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“MIL Ignored My Wishes And Got My 3-Week-Old Sick And Now I’m Leaving My Husband”

Having a new baby in the family is a blessing. However, it is absolutely essential for everyone to respect the parents’ boundaries and take the child’s health into account! Though everyone might want to visit the infant and shower them with love, it’s important to wait so that they don’t fall ill. Ignoring this can put the child’s life at risk.Redditor u/_Invader_Gir, who gave birth to her baby boy just mere weeks ago, turned to the r/TrueOffMyChest subreddit to share how her mother-in-law completely trampled her…

Woman Dumbfounded After Realizing MIL Thinks Her New Baby Is For Her

The current average lifespan of a human being is just over 73 years. It’s not a very long period, and we might not get to do everything we want in the time we have, but what we do with it is up to us. While some things might not work out the way we’d like, it doesn’t make it right to try to fix them at someone else’s expense. But as one Redditor recently found out, some people just don’t get it. When this woman had a baby, her MIL decided that she would be the one to raise the child and relive being a mom, seemingly…

MIL Cuts All Of Woman’s Son’s Curly Hair, She Cuts Off Contact With Her

It’s likely that most people with curly hair will admit that they have specific preferences for their hair. They are picky when it comes to hairdressers and know exactly how they want their hair to look. Moreover, certain cultures place a great deal of value on a person’s hair; it shapes their identity. So cutting their or their kids’ hair without permission is really a bad idea.One Reddit user recently shared her story online, furious after finding out that her mother-in-law decided it was a good idea to cut her son’s…

MIL Pierces 16-Month-Old Baby’s Ears Behind Mom’s Back, Family Drama Ensues

Mother truly knows best. Rarely do others possess the wisdom, intuition, and experience they have when it comes to their children. And still, some people completely dismiss this and try to teach them how to raise their kids the “right way.”Similar to redditor Saltyseasoning21’s in-laws, who started nagging her about piercing her daughter’s ears shortly after she was born. She made it very clear that she wasn’t going to do it.But the grandparents didn’t listen and got the baby’s ears pierced without her consent.Share…

“AITA For Abandoning My MIL In A Parking Lot Full Of Watching People?”

Boundaries are necessary for any healthy relationship, but they can be pretty hard to put up when it comes to family. After all, our own kin tends to feel a certain entitlement and connection to us, that, often, come with a confusing insistence at overlooking barriers you try to set up.A woman asked the internet for advice after an argument with her MIL that culminated with OP ditching her in a parking lot. Despite communicating a personal rule that she doesn’t want to be around her, the MIL demanded to be driven home…

60-Year-Old MIL Tries To Breastfeed Baby Without Consent

Boundaries are a vital part of any healthy relationship. That means establishing some ground rules with your family members as well. Though many of us tend to be more forgiving and lenient when it comes to our relatives, they still need to understand that some behaviors are definitely not okay.Reddit user u/Rayshays recently went viral after sharing how her mother-in-law, who is sixty years old, tried to breastfeed the author’s baby without asking for consent. Read on for the story in full, as well as the advice the…

Woman Gives Her MIL’s “Satan Reincarnated” Dog To A Shelter As MIL Drops Him Off At Her Doorstep

Most people love dogs. They can bring a lot of happiness to our lives and are often invaluable companions that will loyalty stay by your side no matter what.Unfortunately, not everyone realizes that having a pet like that is not only a joy but also a responsibility. A great example is a story that one woman recently shared on Reddit. Her MIL always loved having dogs, but not as much as vacationing. While her old dog was well-behaved, her new puppy, whom she had once again left with the woman’s family, turned out to be…

“He’s Allowing Her To Destroy Our Lives”: MIL Treats Son Like A Husband, His Wife Won’t Take It

ADVERTISEMENT Marrying into a new family often comes with certain challenges, as family relationships can be quite difficult to navigate. For this redditor, it was her mother-in-law who made things difficult. Barely in touch before, the woman became way too intrusive after the OP got pregnant, which resulted in the mom-to-be having to make some tough decisions and asking if she was a jerk in the situation.Family relationships can be difficult to navigate as it is, but sometimes even more so when it’s your partner’s…

Wife Leaves “Vulgar” Sign To Stop MIL From Interrupting Them In The Bedroom, Drama Ensues

We often welcome our guests wholeheartedly, but some may be trickier to accommodate than others. And even if your own family is staying with you, disagreements are bound to arise.For redditor Pocketlobster88, it was his mother demanding attention who made their days in their household more difficult. She even went as far as to knock on their bedroom door when he was having some private time with his partner.His wife finally had enough and decided to fix the problem by leaving a sign on the door that guaranteed to keep…

MIL Freaks Out After Seeing Bride’s White Dress

Many women feel tension with their mother-in-law (MIL), and it’s not just the stereotypes that are pushing this narrative. A whopping 68% of females said their relationships with their husband’s mothers ranged from mildly to severely strained. Indeed, one wrong look, one selfish act, or one unpleasant comment can change this fragile alliance forever.Soon to be married, Redditor Aita-wedding12345 clashed with her MIL because she refused to walk down the aisle in a pink gown. After seeing her wearing white during the…