit Earth, NOAA has revealed. Solar flares are spewed out by our Sun and can be several times larger than the Earth and cause significant damage through geomagnetic storms. To better understand these solar flares, researchers have successfully replicated them in a laboratory. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasters have alerted that there are chances of a solar flare today itself, reported. The possibility of a solar flare is…

Powerful M-Class Solar Flare alert today! Earth may face solar storm danger

The Sun is increasingly spewing out dangerous solar flares, which are having a significant impact on Earth. Recently, a newly formed sunspot exploded spitting out out an M3-class solar flare on April 6, which was directed in the direction of Earth. Result? A minor shortwave radio blackout over the Indian Ocean area, affecting South Asian nations such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and even China, Japan, and South Korea. The situation was just coming to normal when yet another solar flare is expected to have its impact…

Sunspot unleashes M-Class Solar Flares; Big crack found in Earth’s magnetic field

The Sun has become quite violent due to its Solar Cycle 29. Therefore, Earth is in for a rough ride until then. Just days after volatile solar activity caused radio blackouts over North and South America due to an unstable Sunspot, NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has observed another new Sunspot which is hurling out dangerous M-Class Solar Flares, as reported by to the report, a new Sunspot on the solar surface has been observed. The Sunspot, called AR3242 is hurling out dangerous

Giant sunspot facing Earth raises M-class Solar Flare fear

NOAA has predicted that there is a 60 percent chance of M-class solar flare today due to a giant sunspot which is facing the Earth. A giant sunspot detected on the surface of the Sun has raised fears of a strong Solar flare being spewed out that may hit Earth. NOAA forecasters warned that there is a 60 percent chance of an M-class solar flare and a 15 percent chance of X-class flare. It must be noted that an X-class solar flare denotes one of the most intense flares. Basically, solar flares are classified into four

Solar flare alert! Sunspot eruptions spark dangerous M-class, X-class flares

Sunspots on the Sun's surface sparked dangerous solar flares yesterday! Could these flares have caused any damage? There is cause to worry as Earth has been in the firing line of dangerous solar flares recently. Solar activity has been at a high due to the Sun being in the middle of its 11-year solar cycle, a time when it reaches its peak before subsiding over the next few years. As a result, sunspot eruptions, solar storms, solar flares and more, have all plagued Earth for the past months. Just yesterday, dangerous

Solar flare alert! Powerful M-class solar flare could hit Earth today

Beware! A solar flare alert has been issued and it could strike Earth as soon as today! Know about it all here. High-speed solar flares hurled by the Sun have brought the risk of solar and geomagnetic storms. Notably, Earth has been bombarded with solar particles these past few months as the Sun is entering the peak of its 11-year solar cycle and the solar activity is only expected to increase. Therefore, as the Sun further enters the peak of its solar cycle, more solar flares, solar storms and geomagnetic storms are