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Does AI Have Political Opinions?. Measuring GPT-3’s political ideology on… | by Yennie Jun | Feb, 2023

Measuring GPT-3’s political ideology on economic and social scalesA robot and a compass, imagined and created by Stable DiffusionThere’s a quote about how in polite society, you should never talk about three things: politics, religion, and money. In this article, I break polite conventions to determine how an AI would respond to all three of those topics. As AI tools become more and more integrated into our lives (such as writing news articles or being used in mental health chatbots), it’s important (and curious) to know…

Unearthing Clues to the Evolution of the Universe – Measuring the Hidden Energy of Gamma-Ray Bursts

An artist’s impression of the gamma-ray burst GRB191221B. Credit: Urata et al./Yu-Sin Huang/MITOS Science CO., LTDGamma-ray bursts are the brightest explosions in the cosmos, emitting intense gamma rays for brief periods of time. These bursts are categorized as either short or long, with long gamma-ray bursts being produced by the death of massive stars. Hence why they provide hidden clues about the evolution of the universe.Gamma-ray bursts release not only gamma rays, but also radio waves, optical light, and X-rays.…

No need for measuring tape! Measure your height with iPhone app

Want to compare your height with your friend? Measure it on your iPhone with this app. The advance of technology has been rapid in the past decade and there are very few things which your phone cannot do today. Moreover, the rise of augmented reality has brought the outside world into the comforts of our homes too. Apple is one of the leaders of this technological revolution with their iPhones at the forefront. You can do innumerable tasks on your iPhone which would have required a hefty PC a decade or so ago. One of

A better method for measuring alpha returns

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Doppler radar, the Consumer Price Index, quarterback rating—these and many other measuring tools have refined the way performance is both documented and predicted in weather, the economy and sports. Scott Stewart, MBA '83, Ph.D. '85, clinical professor of finance and accounting in the Samuel Curtis

A Remarkable Way of Measuring the Fine Structure Constant

A light source (left) sends a beam of light through a special material, which changes the direction of polarization — by an angle that is given by the fine structure constant. Credit: Tatiana Lysenko / TU WienThe fine structure constant is a fundamental constant of nature and its measurement is crucial in physics. Recently, researchers at TU Wien have discovered a unique way of measuring it.The value of one over 137, also known as the fine structure constant, is considered a crucial number in physics. It plays a…

Measuring Times in Trillionths of a Billionth of a Second

Researchers have developed a new interferometric technique capable of measuring time delays with zeptosecond (a trillionth of a billionth of a second) resolution.How fast do electrons inside a molecule move? Well, it is so fast that it takes them just a few attoseconds (1 as = 10-18 s or one billionth of billionth of a second) to jump from one <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>atom</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>An…

A New Device for Measuring Cholesterol

The microfluidic chip, in which all elements of the system are integrated, is printed on a 3D printer. Credit: Rodion Narudinov / UrFUNew technology is less expensive, more efficient, and quicker than traditional analogs.Researchers at the Ural Federal University (UrFU) have created a brand-new sensor device for measuring blood cholesterol levels. The system does not use protein compounds, namely enzymes. They were replaced by chemists with copper chloride, an inorganic analog. This made it possible to create cholesterol…

Measuring Embedding Drift. Approaches for measuring… | by Aparna Dhinakaran | Dec, 2022

Approaches for measuring embedding/vector drift for unstructured data, including for computer vision and natural language processing modelsImage by authorData drift in unstructured data like images is complicated to measure. The metrics typically used for drift in structured data — such as population stability index (PSI), Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL divergence), and Jensen-Shannon divergence (JS divergence) — allow for statistical analysis on structured labels, but do not extend to unstructured data. The general…

Measuring the Cognitive Overload Factor of a Data Visualization | by Murali Kashaboina | Nov, 2022

A simple empirical method to compute COF, illustratedPhoto By ThisisEngineering RAEng on UnsplashTL;DR: An empirical method to compute the cognitive overload factor of data visualization using an evaluation rubric is proposed. The evaluation criteria and scoring method used by the rubric are explained. An example data visualization is used to demonstrate the method. Further extensions and customization of the evaluation rubric are recommended.Data VisualizationData visualization transforms raw data into visual…

Why we need to do a better job of measuring AI’s carbon footprint

Demanding that tech companies provide more data about the climate impact of building, training, and using AI is a start. We should also shift away from being obsessed with building ever-bigger AI models, and try to come up with ways to do AI research using more energy-efficient methods, such as fine-tuning existing models. Deeper Learning Inside Alphabet X’s new effort to combat climate change with AI and seagrass  MIT Technology Review got a sneak peek at Tidal, a new climate change mitigation project by X, the…