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NOAA forecast

Solar winds moving towards the Earth to trigger solar storm today reveals NOAA; Check details

The previous week was chaotic when it came to solar activities. Two different instances of solar storms occurred on Earth, triggered by large clouds of three coronal mass ejections (CME). The Sun has been particularly active, as it is nearing the peak of its solar cycle, and it does not appear to be stopping. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a large stream of solar winds is headed toward the Earth and will hit today, December 5. It is expected to spark a minor solar storm that can…

Sun blasts CME towards the Earth, SCARY solar storm strike expected soon; Know the danger

Last week, the Earth suffered multiple hits by the Sun, including two separate solar storms and a couple of radio blackouts. This was one of the most active weeks for solar activity after April, and researchers believe that the Sun is picking up the intensity again, as we approach the autumnal equinox (historically, the highest solar activity period, along with the vernal equinox) in September. As a sign of that, another solar storm has been predicted to strike the Earth on July 27, two days from now, on the back of a…

Solar storm TERROR intensifies! Another CME headed for the Earth, double-whammy likely

The solar storm predictions for the week keep getting worse. After the arrival of a large and unstable sunspot on Sunday, NASA satellites detected a long-duration solar flare eruption the very next day. On Tuesday, we got confirmation from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that a fast-moving coronal mass ejection (CME) released during the event will hit the Earth on either July 20 or 21. Now, today, NOAA has detected yet another CME cloud that is also headed for our planet and can impact the…

BEWARE! Solar storm to strike Earth today, NOAA warns

A solar storm is coming for the Earth today, July 14. The forecasters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have given a warning that a G1-class geomagnetic storm will hit our planet sometime later in the day. The solar storm event has been triggered by a coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud that was released from the Sun during a solar flare eruption on July 11. Researchers are constantly observing the development of the situation as it is feared that solar winds can also amplify the conditions and…

Solar storm today! Earth will be hit by a massive CME cloud, warns NOAA; geomagnetic storm likely

This week's solar storm prediction models had earlier claimed that today, July 1, was likely to be the worst affected by solar activities. The prediction is likely to come true as a coronal mass ejection (CME) is expected to hit the Earth and deliver a glancing blow later today. This solar storm event is arriving after a bit of a quiet period where Earth escaped as many as three CME hits. Researchers are concerned about the intensity of the storm as well as its adverse effects on satellites and wireless communication…

Unstable sunspot explodes, sparks BLACKOUTS on Earth; Solar storm in the offing?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported on Monday that the high number of sunspots on the Earth-facing side of the Sun can become a concern as some of them could go unstable. One of the sunspots, AR3327, has finally developed a delta-class magnetic field that is considered highly reactive and dangerous. In the late hours of June 7, it exploded erupting an M4.5-class solar flare. The flare was strong enough to send strong ultraviolet radiation to Earth and spark a shortwave radio blackout over…

As NOAA issues WARNING for solar storm today, new sunspot sparks fears for blackouts

After almost three weeks of remaining relatively dormant, the solar activity is ramping up again. In the last few days, multiple new developments have created a concern for astronomers and researchers. First on the list is the emergence of a new sunspot that has been spotted on the southeastern limb of the Sun. It has already exploded once, producing an M4-class solar flare that sparked radio blackouts on Earth on May 31. As it now moves to face the Earth, fears of intense solar storms are at an all-time high.In separate…

Scary Solar storm to strike the Earth tomorrow, says NOAA

Yesterday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) revealed that despite the active sunspot AR3315 beginning to decay, it could trigger a solar storm on Earth. And just a day later, satellites pick up solar winds that were possibly released from the activity on the sunspot and are likely going to spark a solar storm on Earth tomorrow, June 2. The solar storm is not expected to be a major one, but it can still disrupt wireless communications and cause a radio blackout. Check the details.As per a report…

Dangerous solar storm to strike Earth on Sunday, reveals NOAA satellite

Yesterday, it was reported that solar activity is about to pick up with a new giant sunspot coming into Earth's view, which appears to contain a huge amount of unstable delta magnetic charge. But before it can terrorize Earth, we have to face another solar storm threat. Right now, a cloud of coronal mass ejection (CME) is moving towards the Earth, which is expected to deliver glancing blows. It was released after a magnetic filament in the Sun's southern hemisphere erupted. The CME is expected to reach by Sunday, May 21.…

Solar storm ALERT issued as multiple CMEs charge towards Earth today

Yesterday, we were discussing the possibility of a solar storm this week as a result of a solar flare eruption on the sunspot AR3288. The early projections revealed that not enough coronal mass ejection (CME) had been released to spark a solar storm on Earth. However, something interesting happened. With the sunspot being in a constant state of instability, multiple flares occurred, all of which released faint CMEs, not capable of causing a solar storm by themselves. However, some of them have merged together to form a…