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M-class solar flare threat! NASA observatory keeping a watch on dangerous sunspot

Just recently, it was revealed that Earth could be in the firing line of a solar storm as sigmoid eruption was observed on the surface of the Sun. This eruption hurled out a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) towards Earth, which has the potential to deliver a weak blow to the Earth's magnetic field. However, this isn't the only threat. In a new development, the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has tracked a dangerous sunspot and it could hurl an M-class solar flare towards Earth. This is the latest solar phenomenon to…

Sunspots threaten to release a solar storm today directed at Earth

A huge spike in the cases of solar activity has raised concerns among researchers. Sunspots have always been a central point of research for space scientists as they can have a significant effect on our planet. That is why space agencies like ESA and NASA keep an eye on the Sun and solar activity with the help of their advanced instruments.Recently, NASA has observed a huge cluster of sunspots facing towards Earth. As per the reports, this sunspot region has started releasing a stream of solar storms, which can enter…

M-class solar flare erupts on the Sun, shows NASA; blackouts triggered on Earth, solar storm possible

Yesterday, a massive sunspot spanning 200,000 kilometers containing as many as 12 dark cores was reported on the Sun. As per information from the NASA Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO), there was a high chance that it could explode at any moment, and that is exactly what happened just an hour ago. An M-class solar flare was seen erupting on the sunspot, whose extreme ultraviolet radiation sparked a short-wave radio blackout on the Earth. While NASA has not been able to confirm the presence of any Earth-bound coronal mass…

200000 km wide sunspot presents solar flare threat, shows NASA’s SDO

The Sun is at the center of our solar system and is essential for life to exist as it provides warmth, without which Earth would've been a frozen and desolate wasteland. However, it also poses a threat to the planet on some occasions. With the peak of the solar cycle 25 nearing, we've already seen numerous CMEs, solar flares, solar storms, and other particles impact the planet. While most of them have left Earth unscathed, a handful of them have caused effects such as radio disturbances, and power grid failures.In a new…

Earth-directed solar flares can erupt soon, detects NASA SDO; aurora-sparking solar storms possible

The Sun has turned volatile and its activity is expected to increase further as the peak of solar cycle 25 comes closer. The current solar cycle has already exceeded expectations, with more number of sunspots already seen than predicted. Earth could be in line to face CMEs, solar flares, solar storms, and other particles with potentially disastrous consequences in the coming weeks and months.In a new development, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which carries a full suite of instruments to observe the Sun, has…

CME hits Earth and causes a 20 nT bang, sparks G1-class Geomagnetic storm today

NASA has a full suite of instruments to measure solar activity that affects Earth. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory or SOHO is one of the premier instruments that is used by NASA and ESA. Launched in 1995, SOHO is equipped with 12 scientific instruments, such as an Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT), Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), LASCO (Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph), and others. SOHO captures images of the sun's corona, measures the velocity and magnetic fields of the sun's surface, and…

Blackouts hit Earth as 8 M-class solar flares erupt in 24 hours, says NASA; Solar storm threat rises

In the early hours of July 12, a single M-class solar flare was produced by an emerging sunspot on the northeastern limb of the Sun, and it sparked blackouts over the North American continent, as per reports. But since then, as many as 8 different M-class solar flares have been produced by the same region, sunspot AR3372, the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory has detected. The flares have sparked a rolling series of blackouts all across the Earth. The sunspot appears to be highly reactive and crackling with activity. This…

Shocking! Blackouts hit US, Canada after powerful solar flare eruption, NASA satellite shows

The coronal mass ejection (CME) that is racing to strike Earth tomorrow, July 13, is still on its way and it is likely to cause a terrifying solar storm. However, before that could hit, another solar menace has already struck the planet. On July 11, the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) detected a huge explosion on the northeastern limb of the Sun, which is believed to be a region where a new sunspot had emerged. The explosion produced a powerful M6-class solar flare eruption. The eruption was so strong that the…

Solar storm warning! Fearsome Earth-facing sunspot could unleash X-class solar flares!

Solar flares have been frequent in these past few months and as we move towards the solar maximum, the chances of solar storms striking Earth increase. Solar flares, CMEs, and geomagnetic storms can disrupt the power grid, shut down radio communications and even destroy satellites! A solar storm that is strong enough can even destroy the Internet. According to NASA, solar flares impact Earth only when they occur on the side of the sun facing Earth. Because flares are made of photons, they travel out directly from the…

Stunning sight! NASA observatory snaps terrifying X-class solar flare erupting from the Sun

The Sun has been showing all its might for the past couple of months and as we approach the solar maximum that will likely occur in 2025, its wrath is only expected to increase. For the unaware, solar maximum is the period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle. At solar max, the changes in the Sun's magnetic field result in more solar activity such as sunspots, CMEs, eruptions, and more. The effects of this activity were seen on July 2 as the Sun hurled out a terrifying X-class solar flare.Solar flare…