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NOAA solar storm prediction

Solar storm threat for Earth continues amid NOAA satellites detecting sunspot decay

Yesterday, it was reported that a highly unstable sunspot, AR3311, which was responsible for an X-class solar flare eruption last week, has now entered the full view of Earth. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite data showed a high chance of more flares erupting, with a possibility of another X-class flare explosion. However, today's data shows that the sunspot's magnetic field might be decaying and it lowers the risk of an intense flare eruption. But how does that affect the fears of…

Solar storm today! Shocking CME catches NOAA by surprise; Know the DANGER to Earth

The explosions on the Sun are not showing any signs of slowing down as we enter the third day of solar flare eruptions. Yesterday, multiple coronal mass ejection (CME) clouds were detected by NASA which were moving in different directions, although none were reported to be coming towards the Earth. But that did not last long. A few hours earlier today, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) detected a large CME cloud sweeping past its DSCOVR satellite. This CME was not detected earlier and comes as a…

Earth to suffer DANGEROUS solar storm onslaught as Sun spits out solar flares

Yesterday, it was reported that a particularly notorious sunspot complex turned unstable and was frequently exploding, resulting in solar flare eruptions. The effect caused a rolling series of radio blackouts on Earth, which was particularly felt over the African continent. We are on day 2, and the explosions do not appear to be slowing down. In fact, one particular solar flare eruption has produced a large amount of coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud, which might hit the Earth. Astronomers have not been able to figure…

BEWARE! Earth to get hammered by a dangerous solar storm today as CME clouds approach

Solar storms have returned this week. After a solar flare erupted on Tuesday which resulted in radio blackouts in Australia and the Indian Ocean region, today, April 12, the Earth is dealing with an incoming coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud. This particular CME cloud is not related to yesterday's eruption but a separate solar activity that took place on April 7. As per the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasters, it is likely to deliver glancing blows to our planet which can result in…

After the ALARMING solar flare eruption, NOAA issues solar storm warning for Earth

Yesterday, the entirety of South America and large parts of Mexico, USA and Canada suffered shortwave radio blackouts after a powerful M8.6-class solar flare erupted on the unstable AR3234 sunspot. The flare which was just percentage points behind an X-class eruption came unexpectedly and affected drone pilots and ham radio operators in the region. However, the danger is not over. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has now issued a warning over a possible solar storm that is due to strike the

Fastest solar winds in years churn TERRIFYING solar storm on Earth; More expected

On February 24, it was first reported that the Sun was suffering from chain explosions caused by the sunspot AR3229 igniting multiple solar flares within itself that released huge amounts of solar particles into space. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that a double blow was coming for the Earth with a solar wind stream and a coronal mass ejection (CME) cloud both headed towards the Earth. Yesterday, February 27, the solar storm finally struck our planet and it was a terrifying event

Solar storm hits Earth after Sun spews out CME cloud; Luckily, THIS happened then

On February 17, an extreme solar flare eruption occurred on the Sun. The X2.2-class solar flare exploded on the sunspot AR3229 and became the strongest flare seen in the last two years. While the event caused radio blackout on the American continents, the event was concerning because there was a risk that it could channel further solar storm events on Earth by releasing coronal mass ejection (CME) clouds. The CME cloud finally hit the Earth yesterday, February 20, in alignment with the prediction by the National Oceanic

Dangerous CME to strike the Earth and cause massive solar storm; Know the danger

A large cloud of coronal mass ejection (CME) is moving towards the Earth and will cause a solar storm on January 19. Know how it can impact us. The solar activity on the Sun continues to increase as astronomers point out multiple sunspots emerging there. Reports suggest that if this continues, the month of January 2023 can break a 20-year record for highest number of sunspots in a month. And this record has terrifying consequences for the Earth. Our planet has already suffered multiple solar storms and solar flare

Solar wind shockwave sparks Dangerous solar storm on Earth; Know the consequences

A dangerous solar storm struck Earth yesterday, December 19 after a solar wind shockwave opened a crack in our planet’s magnetosphere. Check details. Last week, scientists observed a highly unstable sunspot emerge on the Earth-facing disk on the Sun. The sunspot, officially known as AR3165, has been experiencing multiple explosions and has erupted more than 18 M-class solar flares ever since December 15. However, the worst impact of it came yesterday, December 19, when a shockwave in the solar wind struck the