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nasa space mission

GUSTO telescope to launch on a balloon! This NASA mission will map space between stars in Milky Way Galaxy

NASA never fails to amaze with its groundbreaking projects. Currently, NASA scientists and Engineers are gearing up for an extraordinary NASA experiment named GUSTO (Galactic/Extragalactic ULDB Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatory) in Antarctica. According to NASA, this innovative project involves a balloon-borne telescope set to launch "no earlier than December 21” as per NASA. Yes, you read that right, it is a balloon-borne telescope. While it will be no match for the James Webb Space Telescope, It will still be a big…

Latest Hubble Space Telescope glitch forces NASA to switch on safe mode, pause research

NASA's iconic space telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope, is currently undergoing a temporary pause in its scientific operations. According to NASA, this temporary pause occurred due to a gyroscope issue that forced NASA to trigger the safe mode on November 23. NASA is now working to get the Hubble Space Telescope to resume its operations. Notably, the Hubble Telescope has been working for decades, but the technology is very old now and there is a danger that it may go offline permanently. The telescope has passed its…

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captures new features of Milky Way Galaxy

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is the world's premier space science observatory. This space telescope is helping scientists in solving various mysteries of our solar system. With the James Webb Space Telescope, scientists are able to look beyond to distant worlds. Recently, an image released by the James Webb Space Telescope shows a part of the dense center of our galaxy which includes features that have never been seen before. Astronomers are still studying it and they haven't found any explanations yet.According to…

‘Dance’ of Earth’s airglow is simply mesmerizing! Just check out this NASA image from ISS

NASA continues to amaze space enthusiasts with mesmerizing images of our universe from its various crafts in space. There is the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble Space Telescope and then there is even the International Space Station where humans are busy at work conducting their studies. From the Moon to Mars and stars to galaxies, NASA's advanced technologies have made it possible to visualize space in real-time. Now, NASA has shared yet another stunning image. NASA shared a breathtaking snapshot of Earth's airglow on…

Lockheed Martin Selected to Develop Nuclear Propelled Spacecraft

A Department of Defense agency and NASA picked Lockheed Martin Corp. to design and develop the first nuclear thermal rocket engine to be tested in space, part of a program called DRACO.Through a contract announced on Wednesday with the federal research and development organization known as Darpa, Lockheed Martin will design and build the nuclear-propelled engine along with an experimental spacecraft, called X-NTRV. The goal will be to launch the spacecraft with the nuclear engine in 2027. NASA will commit $300 million to…

This black hole is spewing powerful jet of energy towards Earth

Recently, the NASA James Webb Space Telescope spotted the farthest active supermassive black hole discovered so far. Incidentally, this black hole was also found to be smaller than any known in the early universe. This was just one of many discoveries that highlighted how mysterious the world of black holes is. Now, a NASA mission has found a supermassive black hole that is spraying a jet of highly powerful bursts of energy. And to make matters worse, the jet is directed at the Earth. These events are dubbed…

How close can astronauts get to the Sun?

Do you think any crewed spacecraft could ever reach anywhere close to Sun? Well, Nasa's Parker Solar Probe successfully traversed through the Sun's upper atmosphere, known as the corona, and collected valuable samples of particles and magnetic fields in that region. This was the historic moment for humankind. However, even for it, reaching close to the Sun has its own challenges.Cooling spaceships is a challenge, but not an insurmountable one as the field of thermal protection has made substantial advancements. Missions…

Asteroid-smashing NASA probe sent boulders into space

When a NASA spacecraft successfully knocked an asteroid off course last year it sent dozens of boulders skittering into space, images from the Hubble telescope showed on Thursday.NASA's fridge-sized DART probe smashed into the pyramid-sized, rugby ball-shaped asteroid Dimorphos roughly 11 million kilometres (6.8 million miles) from Earth in September last year. The spacecraft knocked the asteroid significantly off course in the first-ever such test of Earth's planetary defences. New images taken by the Hubble Space…

Asteroid Psyche: Know why it is unique as NASA spacecraft gets ready for launch

US space agency NASA's Psyche spacecraft is in the final stages of preparation for its launch at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The scheduled launch is on October 5 and a dedicated team of engineers and technicians is working to ensure that the orbiter is fully ready for its momentous 2.5 billion miles (4 billion kilometers) journey to reach an asteroid that has a massive amount of metal in it. This is the Asteroid Psyche, The various teams are working to ensure that the spacecraft is fully ready for this incredible…