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Surgeons Transplanted a Lab-Grown Ear From Patient’s Own Cells in Early Clinical Trial

A US medical team said Thursday they had reconstructed a human ear using the patient's own tissue to create a 3D bioimplant, a pioneering procedure they hope can be used to treat people with a rare birth defect.  The surgery was performed as part of an early-stage clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the implant for people with microtia, in which the external ear is small and not formed properly.AuriNovo, as the implant is called, was developed by the company 3DBio Therapeutics while the surgery was led…

Liver transplant patient surgery storage

“In the US, 70% of are not used. Whether we can rescue that 70%, I don’t know,” Clavien says. “But it’s exciting to try and rescue the organs that aren’t used, or the ones with problems that could be used. This liver was totally amazing.”   Once removed from their donor, livers are usually stored on ice for a maximum of 12 hours to prevent the cells from being damaged by the cold, which would decrease the chances of a successful transplant. This narrow window makes it difficult to match organs to people needing a donor…

Over 70% of US Doctors Could Still Opt For Unnecessary Antibiotics, New Study Reveals

For many years now, health authorities around the world have been trying to reduce the overuse of antibiotics in cases where they're not strictly needed, but a new study shows the message still isn't getting through – even within the medical community.  The problem is a serious one. In addition to the risk of side effects when antibiotics are prescribed unnecessarily, the specter of antibiotic resistance is a growing concern in global health, already constituting the third leading cause of death worldwide by some…

New Study Reveals The Inner Thoughts of People Mysteriously Frozen by Catatonia

Occasionally, as a doctor, I am asked to see a patient in the emergency department who is completely mute. They sit motionless, staring around the room. I lift up their arm and it stays in that position. Someone takes a blood test and they don't even wince. They haven't eaten or drunk anything for a day or two.  Questions start running through your mind. What's wrong with them? Would they respond to someone else? Do they have a brain injury? Are they putting it on? And – hardest of all – how am I to know what's going on…

An Introduction to Using TigerGraph with Go: Exploring COVID-19 Patient Cases | by Shreya Chaudhary | May, 2022

Querying a Graph Database Using TigerGraph and Golang Both Through the TigerGraph REST Endpoints and TigerGoImage from PixabayIntroductionRecently, I learned the basics of Go (Golang) and decided to build a TigerGraph Go package called TigerGo with my newfound knowledge. In this blog, I will walk through the basics of using the new library and how to create query a TigerGraph graph database with Go.ToolsTigerGo (v0.0.2): A new TigerGraph Go wrapper created today to interact with a TigerGraph graph database with…

First Patient Injected With Experimental Cancer-Killing Virus in New Clinical Trial

An experimental cancer-killing virus has been administered to a human patient for the first time, with hopes the testing will ultimately reveal evidence of a new means of successfully fighting cancer tumors in people's bodies.  The drug candidate, called CF33-hNIS (aka Vaxinia), is what's called an oncolytic virus, a genetically modified virus designed to selectively infect and kill cancer cells while sparing healthy ones.In the case of CF33-hNIS, the modified pox virus works by entering cells and duplicating itself.…

First human patient injected with revolutionary cancer-killing virus

Scientists have injected the first human patient with a new cancer-killing virus. The virus, known as Vaxinia, has seen successful tests in animals. However, the true test of its efficacy begins with this new clinical trial. Scientists just injected a human with a cancer-killing virus Image source: geargodz/Adobe It’s easy to hear the word virus and instantly think of something bad. After all, there are a lot of deadly viruses out there. However, scientists are using a new cancer-killing virus known as…

UnitedHealth Leans Into Telehealth to Reduce Costs, Meet Patient Needs

UnitedHealth Group Inc., the healthcare and health insurance giant, has built telehealth into strategies the company’s chief executive says are needed to reduce wasteful spending and meet the chronic need for more behavioral healthcare nationally. Not everyone will embrace its strategies, said UnitedHealth Chief Executive Officer Andrew Witty, speaking at The Wall Street Journal’s Future of Everything Festival. The Minnesota-based company owns the nation’s largest…

Patient charged $40 for crying during doctor’s appointment

Breadcrumb Trail Links Health and Wellness Health New York woman's bill included fee for 'brief emotional/behavioural assessment' Photo by Getty Images Article content A young woman in New York had been having health issues for some time and when she finally was able to see a doctor, she was so relieved that she had a brief cry. Article content “She has a rare disease so she’s been really struggling to find care,” big sister Camille Johnson said in a tweet thread. “She got emotional because…

AI Can Predict People’s Race From X-Ray Images, And Scientists Are Concerned

Deep learning models based on artificial intelligence can identify someone's race just from their X-rays, new research has revealed – something that would be impossible for a human doctor looking at the same images.  The findings raise some troubling questions about the role of AI in medical diagnosis, assessment, and treatment: could racial bias be unintentionally applied by computer software when studying images like these?Having trained their AI using hundreds of thousands of existing X-ray images labeled with details…