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Hundreds of Ancient Mummies Discovered in Vast Egyptian Necropolis

Egypt on Monday unveiled a cache of sarcophagi and bronze statuettes – including one of pioneering architect Imhotep – at the Saqqara archaeological site south of Cairo.They were the latest in a series of discoveries made in the area.  Saqqara is a vast necropolis of the ancient Egyptian capital Memphis, a UNESCO World Heritage site home to more than a dozen pyramids, animal burial sites, and ancient Coptic Christian monasteries.Among the 150 bronze statuettes unearthed in the latest findings is one of Imhotep, who…

Inca Children Chosen For Sacrifice Were Given Hallucinogenic Drugs For a Simple Reason

For more than 500 years, the mummified remains of several small children frozen high on a volcano in Southern Peru kept a secret record of their final days.Since the mummies' discovery in the 1990s, researchers worked to unlock ancient children's pasts, unraveling a shocking tale that ends in human sacrifice.  Now a new finding by an international team of researchers adds fresh details to their fate, uncovering traces of material in their hair and nails suggestive of high doses of a psychedelic substance.Taken in context…