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WHO says there is a window of opportunity to limit outbreak

The World Health Organization has said that there is a "window" of opportunity to contain a recent monkeypox outbreak which has seen cases spread across Europe, the U.S. and Australia.Nurphoto | Nurphoto | Getty ImagesThe World Health Organization said Monday that it is too soon to tell whether a recent monkeypox outbreak could lead to a global pandemic, but noted that there is currently a window of opportunity to curb rising cases.The public health body said there are "still many unknowns" related to the spike in cases…

Monkeypox Outbreak Result Of Ignoring Early Warning Signs, Say Expert Read Here

Even as Monkeypox cases are surging globally, with Argentina adding up to the list of countries, scientists and health experts have suggested that early sign sof Monkeypox virus symptoms had been ignored and that resulted in this unprecedented outbreak of the same.  Mostly Monkeypox cases are being reported from endemic countries like Europe and US.  Read below to know how the Monkeypox outbreak could have been a result of ignorance.   Warnings of Monkeypox virus…

How bad could the monkeypox outbreak get?

As of May 26, the global monkeypox case count tops 350, with cases spread across 23 countries. It’s easy to get a little shpilkes while wondering, what exactly are we in for? How big will this outbreak get, and how long will it be around? In the early days of any outbreak, epidemiologists try to answer these questions by first asking a different one: Is this virus containable? That is, can its spread be stopped before it gets out of control? If it is, that means the outbreak could be in our rearview mirror before…

Monkeypox Outbreak: Tecovirimat Or Brincidofovir? Which Drug Is Beneficial? What Scientists Say

At least one antiviral medicine shows promise against monkeypox and should be investigated further, scientists said as the outbreak widens.  The finding is based on a single case that occurred in the UK before the current flare-up. The study, which calls for more research on a drug called tecovirimat, was published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal.  The study focused on seven cases of transmission outside of Africa, where the virus is considered endemic in a dozen…

Monkeypox outbreak ‘containable,’ says WHO, as confirmed cases hit 131

Monkeypox cases are being investigated in Europe, the U.S., Canada and Australia following a recent spike in infections.Jepayona Delita | Future Publishing | Getty ImagesThe World Health Organization said Tuesday that a recent outbreak of monkeypox cases in non-endemic countries is "containable," even as it continues to confound health experts.As of Tuesday, there were 131 confirmed cases and 106 suspected cases of the disease since the first was reported on May 7, according to the public health body. The cases are…

Smallpox Vaccine Enters Wider Production Amid Monkeypox Outbreak

Danish vaccine maker Bavarian Nordic A/S is making more of a smallpox vaccine typically stockpiled in case of biological warfare, as governments seek doses that also offer protection against monkeypox amid an unusual outbreak around the world. Monkeypox, a viral illness that is only rarely detected outside of Africa, has been reported in recent weeks in at least 17 countries including the U.S., U.K., Spain, Portugal and Australia, according to nonprofit data platform In the…

Monkeypox outbreak is primarily spreading through sex, WHO officials say

Pavlo Gonchar | Lightrocket | Getty ImagesAn outbreak of the monkeypox virus in North America and Europe is primarily spreading through sex among men with about 200 confirmed and suspected cases across at least a dozen countries, World Health Organization officials said Monday.The outbreak has quickly advanced across Europe and North America over the last week and is expected to be far more widespread as more doctors look for the signs and symptoms. Two confirmed and one suspected case of monkeypox in the U.K. were…

Everything You Need to Know About Monkeypox, And Why It’s Not a Cause For Fear

On 18 May 2022, Massachusetts health officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed a single case of monkeypox in a patient who had recently traveled to Canada. Cases have also been reported in the United Kingdom and Europe.  Monkeypox isn't a new disease. The first confirmed human case was in 1970, when the virus was isolated from a child suspected of having smallpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).Monkeypox is unlikely to cause another pandemic, but with COVID-19 top of mind, fear of…

Monkeypox outbreak questions intensify as cases soar | Science

The sudden appearance of monkeypox in 13 countries on four continents has jolted the public health community into action. A much milder cousin of smallpox that sporadically causes small outbreaks in Africa, monkeypox is thought to spread slowly and is unlikely to be a pandemic in the making. But scientists worry about the spread among men who have sex with men (MSM), who make up a disproportionate number of the cases so far. The outbreak is a strange and unsettling return to the…

Monkeypox Outbreak: Govt Asks Icmr, Ncdc To Be Vigilant As Cases Rise In Europe. 10 Updates

As more and more countries in Europe report monkeypox cases, along with US and Australia, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya has directed the National Centre for Disease Control and the ICMR to keep a close watch on the situation.  “Keep close watch on Monkeypox situation abroad; isolate sick passengers from affected countries and send their samples to NIV Pune for investigation", the Union Health Ministry said to the officials on Friday. WHO has called for an emergency…